The Best Way to Do Yoga for Absolute Beginners – wikiHow

Posted: November 17, 2017 at 4:47 am

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Yoga is a physical and mental practise that originated from Hinduism in ancient India. Get the benefits of yoga; Relax in a few minutes with an easy yoga series. Learn yoga from a video with beautiful music. The first ten minutes we learn some basic yoga exercises and the last minutes we meditate with some mantras and the muscle relaxation. If you have little time, make only the yoga exercises or the meditation. Do yoga at least twice a week so that you stay healthy, fit and happy.


Lie down on your back and relax. Feel the air around you, and breathe it in and out. Try to relax your body, and clear your mind of thoughts.


Raise the outstretched right leg and hold it in the air. Then raise the left leg in the air and hold it.


Raise both legs and the head in the air. Hold it as long as possible and breathe, relaxed, on your belly.


Go into the candle, raise the butt and the legs to the sky. The hands will strengthen your back. Move your feet and relax a minute in the candle.


Lie down again and rotate the spine some times. Turn the pelvis to the right and the head to the left. And the other way round. Twist the spine as far as possible.


Turn in the prone position and raise the right outstretched leg. Hold it and breathe, relaxed, in your belly. Then raise the left leg and hold it in the air.


Put your head backwards and bring your feet as far as possible to the head. The legs are in the air and the hands lie beside the body on the ground. They support the position. We hold the bow, breath relaxed into the belly and move the feet.


Lie the head on your hands, move your feet and relax.


Sit cross-legged or in the heel seat. The back is straight and the belly relaxed. Think one minute, the mantra "Om Shanti", an important Hindu chant. Think it so fast, that all thoughts come to rest. Then move a hand in blessing and think: "I send light to (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy."


Lie down and make the muscles relax. Tense the muscles of the legs and feet. Relax. Tense the muscles of the arms and hands. Relax. Tense the muscles of the head and the face. Relax. Tense the muscles of the whole body. Relax. Move the feet. Relax completely for some minutes. Go peacefully and happy your way.

Is it bad for me to criss cross my legs?

wikiHow Contributor

No, only if you feel extreme pain or discomfort while doing it, then just criss-cross them as comfortably as possible.

How can I do yoga when my body is not flexible?

wikiHow Contributor

Be patient, and respect your body's limits. If you approach yoga too aggressively, you won't see much improvement, and might hurt yourself. A skilled yoga teacher can help you adjust each pose to work within your limits, and gradually expand them. Many poses have several variations, and the goal is to pick the variation where you can stay relaxed with good form but still be challenged. Don't be afraid to pick an "easier" variation, but perform it well, instead of straining through something too advanced. Learn how to use props (blocks, bolsters and straps) to support your body.

Please tell me that how many days and how much time is required for each step?

Do yoga every day for a quarter of an hour.

What if I can't put my head to my feet?

wikiHow Contributor

It's okay if you can't put your head to your feet, everyone's body is different. Go as far as you comfortably can, the idea is to get a good stretch. You may find you become more flexible over time.

Whats are the benefits of yoga exercise?

wikiHow Contributor

It helps to relax your body and remove stress. If you do yoga regularly, you will feel calmer and less angry or stressed.

Will yoga help strengthen my body?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes, yoga will strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility.

Dose yoga help with heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure?

Yoga can be helpful with a lot of medical problems. Yoga is used for relaxation, strength, flexibility, and posture correction. That said, it should NEVER be used to replace medication.

How many calories does yoga burn?

wikiHow Contributor

The number of calories you'll expend doing yoga is based on your body weight and workout duration. If you weigh 125 pounds, you'll burn about 120 calories, and if you weigh 185 pounds you'll expend 178 calories in 30 minutes doing yoga, according to Harvard Health Publications.

How do I relax before a musical recital?

wikiHow Contributor

Go to your happy place, a place that calms you down and relaxes you and when you get on stage and you are feeling, then nervous go back to that place.

My mind is always running and I can't relax. Any tips for relaxing?

wikiHow Contributor

Try chakra meditation, as well as meditation. Healing your chakras will especially help.

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Categories: Yoga

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The Best Way to Do Yoga for Absolute Beginners - wikiHow

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Written by grays |

November 17th, 2017 at 4:47 am

Posted in Yoga

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