Local yoga teacher coauthors new anthology The Sopris Sun – soprissun.com

Posted: April 13, 2024 at 2:37 am

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Amy Harris, a local yoga teacher and energy and embodiment mentor in the Valley, has coauthored an anthology book which tells the stories of eight master students of Teo Alfero, a renowned spiritual teacher and shamanic practitioner who spearheaded the collaboration.

Transmission: An Anthology of Consciousness, Dreaming and Heart also features the stories of Jen Ziegner, Nicholette Routhier, Lauren Jane Heller, Stefanie Menack, Wendy Cirello, Erin Kinney and Janet Douglas. The book dives into each authors experience and touches upon Alferos specific technique for teaching practical consciousness known as recapitulation. Harris described it as a life assessment where events and relationships are viewed energetically to better understand them.

What were hearing from our readers is the different perspectives and versions of the journey helps people find themselves in the process. Im really proud of it, and us, she said.

Harris described the project as a journey filled with ups and downs, but rewarding, due to the nature of the stories presented. The communication between all of us was precisely what we needed, she stated. Personally, the hardest part is that theres a lot of vulnerable stuff in the stories. To show up and say look at how wild my life is is hard.

No stranger to spirituality or methods to deepen ones consciousness, Harris said she has been practicing for the majority of her life. She now holds a masters degree in spiritual science. She then began her career as a yoga teacher and started working with Alfero in 2020.

I did my first personal growth seminar when I was 8 years old, she said. My mom is really into spirituality, so its been something infused into my world for a long time Ive been immersed in spiritual endeavors in a practical way. Its always been a very practical set of questions Ive asked throughout my life: How does this actually matter on earth? How does this actually impact my life and the people I connect with?

The title of the book is a reference to the transmission of energy in all settings. It also represents the transmissions of each coauthors personal energy, depicted with nine symbols forming a circle on the books cover.

Each of those symbols is as close as we can get to a symbol of each persons transmission, Harris said. For example, Teo [Alfero] runs a wolf sanctuary and does wolf therapy and has done that for over 15 years. His transmission is very wolf-like.

For upcoming projects, Harris mentioned she is already in dialogue with her coauthors and Alfero about conducting a workshop based on the book. She hopes to do this in collaboration with a yoga studio based in Carbondale.

To keep up with Amy Harris and her classes, visit http://www.theamyh.com

To sign up for an online course with a four-day retreat taught by Harris and Alfero, visit http://www.teoalfero.com/thethreshold

Excerpt from:
Local yoga teacher coauthors new anthology The Sopris Sun - soprissun.com

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April 13th, 2024 at 2:37 am

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