Get a six pack in 15 minutes with this yoga-inspired core blaster – T3

Posted: July 5, 2020 at 11:44 pm

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Obtaining a six-pack or achieving the flat stomach of your dreams doesn't necessarily mean spending the rest of your days performing crunches or repping out sit-ups in a dark corner of your local gym, when gyms reopen.

Yoga, often perceived as a spiritual undertaking to cleanse the mind, is also fantastic for building overall strength, especially when it comes to the core muscles. We think it's one of the top 5 reasons you should try yoga, other than the attractive athleisure-wear buying opportunities it brings. In fact, it plays a starring role in our drive to help you get fit in 2020, and it's a great way to find out how to get a six pack.

Hannah Barrett (@yoga_girl_london), a yoga instructor, author and health and fitness specialist, believes yoga is the perfect way to increase happiness, while improving overall fitness levels and strength.

"This quick workout aims to fire up your core with five of my favourite yoga-inspired core-burning drills. They will help you build strength, power up your practice and work up a sweat. No need for gym equipment, just roll out your mat and put on some favourite tunes," she says.

On top of this, Hannah believes working the core is the best way to move from her basic yoga for beginners workout to more complex yoga moves.

"If youre looking to get into arm balances and inversions, or simply hold these moves for longer, then strong core muscles are key.

"They also can help alleviate back pain, improve posture and keep the stomach toned. This fiery sequencebuilds yourcorefrom the inside out," she says.

Also, make sure you follow Hannah on Instagram for plenty more tips, workout videos and expert advice to get you feeling chilled and improving fitness levels.

Find you inner Zen with this yoga workout

(Image credit: Chevanon Photography from Pexels)

"Focus on moving mindfully with your breath and keeping a strong core to help you control the movements. Listen to your body and take it to the level that is right for you. It is always possible to adapt the moves slightly to work with your level of strength and flexibility," she says

Yoga Burpees

Main muscles targeted: Deep core, quads, glutes, hamstrings and shoulders

Start at the top of the mat, feet slightly wider than hip width and at 45 degree angles. Now, exhale and slowly sit the hips down towards the mat into a 'yogi squat'. Keep the chest lifted and the core engaged.

Place the hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder distance apart. Jump the feet back to plank and then jump straight back into the yogi squat (keeping the core strong and a gentle bend in the elbows). You can always step the feet backward instead of jumping, if required.

Inhale and pushing through the balls of the feet and engaging the glutes, return to standing position for one rep. Repeat this ten times.

A quick look at yoga's version of a classic burpee

(Image credit: Hannah Barrett)

Chair to Warrior 3

Main muscles targeted: Deep core, quads, glutes, hamstrings and shoulders

Start in chair pose, sit the hips back and squeeze the glutes. Inhale lifting the right knee up towards the chest.

Now exhale, sending the right foot back behind you, folding the torso forward until the right leg is fully extended behind you, leg fully engaged and hips square to the floor.

Straighten the left leg, pressing firmly into the big toe and spreading the weight over the entire foot. Inhale and bring the right knee forwards, bending into the left leg and returning to one legged chair with hands at the heart centre.

Exhale, returning the foot to the floor and arms above the head into one-legged chair. Repeat ten times and then switch legs and repeat.

The complex but worth it Chair to Warrior 3

(Image credit: Hannah Barrett)

Down Dog Flow

Main muscles targeted: core, quads, hamstrings, calves, lats and shoulders

Starting in downward facing dog, lift the seat bones up, keeping the spine long and moving the chest towards the thighs. Draw the heels towards the ground and actively press into the hand, externally rotating the upper arms to widen the shoulder blades away from the spine. Engage the core by hugging navel to spine, keeping the ribs drawn in.

Inhale and reach the right leg to the sky pointing through the toes engaging the glutes and keeping the hips square. This is three legged dog.

As you exhale, pull the right knee in towards the nose and hinge the weight forward, so the shoulders are over the wrists. Push the ground away, rounding the back and keeping the core super strong.

Inhale back to three legged dog and repeat ten times. Return to downward facing dog and repeat with the left leg.

Downward Dog Flow works lots of muscle groups

(Image credit: Hannah Barrett)

Side Plank Leg Lifts

Main muscles targeted - Glute med, external obliques, deep core and shoulders

Begin in a side plank with the left arm to the sky. Stack the hips and draw the waist upwards, pushing firmly through the right hand to stabilise the shoulder. There is also the option to drop the lower knee to make it easier.

Keep the hips facing forwards and stacked as you inhale and lift the top leg up and exhale to lower the leg back down. Repeat for ten reps and then repeat on the opposite side.

(Image credit: Hannah Barrett)

Dead Bugs

Main muscles targeted - deep core, deltoids, hip flexors

Begin on your back with the arms raised, fingers pointing to the ceiling. Bring the knees up over the hips, bent at 90-degrees with the shins parallel to the floor.

Now engage the core. There should only be a small gap between the lower back and the ground, which should stay the same size throughout this exercise.

Exhale and at the same time, slowly lower the right arm backwards and the left leg forwards, also lowering it and extending the knee until they are both hovering off the floor. Keep the core engaged, making sure the lower back isn't overarching. If it this is too intense, drop one foot to the ground and do one side at a time.

Inhale and slowly return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite side. Repeat ten times on each side.

Hannah demonstrates the 'Dead Bugs' pose

(Image credit: Hannah Barrett)

Read the rest here:
Get a six pack in 15 minutes with this yoga-inspired core blaster - T3

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Written by admin |

July 5th, 2020 at 11:44 pm

Posted in Yoga

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