The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda – Cancer Wisdom

Posted: December 27, 2021 at 2:03 am

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Governments worldwide push for the transhumanism agenda. Find out why they want to remove genders and create synthetic humans. Discover how COVID-19 vaccines, artificial intelligence, and 5G relate to transhumanism and how to stop it.


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The pharmaceutical industry is an evil and corrupt institution. Every year people die of their toxic drugs and cancer treatments. The only thing these companies care about is money.

If you thought that killing people for profit was terrible, their next big project is even worse than that. It's called transhumanism.

Julian Huxley coined the term transhumanism in 1957

The English biologist and philosopher Julian Huxley coined the term in 1957. Transhumanism is a movement that wants to" improve" the human body with technologies. Ways to achieve this goal include:

Governments around the world have in recent years pushed for the transhumanism agenda. Transgender propaganda and programming confuse young peoples' self-identity. The media, government departments, medical professionals, and academic institutions are all in on it.

We have no-gender toilets and the banning of male-female terms such as boy and girl, mum and dad. BBC's program for kids as young as six features a child taking hormone-blocking drugs.

The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human. Today's young are the biggest target because they will be the adults when it becomes a reality.

The first step in the transhuman transition is to remove gender-specific pronouns.

Governments want us to use new transgender pronouns. Pronouns are words that we use to replace nouns in a sentence. Today we refer to women as she/her/hers/herself. Or men with he/him/his/himself.

The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human

They/them pronouns are most popular by non-binary people. They are individuals who don't identify only as men or women. Transgender can also use other pronouns called Neopronouns.

Neopronouns are any third-person pronouns not officially recognized in the language. Some examples include:

Governments worldwide push us to use transgender pronouns. If we don't obey, we may face persecution.

It's now illegal in some places not to use the correct pronoun. People have lost their jobs for not using the correct pronoun for a female identifying as a male or vice versa.

In May 2019, a court ruled the father's "misgendering" of his child as "family violence." He called his daughter a girl and not a boy. A court ordered him to stop using female pronouns.

The girl's mother supports both social transition and hormonal treatments. But the father does not. The government decided that the sex change will happen, and the father has no say in the matter.

We can decide our gender according to transhumans

There is also a push for gender-neutral words. Breastfeeding will become "chestfeeding." Breastmilk is "human milk."

Other changes include replacing "woman" with "person." Or "father" with "parent", "co-parent" or "second biological parent".

A film made by BBC Teach explained that there are more than 100 different gender identities. Our sexual organs are no longer the deciding factor in determining what gender we have. We are gender fluent and can decide whether we are men or women.

You can identify as a male in the morning and a female in the evening. Creepy men can say they are women to enter female locker rooms and change back after they leave.

In the United States, about 0.58% of the adult population identifies as transgender. Why are governments focused on not offending a minuscule part of the population? Who benefits by us removing genders?

To find out the answer, we need to follow the money.

In an earlier blog post, I described how the oil billionaire John D. Rockefeller took over the medical industry. Rockefeller gave grants to medical schools to teach allopathic medicine. He found a way to make drugs by using his oil.

Private bankers met at Jekyll Island and highjacked the financial system

Rockefeller and other private bankers such as the Rothschilds and Warburgs met at Jekyll Island in 1910.

During this meeting, they created the Federal Reserve Act. In 1913 Congress passed the bill, and the president signed it in December the same year.

This act gave private bankers the power to issue money. Since then, they have used the control of the monetary system to manipulate the world to their plan.

Only a few families control the world.

Thirteen Elite banking families control where the money goes or doesn't. Private banks can lend money that doesn't exist. They create something called credit and charge interest on it. Controlling the creation and circulation of money is holding the system together.

The Rothchild dynasty is at the forefront of the monetary system. One percent of humanity owns the majority of the world's wealth. This scam is possible by centuries of manipulation of the financial system.

A small group of people controls the world through the financial system

Money is debt in its creation. The goal of the monetary system is to turn everyone into slaves. We can never pay back the debt, and therefore we're are always enslaved to the banking system.

You would think that with their vast wealth, the financial Elite would be satisfied. What more is there to strive for if you have unlimited wealth?

When you have everything you want, there is only one more thing that you can strive for: power.

To understand why the financial Elite wants power, we need to learn about the ego. Almost every person has an ego. It's a false self created by our negative thoughts.

Deep inside, we are complete. Love is the core of our being. The only thing hindering us from seeing it is our negative thoughts. Enlightened human beings have all found that happiness can only come by silencing the mind.

It's nothing you can find in external things. Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions. But everyone following that path doesn't find everlasting happiness.

Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions.

The ego believes that it can become complete by getting more. But it will never become satisfied. The financial Elite has enormous egos. They think that they can achieve happiness by controlling the world.

Elite bankers believe that they are above everyone else and need to control us for the greater good. They want to create a world government so they can rule us.

To achieve this dystopia, they need us to become dependent on the state. So how can they do that? By breaking our independence.

There are certain things that humans need to thrive. We need food, water, shelter, energy, and community.

Even if a tiny amount of people control our monetary system, there are still ways to get relative freedom. Growing vegetables is one way you can become independent of other people.

One way to become independent is by growing vegetables and fruits

But the financial Elite made it harder for us to grow our food. Strict zoning laws and restrictions make it near impossible for small farmers to survive.

Governments take over more farms. They can then control our food supply, and the only way to survive is to obey the government.

Another way to get relative freedom is to create a business.

We can become more self-sufficient if we create our own company. To break our independence, governments have to stop us from doing business.

That is what is happening right now. The COVID-19 hoax prevents people from running their businesses. Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive.

Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive

Instead, there is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the financial Elite. If this economic takeover continues, the middle class will disappear. What's left is an upper-class and a low-class population.

If people cannot have their business or work, the only way they can survive is through government handouts. Another term for it is Universal Basic Income(UBI).

It's a communist-style economy where everyone works for the government. The world government will decide what job you should pursue. One vital step in the world government takeover is Agenda 21.

The whole COVID-19 agenda is a tool to destroy the economy. Elite bankers plan to create a world government that controls all commerce. They want to develop a ministry of trade that absorbs all businesses through Agenda 21/2030.

Agenda 21 is a U.N. project to install the world government structure. It started at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is since updated to Agenda 2030.

Agenda 21/2030 is a Trojan horse for global communism

The United Nations is a creation of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Rockefellers donated the land on which the U.N. headquarters stands.

The goal of Agenda 21 is to limit our freedom and to centralize power. Global warming is an excuse to remove our rights and let the government repress us.

Evil banking families have also taken control over the energy sector. They regulate the creation of electricity and oil through constant wars.

The Elite also controls our politicians and "democratic" system.

Democracy is a myth. We live under a global dictatorship without knowing it. There is no left or right. Once you have your political and economic structures in place, you can get any leader you want

There is no need to control all political parties, although they often do. You only need to choose the candidates that can win. Almost every country only has two or three parties that have any chance of forming a government. In the background, all answer to the same force.

Most leaders follow banker families

The reason why we don't hear about them is that Elite bankers hide in the background. Secret societies and satanic networks control the world through a spider web.

For a tiny financial Elite to control us, they need to centralize power. That's why we have governments and central banks.

Governments are taking over more resources around the world. Every day it becomes harder to survive in the world without the government.

Even if these banking families regulate our means of survival, they can't control us entirely. The last puzzle piece used to enslave us is by manipulating our reproduction and independent thinking. One primary facilitator of our brainwashing is the mainstream media.

The term "media" comes from "medium," which means an "intervening substance." Legislators needs to regulate information to control our perception.

A handful of giant corporations own the American media. You see different television and radio channels, newspapers, and magazines on any subject. There seems to be an endless choice from independent sources. But only six corporations control most of them.

The CIA maintains a massive network of foreign individuals around the world. These people give the CIA direct access to many newspapers and news agencies. They also help the CIA control radio and television stations and book publishers.

Only a few companies control our news

American and European media coordinate with each other. They spin and repeat the same stories required by the CIA and the web. The news propaganda brainwashes many people.

But when things become more extreme, even the press cannot deceive us anymore. If people see through government lies, they are impossible to control.

"It is possible to discipline and control some societies for some time, but not the whole world all the time.

One of the most desirable things we want is freedom. If we crave it bad enough, there is nothing that's going to stop us from getting it.

Even if you lose everything, the only thing you have left is your independent thinking. If you want to have total power, you need to restrain external conditions and thoughts. It's here the transhuman agenda comes in.

The financial Elite's ultimate goal is to create a fascistic society which they control. They call it The New World Order. It's a civilization that George Orwell described in his book 1984.

Everyone had to listen to everything Big brother said. Big brother monitored every thought and punished disobedience. If the financial Elite can control our thoughts and bodies, we become their slaves.

The transhumanism agenda has nothing to do about trans people's rights. It has more to do with control. Elite bankers have serious plans to create synthetic humans.

Elite bankers want to create a global government and enslave humans

It's an old plan which the author Audley Huxley warned about in his book A Brave New World. Aldous Huxley described in his book about laboratory babies.

Natural reproduction stopped, and scientists raised children in "hatcheries." From birth, people fit into one of the five genetic castes. "Plus" and "Minus" members fulfilled predetermined positions within the World State.

Population control is a vital piece of the transhumanism agenda.

In an earlier blog post, I exposed The Rockefellers' obsession with eugenics. Bill Gates is also a big promoter of population control. His father was once the leader of Planned Parenthood.

It's an organization created by the Rockefellers. Planned Parenthood helps women prevent pregnancies.

If you want to control the world population, the first step is to reduce it. Today there are close to 8 billion people on the earth.

A mysterious stone in Georgia says that humanity needs to maintain itself under 500 million

To create the world government, the Elite believes that over 90% of the population has to go. One number I have heard is 500 million people. You can see it on the Georgia Guidestones.

The best way to reduce the population is to stop our sexual reproduction. That way, the only means to reproduce is through cloning.

But don't you need our DNA to do that?

There are several ways the Elite collects our genetic code. One way is through Ancestry DNA. It is a subsidiary of, the biggest for-profit genealogy company in the world.

You might have heard about services where you send saliva samples to analyze your ancestry. DNA-testing 23andMe is a "personal genomics and biotechnology" company.

Its center is in Silicon Valley, near Google and Facebook headquarters. The CEO Anne Wojcicki is the former wife of Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.

Several ancestry services collect DNA samples for the transhumanism agenda

Her sister, Susan Wojcicki, is CEO of Google-owned YouTube. Google invested almost $4 million in 23andMe. I will later reveal the connection Big Tech companies like Google have to the transhuman A.I. agenda.

The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda - Cancer Wisdom

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Written by admin |

December 27th, 2021 at 2:03 am

Posted in Transhumanism

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