The Evolution of Elementals – Caring for Pets – Video

Posted: March 3, 2012 at 1:18 am

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09-09-2011 19:08 Dogs can transform into humans! My notes on this discourse by David Lewis- Elementals have conscious awareness to a degree. When they are trained and faithful this increases their awareness into higher awareness. Their obedience and adoration of their owners enables them to leap into a higher consciousness and earn their 3-fold flame. The same dynamic occurs between man and the saints in heaven (the Ascended Masters). Think how dogs desire to serve and cherish. This is the same type of energy we can have towards God and the Ascended Masters. This love helps us to leap into the ascension. Dogs make the leap so do we! The Ascension process happens throughout all life. Those who have pets take care of them and love and feed them. The Ascended Masters support and love us and feed us their Light. When we mindfully take care of our pets and communicate with them lovingly, discerning their needs we become more evolved and sensitive. See your pets as living entities of Light, of God, created by God and giving us an opportunity to grow. See this same dynamic in our relationships with angels and Masters as we work on ourselves and evolve.

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The Evolution of Elementals - Caring for Pets - Video

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March 3rd, 2012 at 1:18 am

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