Why Personal Development? – 7 Reasons Why – Razvan Dobre.com
Posted: September 3, 2015 at 10:42 am
Why Personal Development? - 7 Reasons On Why You Should Start Your Personal Development Quest
Maybe you are asking yourself : "What benefits do I get if I choose to continuously improve myself? Or why personal development? Why should I make the effort of starting a personal development quest?"
If this is the case, or if simply you want some things to motivate you into taking the first step and you are searching for a couple of reasons on why you should start your personal development quest, then this little list may be of help to you. Have a pleasant reading!
1. Why should I start my personal development quest? Reason No.1 Make new friends
Do you want to have more friends? If you do, then start improving on yourself and friends will come. Some people find this the most important reason to start their personal development quest. They have a couple of friends or none at all and they wished they had a lot of friends to talk to and share things with. If you are like that then personal development is definitely for you.
Maybe you have friends, and maybe you are content with your life, but one day you just look around you and you don't like what you see. You don't like your friends anymore and you feel as if you aren't really living the life you should. This happens to most of us and one very important thing to do to change all this, although sometimes very painful, is to change your friends. Sometimes, your friends are really dragging you down and keeping you from having the life you deserve.
It might not be on purpose, your friends might be swell guys/girls but you might realize that what you want isn't at all what they want as well. They might want to sit back and have an easy life, and that's ok. But if you want to be more successful in life, to meet new people, to live in a better place, to build a business, etc. then your friends will not understand because they just don't want that. Even more, they will often bring you down with negative talk and by "advising" to slow down and do as they do.
If you really want to do more with your life it's time to search for new friends. I'm not saying to get rid of your old friends! You can keep a good relationship with them, just don't talk to them about things that they won't understand. Try to find people that support you, that do what you are doing, and talk to them. Talk to them a lot.
See how they do it and help them as well. But how do I met new people, people that are doing something with their life? You improve on yourself and those people will come. It's like magic. When you are doing something, you are attracting people that do the same thing as you. If you sit back and relax, people that do the same will become your friends. If you try to constantly improve yourself by reading books, watching personal development videos, listening to self improvement tapes, talking to people that are trying to improve as well, you will attract people that do the same, and they will become your friends.
Don't ask why is that, it's just is. I'm sure that if you think about it you will see that this is the case for you too. Just think of what kind of friends you have and you will see. Remember, if you want to have new friends, friends that focus on personal development, you have to do what they are doing. Soon you will have a lot of friends that will want to help you improve, friends that you can count on and people that you can relate to and have a good talk with.
After talking to them you will always feel that you have gained something more than you knew before the talk. This is like the difference between talking to ordinary people about how to make money and learning ordinary things about that and then talking to people that make a lot of money and learning more interesting things (like making money). It's a huge difference!
2. Why should I start my personal development quest? Reason No.2 Discover what you love to do in life.
By choosing to start your personal development quest, you will be able to discover what you really want to in life. Most people will never know this, ever. They will accept what is given to them and do it until the day they die. Is this what you want? If so, then stop reading this and do something else. If you want more from your life you have to ask questions like: "what do I really want to do, like to do in life?"
Don't tell me that you don't know because I'm sure that somewhere in your heart you have the answer. Don't say that you love to do this or that but you can't make money with what you want to do and what you are good at, because you can. As soon as you know what you really want to do and what you naturally feel attraction towards, you will start seeing the big picture: how to make money doing what you love.
The important thing here is to realize what you love to do and the money will follow. You may not believe this but people that know exactly what they are good at, have more fun at work and make a lot more money then people who jump from job to job, going were they are paid better. People that are only after the money will never feel the joy of doing what they love to do and not what they think they have to do to survive.
Personal development can give you the joy you deserve. You just have to want to improve your life and be willing to make the effort to get results. I'm going to talk a lot about how you can discover what you truly love to do in life and how to get money from that in another article.
3. Why should I start my personal development quest? Reason no.3 Get a better job and a bigger salary
By getting things done faster and better, you will become a valuable asset to the company that you work for. You will have more influence in talking to your superiors and you will probably be asked when a decision is made regarding your department. You will get more and more power and respect and you will have better chances of getting a much better salary than what you have now. When people see that you care about your work, and you do it great, they will offer you a raise!
Personal development will also help you have better relatioships with all the people that you work with. This will make your work easier and even fun. You might feel as if you are not even working, you are doing things with some of your friends and you are even getting paid for this! Wouldn't this be a great change!
A tip here: try to think what I just said: think that you aren't working, you are merely doing some interesting things with a couple of friends and someone is paying you for this. This will help you feel better at work and improve the time you spend at work. You will feel better and if you repeat this little exercise you will soon feel that it's turned into reality and your co-workers are now your friends.
If you are looking to leave your current job behind, in the future, personal development can also help. Once you learn how to do your job better, you will be able to ask for a better salary or working conditions, and if you don't receive them, you can quit, knowing that you have enough knowledge to make other companies interested in your services.
4. Why should I start my personal development quest? Reason no.4 Learn how to deal with problems/tragedies
Personal development means learning how to deal with difficult problems or situations. By improving and practicing this, you will become a great problem solver, both at work and in your personal life. You can become a little expert in these sort of situations and you might even become respected for knowing how to solve problems.
Also, you will be stronger when a tragedy hits you, your company or even your family. You will learn secret techniques that will be very useful in this sort of situations. Each problem will make you stronger instead of making you weaker. You will discover how to take the best parts from every problem you may encounter so that next time when something similar occurs, you will deal with it better.
Personal development skills allow you to improve the relationships with difficult people. You will be able to understand the reasons behind a certain behavior and how to deal with it efficiently. This is great if you are a manager to a difficult group of people or even if you have friends/relatives that are these sort of persons.
You will find solutions faster and you won't need to argue with someone just to prove a point. Your solutions will be favorable both to you and the other person and this way you will avoid most of the other persons arguments.
5. Why should I start my personal development quest? Reason no.5 Improve your health
Personal development means getting better in most areas of your life, if not all of them. This means health too. Your health is the most important thing on the list (or at least it should be). Without health you couldn't do much. By improving the quality of your life, the quality of your food, you will also improve your health.
Personal development means a good physical and mental health. Your physical health is determined by the food you eat, the amount and quality of your workout, the quality of the air you breath, sleep, etc. The mental health depends on the amount of worries you let into your head. This is crucial! If you let worries overwhelm you your mental health will suffer.
But, in time, by learning how other people deal with worries and using their knowledge. Worries are mostly useless as you will see. There not all useless because if we didn't worry about anything we would all be kind of lazy and wouldn't do anything. When you learn how to replace worries with positive thoughts your mental health will improve a lot. You will become more healthy and you will be happier and joyful.
Mental health is more important than physical health, because your brain controls your body and not the other way around. This is why you must focus mostly on your mental health. You will learn this in time, if you choose to start your personal development quest.
6. Why should I start my personal development quest? Reason no.6 Learn more about yourself
Personal development offers you the chance to learn more about yourself, your good parts and your not as good parts. You must be willing and ready to discover things about yourself, some will be fine but others may be frightening. But, it's always best to know your strengths and weaknesses so you can improve on them. By knowing what you like and what you dislike, you will be able to make good decisions faster, because you will know what you want from yourself and from life.
If you love to find out things about your own person, then personal development is going to fit you great! If you are scared of what you may discover in this process, let me tell you this: to live a wonderful, complete life you must be willing to "go the distance" as Hercules from the movie with the same name, would say. You must have a burning desire to change and you must face the fact that you will learn some things about you, some good and some bad. We all have them so don't be afraid, you are not alone.
The price to pay for a changed life is nothing compared to the exciting moments that await you in the future if you choose the quest. People that choose to face their fears, whatever these fears may be, will always be stronger, happier and bursting with self confidence. They will walk and talk confidently. People around them will admire and respect their opinions, because everyone wants to be able to face his/her fears, but only few choose to do so.
We all can face our deepest fears, but we won't do it. You know why? Yes, you have guess it: because we are afraid. I hope you take your fear and shake it as hard as you can and then walk all over it! I really hope you do - it's not that hard as you think! It's like going to take a flu shot. Some people are terrified of that, but once they do it, it feels like it was nothing. It's the same with the fear, it just seems impossible to surpass, when, in reality it's not that tough.
7. Why should I start my personal development quest? Reason no.7 Be proud of your life
Are you proud of your life? Think about it. Are you? I hope you are, but if you aren't, would you like to be? Of course you would. Wouldn't you like to make something that will remain after you are gone, something that would help others. Something that people would point to and say: "this is made by that great ... <- your name here. I really liked to meet him/her. I wish I could do what he/she did"
But how do you know when you should feel proud? You will just know. I've said this before in The meaning of your life : you will have found the meaning of life and you can be proud of yourself when you can read the following and feel that it applies to you.
"When we are born into this world, everyone laughs while we are crying. Be sure, that by your actions, when the time for you to go will come, you will be the one laughing, while everyone else will be crying." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you start your personal development quest sooner, you will get the chance to change your life faster, but if you postpone this and say: "It sounds alright, but I really don't have time to do this now. I'll do it later" know that it is not you that it is talking, it's the fear inside you that's telling you what to do! Don't let fear push you around! Push back 10 times as harder and make fear wish it had never met you in the first place!
I embrace you, Razvan
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Here is the original post:
Why Personal Development? - 7 Reasons Why - Razvan Dobre.com
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