The ‘God’ Part of The Brain | A Scientific Interpretation …

Posted: June 26, 2015 at 2:43 am

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"ExcellentReading!" EdwardO.Wilson, Pulitzer Prize Winner

"Alper uses a Socratic technique to brilliantly and flawlessly argue that our concepts of spirit and God are derived from the mechanics of our brain...enormously important...full of scientific and philosophical truths." TranspersonalReview

"This is an essential book for those in search of a scientific understanding of man's spiritual nature. Matthew Alper navigates the reader through a labyrinth of intriguing questions and then offers undoubtedly clear answers that lead to a better understanding of our objective reality." ElenaRusyn, MD, Ph.D.; Gray Laboratory; Harvard Medical School

"Brilliant...Provocative...Revolutionary." Dr.ArnoldSadwin, Former Head of University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Hospital of Neuropsychiatry; Who's Who in Science, 1995; in Medicine, 1996

"Hauntingly Logical...Fascinating" ArtBell, "Coast to Coast am"

"An atheist edictmasterfully researcheda brilliant analysis of religiosity without the usual vitriolicpresented with a razorlike clarity, logic and aplomb. A must read for any thinking person." Sarah Harney, Ph.D. Baruch College, Math Professor

"This cult classic in many ways parallels Rene Descartes' search for reliable and certain knowledge...Drawing on such disciplines as philosophy, psychology, anthropology and biology, Alper argues that belief in a spiritual realm is the product of an evolutionary adaptationa coping mechanismthat emerged to help humankind deal with the fear of death. Highly recommended." LibraryJournal

"All 6 billion plus inhabitants of Earth should be in possession of this book. Alper's tome should be placed in the sacred writings section of libraries, bookstores, and dwellings throughout the world. Matthew Alper is the new Galileo. Immensely important. Defines in a clear and concise manner what each of us already knew but were afraid to admit and exclaim. The cat's out of the bag." JohnScoggins, Ph.D.

"Alper deftly pries open the human mind offering us a rare glance into its secret inner workingsincluding the tricks it plays on usmost particularly the one in which it tells us to believe in a transcendental reality: spirits, gods and the likejust to make us feel better or, as Alper puts it, "in order to enable us to survive our unique awareness of death." I would go as far as to say that through this work, Alper has solved the problem of God. Though it may have been Nietzsche who initially speculated that God was dead, I believe Alper has plunged the final dagger." AllenKane Ph.D.

"Thank you for making sense out of the hunches and gut feelings I've had for years. I feel more peaceful and positive now. I hope that the candle you've lit in the vast darkness will burn as bright as the sun." JohnEmerson, Ph.D.

See the original post:
The 'God' Part of The Brain | A Scientific Interpretation ...

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Written by grays |

June 26th, 2015 at 2:43 am

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