The calendar

Posted: December 27, 2013 at 10:49 pm

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Information for the Community Calendar should be submitted in writing no later than one week before the event. Send to The Mining Journal, Attention: Newsroom/Community Calendar, Box 430, Marquette, MI 49855.


Lake Superior Zendo - Zazen (Zen Buddhist meditation) meets at 7:40 a.m., 8:30 a.m.; morning service at 9:10 a.m. Call 226-6407 for location and details.

12-Step Recovery Groups - offered daily at the Alano Club, 1202 S. Front St., Marquette. For a complete AA meetings list visit

Soo Bahk Do Karate - class for orange belt and higher ages 7-adult and white belt teens/adults offered 9-10 a.m., beginners age 7-12 10-11 a.m. Private lessons by appointment. Marquette Soo Bahk Do Academy, 1200 S. Front St., Marquette. Call 226-4723.

Alcoholics Anonymous - meets 9 a.m., First United Methodist Church, Marquette. Handicapped accessible. Call AA Hotline at 249-4430.

Zumba - Latin-inspired cardio dance fitness class offered 10 a.m. Saturdays at Dawn Dott Dance Studio, Marquette. Cost: $5. Call 360-9287.

Al-Anon - non-smoking meeting, 10 a.m. Saturdays at Church of Christ, Marquette.

Karate-Spirit Warrior - Tang Soo Do martial arts with a Christian approach at the Marquette YMCA: Intermediate 10-11 am, Family Class from 11-11:45 am and Children 6-12 yrs from noon to 1 pm. Call the Y at 227-9622 or Master Joyce Tredeau at 360-0479.

Bridge Lessons - offered 10:30 a.m. Saturdays, Marquette Senior Center, 300 Spring St., Marquette. Call 225-1456.

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The calendar

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Written by grays |

December 27th, 2013 at 10:49 pm

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