Naturalism and Naturalistic Pantheism: can there be a …

Posted: June 2, 2014 at 5:56 pm

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As the fundamental basis of modern science, Naturalism is a very powerful paradigm. In its strong form, the central belief of Naturalism is very simple and basic:

Everything that we are and do is fully encompassed in Nature - there are no supernatural beings, forces or realms. There are phenomena that we do not yet understand, but that doesnt mean they are supernatural.

Naturalism has been a philosophical movement as well as an axiom underlying the scientific method. But could there also be a naturalistic religion or naturalistic spirituality - focused entirely on the natural world, without belief in any supernatural beings, realms or forces? A religion of science, a religion of reason, fully compatible with science, evidence and logic?

Strong Naturalism is at the heart of World Pantheisms outlook which we call Naturalistic Pantheism or Scientific Pantheism. World Pantheism offers a completely naturalistic spirituality. We direct our deepest feelings towards Nature, just as it is presented to us by our senses and explored by science. Nature alone is powerful, beautiful and mysterious enough to be the object of our deepest reverence, and Nature provides us with realistic ways of coping with stress, anxiety and bereavement.

Our forms of celebration are also completely naturalistic, focused on this life on this earth, not on supernatural realms or beings. They may involve nature hikes and appreciation of natural objects and photographs; natural sports such as surfing, skiing, mountaineering or whitewater rafting; or simply the quiet contemplation of nature. Some pantheists enjoy symbolic rituals but these are done for fun or self-expression, not because we think we can control the elements and magically manipulate natural laws.

Part of naturalistic spirituality is an acceptance of natural death as the end of the separate individual person. The only forms of afterlife are natural ones such as the persistence of our creations, actions, memories and genes, and the recycling of our elements into new living forms.

Natural death also involves nature-friendly funerals, such as burials in woodlands or orchards using biodegradable materials and without embalming.

Most atheist and humanist organizations have a strong naturalistic point of view, and we agree with them fully on this. Like them, we have no belief in a thinking, creator or personal God. Like them we believe that humans are the source of human ethical codes.

We add to humanism and atheism a strong affirmation of this life, in these our bodies, on this our beautiful planet. This is the only life and the only paradise we will ever know, so we had better take good care of them.

We also believe that there are naturalistic ways to satisfy those needs that traditional religions target - for community, purpose, therapy, remedies for grief and fear of death.

Excerpt from:
Naturalism and Naturalistic Pantheism: can there be a ...

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Written by grays |

June 2nd, 2014 at 5:56 pm

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