IFA: Yoruba Scientific Spirituality – Facebook

Posted: May 18, 2016 at 11:16 am

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This page is devoted to the Orisha, yet, as you may have noticed, this page transcends the typical Nigerian-Yoruba presentation of it. Certain practices (ritualistic divination, polygamy, expensive initiations, etc) are regarded on this page as Maafa (Era of Massive Enslavement) derailments that were not initially a part of the Orisha system.

Many believe that the modern Nigerian-Yoruba system is identical to that before the Maafa and so I have no right to restore it. How...ever, there is clear evidence that the modern Nigerian-Yoruba system is a Maafa corruption of the original Orisha system and not identical to it.

I bring this to your attention because more than anyone, it is the African Diaspora who have become the biggest victims in this charade. It is the African Diaspora that deserves to know the True God that was stolen and is now being sold back to them in corrupt form.

Not only are the Nigerian-Yoruba selling "titles" and credibility to Mestizos and Iberian-Americanos but these non-Blacks then use their authority to dominate the Santeria and Candomble community in the Americas. In addition, as the economic controllers of the Orisha society, the images of Orisha are being bleached not only by non-Black artists, but even Black artists who want to appeal to and sell their images to non-Black "orisha" followers. While this is certainly not the case with all Nigerian-Yoruba, it is a rapidly growing practice as African religion becomes a commodity that non-Black tourists consume as they "slum" thru Africa.

Below is a blasphemous Euroasianized faux-shrine for Sango in a 1982 photograph in Benin City, Nigeria (the Edo and Yoruba share much of the same Orisha religion). The race of the beings on the shrine are either Eurasian shades of pink, yellow, beige, or abstract light colors like light blue. They are purposely avoiding showing actual darkskin images of deity because it offends the tourists. The shrine has lost its authenticity (and even racial identity) in an attempt to appeal to culture-vulture tourism by non-Blacks in Nigeria.

It is because of a culture of slave-trading (first selling their own people, then their own land, and now their own spirituality) in West Africa that we cannot rely on them for an uncorrupted presentation of the original spiritual system.

So how do we know the truth about Ifa? We walk pass the Mestizo and Iberian-Americanos, and pass the Nigerian-Yoruba, and go directly to our Egungun. It is they who will expose the true nature of Ifa. They have charged me with the responsibility of this humble blog in order to dispell the useless capitalistic superstition being presented as Ifa, and to expose the true nature of Ifa as a scientific and PRACTICAL system for cultivating the God-Self.

Go here to see the original:
IFA: Yoruba Scientific Spirituality - Facebook

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Written by grays |

May 18th, 2016 at 11:16 am

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