How to Become More Spiritual – 13 Easy Steps – wikiHow

Posted: October 1, 2015 at 7:41 pm

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Go to a place with no noise at all and sit down. If you can't find a completely quiet place, go where at least it is comforting sounds, and sit down. Consider bringing a notebook or journal.




Clear your mind from all thoughts. After clearing your mind, either free-think or else, if you have a topic in mind, focus on that. However, avoid dead end, angering, and solution-less subjects. Focus on subjects where you are certain you can find new ground and progress. Another option is to look into your life, or your inner self, and think about what's going on right now. Anything that will help you focus and see helpful pictures or thoughts. If you want, journal or draw.


Ask yourself why you are feeling the way that you do or why you are feeling so empty. "How can this be a good or bad thing?" "What causes it?" "How can I solve it?" After looking inward, consider your position among others around you. It may be high or equal or low, but don't let that determine whether it is good or bad. Examine each type of situation, each relationship, and decide whether it would be better to be change or be more flexible.


Research the native religions/spiritual beliefs of the people who lived in your country in the past -- check the internet and the library for more information on such old religions for an alternative spiritual view. The spiritual beliefs of your ancestral roots may speak to you about your family history.


List some of your life goals, and celebrate if you have achieved them. Create steps to progress with goals still remaining. Say a prayer. Sing a song. Take a break and hop around a bit.


Planning for next time. Think about what activity or what action(s) you've done recently that helped you feel fulfilled. Was it reading books, or a holy book(s), or taking a walk, meditating, helping people in need, doing yoga...? Plan steps to do something fulfilling in the next few days and weeks. Close with a prayer, a resolution. Consider sharing it with others.


Ask yourself each day before going to bed what you have done to keep your inner self or being healthy or sensitive. Don't only think about your body (though you should do that too), your soul is also important for you. Don't only think about your own concerns, but think about those of others as well.


Additional spiritual goals: grow in vulnerability. (Most, though not all, icons of spirituality possessed this quality.) Grow in shrewdness or wisdom. (These teachers also possessed this!) Explore other belief systems. Develop an open mind in order to develop a closed mind. This means learning ideas and perspectives different from your own so that you can develop your own opinion about them. Sacrifice and accept the sacrifice of others.


Read or Journal further. Doing this even on scratch sheets of paper is fine. Literate people have some amazing gifts--along with responsibilities--the rest of the world is doing without, so take advantage of them. Have a conversation with people who have experiences you want to know more about or who have 'been there.' Discuss or explain spiritual concepts, practices, or inspiring words with someone else in need. Teachers are learners.


Seek out a spiritual group in your environment. Go with a friend. This can be any size group. Have some questions in mind before-hand and ask them at an appropriate time.


Follow your hobbies - Do what you enjoy the most. Avoid what you dislike. Look the world as the platform for presenting your talent, always seek advice and guidance from elders. Enjoy all moments of life.


Practice non-attachment. Try giving things such as clothes that you no longer need or use to those who could really use them. You'll feel much lighter after the experience, freeing you up to live your path even more.


See the article here:
How to Become More Spiritual - 13 Easy Steps - wikiHow

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Written by grays |

October 1st, 2015 at 7:41 pm

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