Eagle Scout Banquet honors new Eagle scouts

Posted: April 22, 2014 at 10:46 pm

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The Tavaputs/Buckhorn District Eagle Scout Banquet was held recently at the San Rafael Museum in Castle Dale, Utah. This banquet was provided to honor all those young men that had attained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America organization during the year 2013.

Miriam Sorensen a member of the Buckhorn District Advancement Committee welcomed the Eagle Scouts, parents, leaders and friends to the 2014 Eagle Scout Banquet. After which the Huntington Stake Eagle Scouts of 2013 led by Kaden Allred presented the flag ceremony. Ryan Cox gave the invocation and blessing on the food.

Drew Leroy of Food Ranch served the banquet after which Danna Gray the Buckhorn District Advancement Chairman from Huntington Stake introduced her son Tyrell Gray as the Guest Speaker. She stated that some of the speakers in the past were Tyrell's friends whom he exercises with or runs triathlons with. He has a lot of athletic friends. Tyrell also has his guide license. He guides in the United States, Alaska and Canada. He has been to Africa hunting. He has a lot of fun and a lot of work. Tyrell is married and has three children. He travels a lot and has been speaking professionally for a large company. He is one of those that organized the Color Run.

Tyrell Gray started by saying that he was born and raised in Emery County, has a couple of big businesses and today he was able to come home and do a little bit of farming. He then told the story of a young man who had been given the job of plowing a field. The farmer instructed the young man that the furrows had to be straight. In order to keep the rows straight the young man was told to pick a spot on the far edge of the field and go straight towards that spot. Then turn around and pick another spot to go towards that spot. When the farmer came back after a few hours he found furrows tangled all over the field. The farmer asked what did you pick as the spot. The young man said I picked a cow but the cow kept moving.

Tyrell gave to each Eagle Scout a notepad for note taking during his talk. He followed that by explaining that you will have a lot of different experiences in your life.

For your entire life you have been told that you are special or unique. The fact is that you are not special or unique. This last year there were 57,976 Eagle Scouts in the United States. That is five times the number of people in Emery County. From 1912 to 2012 there have been two million scouts that reached the rank of Eagle. There will be 3.3 million people that will graduate from High School this year. So perhaps you are not special or unique.

The US population is more than 300 million people and the world population is more than seven billion. What that means is that there are several people out there that look just like you. Identical. You're not different. That is what the world will tell you.

My hope is that as I said that, you started to realize and said to yourself, "That guy is wrong, I am different, I am special, I am unique." You are different. In each of you lie the seeds of greatness. There are opportunities for you that will bless the world. If we see and take those opportunities, the world will try to tell you that you are not different, that you are the norm, but you are not. The opportunities coming your way can give you the chance to make a difference in the world because you are here.

There are a couple of things that you have to keep in balance. We are going to discuss becoming successful physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I have had three businesses and I have taken in more than $20 million sales and revenue in the very first year. During that process I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing individuals like Donald Trump and discuss business plans. I started to realize there are four things needed and if you do not keep them in balance, you may be successful in one area, but you won't be successful on the whole. You won't make a difference in the world if you don't keep those four things in balance.

The first subject that we will talk about is health, mental strength, social ability and spirituality. If you're not in balance with these you become like a tire that is missing the weights on the wheel. It will cause the entire vehicle to start having problems.

See the article here:
Eagle Scout Banquet honors new Eagle scouts

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Written by grays |

April 22nd, 2014 at 10:46 pm

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