An Enormous, Ultra-Powerful Laser Captured in Haunting Photos

Posted: March 18, 2014 at 10:58 am

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Research associate Dr. Gilliss Dyer and laser technician Ted Borger discuss the experimental configuration of Target Chamber 2 at the Texas Petawatt lab. Photo: Robert Shults

Research associate Dr. Gilliss Dyer and laser technician Ted Borger discuss the experimental configuration of Target Chamber 2 at the Texas Petawatt lab.

Dr. Gilliss Dyer surveys the target bay of the Texas Petawatt Laser in preparation for an experiment. Photo: Robert Shults

Dr. Gilliss Dyer surveys the target bay of the Texas Petawatt Laser in preparation for an experiment.

A view inside one of the Petawatt's main amplifiers. The Texas Petawatt's main amplifiers are repurposed components from the world's first petawatt class laser, the decommissioned Nova facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Photo: Robert Shults

A view inside one of the Petawatt's main amplifiers. The Texas Petawatt's main amplifiers are repurposed components from the world's first petawatt class laser, the decommissioned Nova facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Foil and foam insulate inlets for liquid nitrogen in the Texas Petawatt target area. The Petawatt can fire at both gaseous and solid targets. Photo: Robert Shults

Foil and foam insulate inlets for liquid nitrogen in the Texas Petawatt target area. The Petawatt can fire at both gaseous and solid targets.

Researchers from universities around the world utilize the unique timescale of the Petawatt for experiments exploring rare states of matter, such as those found within stars or in the aftermath of supernovae. Photo: Robert Shults

Researchers from universities around the world utilize the unique timescale of the Petawatt for experiments exploring rare states of matter, such as those found within stars or in the aftermath of supernovae.

An Enormous, Ultra-Powerful Laser Captured in Haunting Photos

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Written by grays |

March 18th, 2014 at 10:58 am

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