To Succeed You Must Become a Knowledge Junkie – Entrepreneur

Posted: August 27, 2017 at 4:46 am

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A junkie can be defined as anyone suffering from an addiction. Ill be the first to admit, I exchanged one addiction for another. My drug addiction nearly cost me my life, but my addiction to knowledge -- which is power -- helped me save my life.

I was 25 years old when I went to drug rehab and finally made a commitment to have success as a salesman. I knewto become successful in sales I needed knowledge, so I invested $3,000 in a sales training program that gave me the knowledge I needed to start making more sales and 10X my annual income.

Related:8 Success Habits Learned Building a 7-Figure Business by Age 17

Selling is hard if you havent made a commitment to it, but the truth is anything is hard without a commitment. It doesnt matter what industry you are in, if you arent committed to it, you will suffer. Being committed means you write down your goals and train daily to be better at whatever you do.

Anytime I am having trouble getting what I want in my life, in my career, in money or in my relationships, I askWhat is it that I do notknow?It doesnt matter if its more quality time with my kids, more income, more freedom, security, confidence or whatever it is I want, the first thing I look for is to become clear about my desire and then look for what I don't know.

Don't give up on what you want, get the knowledge that you are missing.Make this your steadfastformula!If you really want something, butyou aren't getting it, then just know withtotal confidencethat it is merely something you do not know. Determinewhat that is and get the knowledge. This has worked for memany times in my life to get me what I want. If you don't commit to this formula you actually start creating dumb reasons for giving up on the things you deserve.

Related: No Matter How Much Experience You Have, There's Always Something New to Learn

When you knowsomething

1. You canpredictoutcomes successfully.

2. You willacquiretrue confidence.

3. Others willagreewith you because they see you are knowledgeable.

Add knowledge to desire,like you would wood to a fire,and sooner or lateryou will achieve your dreams. But know this: There is a shortage of people who fully understand how to sell others on their dreams. You need to sell others on your dream to help make it a reality.

Do you know how to sell? Come to 10XGrowthCon 2018 and let me help you double your sales, and even 10X your sales.

More here:
To Succeed You Must Become a Knowledge Junkie - Entrepreneur

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Written by admin |

August 27th, 2017 at 4:46 am

Posted in Sales Training

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