Pay Raise of 1 Percent Proposed in 2014 DoD Defense Budget – Video

Posted: February 7, 2013 at 11:46 pm

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Pay Raise of 1 Percent Proposed in 2014 DoD Defense Budget
The Defense department is proposing a 1% pay raise for servicemembers as part of its 2014 fiscal budget request to Congress. Pentagon officials say the raise is less than previously projected but allows the DoD to maintain investments in readiness during a time of slower defense spending. The Defense Department will continue to provide key benefits including healthcare, military retirement, military housing allowance, special pay and tuition assistance. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the Pentagon will ask for new investment in transition assistance, sexual assault prevention, suicide prevention and family programs. The 2014 budget calls for a another round of base closures, re-alignment and reductions in total force. Defense officials say everything changes if sequestration occurs March 1st. Video courtesy of The Pentagon Channel. Video by Terry Turner.

By: MilitaryBenefitsUSA

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Pay Raise of 1 Percent Proposed in 2014 DoD Defense Budget - Video

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February 7th, 2013 at 11:46 pm

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