Maximize retirement income

Posted: March 21, 2012 at 2:02 am

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3/20/2012 12:57 PM ET

By Annie Mueller, Investopedia

It's hard to think of retirement when you're still young, but smart moves now can make sure your older self will be financially secure.

You want to not only have enough money to live comfortably when you retire, you also want a little bit more. Maybe you want enough to travel, start that side business you always talked about or purchase your dream home since you'll have time to enjoy it. Whatever your retirement dreams are, maximizing your retirement income can help.

Here are some ways to do just that:

You've no doubt heard of the benefits of compound interest. The key is that the sooner you start saving, the sooner you start gaining the interest and the sooner that interest can start compounding. Two years makes a difference, but five or 10 years makes an even bigger difference in the amount you end up with upon retirement. If you're on a tight budget, you can still stash at least a little bit away in a retirement account. Have a set amount automatically deducted from your paycheck, so you're not tempted to spend it. You're investing in your own future. (Are you saving enough for retirement? Find out with MSN Money's calculator.)

This one isn't always possible, but if you happen to have a nice lump sum of money come into your possession, consider using it as the base of your retirement fund. Graduations and weddings often result in gifts of cash, so use these as the seed of your retirement account for increased compound interest and a larger return when you retire.

Continued here:
Maximize retirement income

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Written by admin |

March 21st, 2012 at 2:02 am

Posted in Retirement

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