Keystone XL pipeline – VI – Justin Herman Plaza – Video

Posted: February 19, 2013 at 3:49 am

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Keystone XL pipeline - VI - Justin Herman Plaza
Keystone XL pipeline Justin Herman Plaza Keystone XL Pipeline Thousands of people rallied in downtown San Francisco on Sunday to urge President Obama to reject construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, an action they said would prove he is committed to fighting global warming. The demonstration across from the Ferry Building was held at the same time as similar events in cities including Chicago, Seattle and Los Angeles. The main event in Washington, DC, drew tens of thousands of supporters in what was billed as the largest climate change rally in US history. Organizers of the San Francisco protest estimated that more than 4000 people gathered to condemn the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline, which would run nearly 2000 miles to connect Canada #39;s oil sands to refineries around the Gulf of Mexico. Because it would cross an international border, it requires Obama #39;s approval. "We #39;re asking him to reject Keystone XL as one way to move forward on climate change," said Jess Dervin-Ackerman, a conservation organizer with the San Francisco Bay chapter of the Sierra Club, which planned the event along with, the Natural Resources Defense Council and several other groups. Opponents of the pipeline, including Democrats and environmentalists, argue the project could contaminate land and water along its route, particularly in Nebraska, and release high concentrations of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by increasing oil production from tar sands. But proponents say ...

By: frenchamericantv

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Keystone XL pipeline - VI - Justin Herman Plaza - Video

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February 19th, 2013 at 3:49 am

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