Introduction to ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) – Video

Posted: February 22, 2013 at 6:47 pm

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Introduction to ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) The ESOP is essentially a stock bonus plan in which employer stock may be used for contributions. Employer contributes company stock or cash to the plan. Employer contributions are tax deductible. Contributions are not taxed currently to the employee. Earnings accumulate income tax-deferred. Distributions are generally taxed as ordinary income. Distributions may be eligible for 10-year income averaging. Or, at retirement from the current employer, distributions may be rolled over to a traditional or a Roth IRA, or to another employer plan if that plan will accept such a rollover. Steve and Keriti lay out the essentials as they introduce ESOPs into your practice. Steve Savant hosts the weekly TV and Internet consumer talk show One for the Money as well as the daily Internet talk show, The Business Insurance Zone. Steve is a national financial columnist, blogger and money color commentator. Steve #39;s special guest is ESOP expert Keriti Tuioti.

By: BrokersAlliance

Original post:
Introduction to ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) - Video

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Written by admin |

February 22nd, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Posted in Retirement

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