Alive and Kicking EPISODE 6: A New Life – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 2:53 pm

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Alive and Kicking EPISODE 6: A New Life
What happens when a prolific TV writer and a successful music arranger, manager and agent both from Hollywood #39;s Golden Age, find themselves as neighbors in a retirement community? They write a musical of course! "ALIVE and KICKING" is a must-see documentary web series following the lives of MPTF residents Tony Lawrence, and Larry Kelem, whose journey of artistic collaboration proves that creativity is ageless...

By: MPTVFund

More here:
Alive and Kicking EPISODE 6: A New Life - Video

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Written by admin |

March 6th, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Posted in Retirement

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