15 Things To Know About a Spiritual Awakening – UWM Post

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 6:46 pm

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Greetings and salutations to the first installment of Tales From The Third Eye! If youre already laughing at the thought of magical crystals and saging your house to cleanse negativity then I dont think this article is for you. I advise you to stay though, learn something, and let these words guide you. Maybe you will begin your spiritual journey too.

The topics discussed in this article come from personal knowledge gained on my own spiritual journey, from the community of spiritual individuals I surround myself with, the books I consume, basic research, and from the experiences I have embraced.

The topics are brief, but stay tuned because the articles to come will discuss each topic and other related subjects with a deeper understanding to help those who are seeking guidance for their body, mind, and spirit. From the Violet Child herself, I am learning every day.

Todays lesson?

15 Things to Know About a Spiritual Awakening!

Raise Your Vibration

Everything in the Universecontains energy that vibrates on different frequencies, including solid objects and you and me. According to Cassandra Sturdy, weare a being that is made up of different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of these levels has a vibrational frequency, which combine to create your overall vibration of being. When youre low, youll know. When youre high, youre in flow.

Sometimes stuff happens, so the shift can happen. What matters in any situation is how you handle it. Since my spiritual awakening, when faced with negativity, I do two things: distance myself and raise my vibration. Im not hiding from the negativity in my life, I will face it head on. However, I find it beneficial for myself to not surround myself with people or places that lower my vibration.

Learning how to raise my vibration in lifes many sticky situations feels like a superpower. It feels like you cannot be touched. Raising your vibration can help you in your hardest times and even the smallest, most superficial situations. You learn to just not care what people are saying and think about you, because the ones who do arent on your same frequency. Youre untouchable. This superpower has allowed me to freely express myself without caring what other people think. Since I have begun surrounding myself around more wandering, loving souls, I dont worry about those on the outside. Being on a higher frequency allows you to live in a bubble that isnt busting anytime soon.

The Law of Attraction

The power of manifestation is a powerful life hack that anyone is capable of experiencing. The Secret? The law of attraction.

Its simple. What you emit, you will receive. The universe will conspire to give you what you ask for. If you continuously have negative thoughts, you will receive negativity in return. But, if you keep a positive outlook on life, its bound to be returned. This change of outlook on life works almost immediately with serious results. Positive outcomes in life manifest faster and faster the more you apply positive affirmations, and it all begins with changing how you think.

Truthfully, this has changed my entire life. Once I began emitting positivity into my thinking and actions, I saw a shift. When I began thinking I can do anything I put my mind to things happened. Opportunities I was reaching for began trickling my way. My dreams dont seem so far away these days. Im not where I want to be yet, but Im aware that I can make it happen with a positive mindset. Negativity will destroy your soul and inner peace.

Living By The Moon

I was recently with a friend who told me her life gets extremely messy whenever the moon is full. Living by the moon is beneficial at times, but can be roughif you dont know how to stay in control.

Tuning your spirit into the lunar cycles is allowing yourself to take a natural process of growth in your day-to-day life. You are now understanding the rhythm of life the chaos, the new beginnings, the beauty that is offered.

Each cycle is a new period of growth. One cycle youre a seedling, the next youre sprouting, and the following youre a beautiful flower. Living by the moon is a natural evolution opportunity. Each cycle is an unfolding of life, allowing us to live in the present. The moon allows us to understand the powerful transitions happening in our lives.

As shown above, each cycle serves as a new period of growth and it is wise to take advantage of the experiences you can obtain. According to Moon Phase Astrology by Raven Kaldera, the following is how you can live by the light of the moon.

So why do so many people fear the full moon?

Energy is the highest on the full moon. Those who live by the moon often experience weird moments such as strangers coming up to them more often, drama, and negative emotions.

As for the details tune in for future articles.

Ridding Bad Vibes

It is human nature to care what others are saying and think about you. However, how you handle the bad vibes you are receiving is entirely up to you. Since my spiritual awakening, I let more and more things brush off my shoulder and will just raise my vibration instead.

If raising your vibration isnt enough, there are plenty of ways to rid the negative energy clogging your life. Here are just a few suggestions

Spirituality Doesnt Mean Being Happy All The Time

There is a common disbelief that someone who is spiritual is supposed to be happy every single second of the day. This is associated with the hippy stereotype. However, being happy versus being positive is very different. Being spiritual means experiencing every single emotion in the human existence because every single emotion serves a purpose and has its lessons. Nicole Tustin explains, when you attempt to only be happy, you are blocking out all the lessons and knowledge that comes to you when you fully embrace the other emotions. These other emotions include sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, and so much more. Do not suppress these sensations, they are beautiful, and could come out at a later time in life causing a deal of trouble.

You will not fully experience life as a human being if you dont take on the depth of emotion. On your spiritual journey, you must honor and consent to the other emotions, so they can teachyou something valuable that you need at the current phase of life youre meeting.

Being a spiritual person doesnt mean faking happiness for other people. There is community in sharing your emotions and thoughts with other spiritual people and allowing yourself to manifest these emotions into something greater in life.

Let It Go & Ride The Wave

I was once told that despite how loving and open you are with someone, people can only meet you as deeply as theyve met themselves. Ive had my fair share of hardships, maybe too many, but each has served as a valuable life lesson. It has taught me that rising above in every situation, has positive results for myself. All in all, I have learned it is easier to take negativity with a grain of salt. Nowadays, when someone does me wrong, I try to nod my head and continue on. Im no longer forced to have interactions with people, like I was in high school for example. If I dont vibe with someone, I dont have to be friends with them or surround myself with them. Even if someone doesnt apologize to me, I forgive them. If I cant forgive, I cant live a peaceful life. Though this notion is hard sometimes, I have found my life to be more beautiful and free when I let things go and ride the wave, because after all, that is what life is; an ongoing wave of ups and downs.

Crystal Lovin

Crystals can help you heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet, they do so much more than just heal. The more you learn about crystals, the more effective and beneficial they become.

Everyone is intrigued by crystals and gemstones.. The precious stones are prized and bring light into thousands of lives. Though valued for their beauty, each stone has a sacred meaning, properties, and are extremely powerful.

Crystals demand attention and respect from their seekers. Most people dedicate a day to cleansing their crystals and meditating with them to tune their energy into them. Crystals are efficient transmitters of energy, and neglecting to charge, cleanse, and attune into them will result in no benefits. Though some crystals are self-cleansing, most require attention to do their regular work of ridding negative energy and bringing light into your life.

Though each crystal has its own unique properties; there is one for every quality you are seeking. Whether to bring or release, crystals are beneficial to those who accept their energy. Love, happiness, inner peace, courage, depression, anxiety, denial, good luck, forgiveness, laziness, passion, self-esteem you name it.

According to The Crystal Bible, crystals work through resonance and vibration, rebalancing the biomagnetic sheath that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body and activating linkage points to the chakras that regulate the bodys vibrational stasis.

Meditation is Essential

Meditation, no matter the time or day, will lift your mood. Not only is it scientifically proven that it is healthy for you to do, it is spiritually, emotionally, and mentally benefiting ifpracticed everyday.

Personally, I like to lay down when I meditate because then I am the most relaxed. In the beginning, I enjoyed using guided meditation videos on Youtube, but I shy away from it now and will listen to relaxing music instead with headphones!

Meditation does change your brain, your everyday mindset, and your spirit. It takes your mind off the past and future and tunes you into right now.

Through meditation, I have gained so many great spiritual influences. My intuitionis stronger, I can sense energies easier (especially negative vibes), and I can tune into other peoples emotions.

Some people think mediation is just saying ommm over and over. That is a form of mediation, but I like to use the technique of focusing mostly on breathing and pulling myself into the now. I observe my body and thoughts. I accept my emotions and situations, and then I let them go with an open heart.

Advanced techniques include using mantras and mala beads.

For beginners, I truly do suggest using guided mediation videos and music to help create a peaceful space for you to tune into your mediation.

Theres Power In Now

The only moment that you ever get is the now. In order to live in the now you have to desert your analytical mind, self, and the ego.

I was given the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle by a friend and it truly helped shape my profound outlook on time, thinking, and brought spiritual enlightenment as promised.

In the normal, mind-identified or unenlightened state of consciousness, the power and creative potential that lie concealed in the Now are completely obscured by psychological time. You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You can find yourself by coming into the present. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be. The Power of Now

For more on this phenomenon, I recommend reading Tolle.

Balancing Your Chakras

Chakras are wheels of energy at the main seven points in our body. Nicole Tustin explains in Chakras For Beginners, our bodies as rivers and the energy flows through them. Each chakra is a swirling pool of energy. When there is a blockage keeping the energy flow moving freely, bad sensations occur. Energy can come in and out of your chakras and it is up to you on how you care for them.

There are over 88,000 chakras in our body and aurora, but there are only seven main chakras that run up and down our spine.

There are many ways to clear your chakras. What works for me, might not work for you, and vise versa. You can practice meditation, yoga, positive affirmations, using creativity, reiki therapy, essential oils, crystals, and connecting to the Earth, to keep your chakras in balance.

Reading Energy as an Empath

Ah, the power of being an empath a blessing and a curse at the same time.

According to The Empath Universe, an empath is someone who has the power to feel and manipulate the emotions of others. Empaths often have mood-swings, or are classified as bi-polar, but its simply the emotions of others around you. You are often one that people turn to for guidance, for your uncanny ability to make people feel better, to reduce their anger or depression. The bad side is that you tend to often feel others emotions and confuse them as your own, and act upon them accordingly, confusing and possibly scaring or angering others.

Being a highly intuitive empath is an ocean of motion. Vibrations from others energies come to you left and right, and you cant seem to hide from it no matter what you do. An empath truly feels what others are feeling we are absorbing the emotions we interact with. Being with a group of people, it is easy to tell who is lying, who is upset, who is judging you, who is faking kindness, and so forth. It is hard being in a room with a lot of tension. Energy does not lie to an empath. Continuously, I have said my feelings for a person based on the energy I received, only for it to turn out true. Empaths rely on the energy they receive from others and trust it fondly. We have a knack at being right about people and situations.

Empaths are very emotional and often labeled as sensitive. I grewup in a family with tough females; as an empath lacking thick skin, my sensitivity often falls asan insult. However, I embrace being able to feel things at a deeper level than others, because it does have its benefits.

Empaths crave solitude to recharge and get away from the flood of sensations. Empathstend to have depression and anxiety due to the weight of emotions they are continuously fed hence the curse part of being an empath. But, as I mentioned, it is also a blessing.

We have a lot of soul and plenty love to offer. By absorbing others energies, we are able to filter and manifest others sadness and frustrations and emit our own heart-felt emotions in return. Being an empath means being able to send love to others when they need it the most and that is an astonishing superpower to possess.

Ideologies Will Divide Us

Judgement, politics, religion they are all ideologies that only divide us. Naturally as a spiritual individual and thriving journalist, these topics interest me deeply. That is one part of the spiritual awakening you begin questioning ideologies immensely. These questions may never get answered until we slip into the big sleep, but that is one of the most stunning parts about being on the spiritual journey you get to explore these deep thoughts. To others, you may appear strange, crazy or even on drugs but just know, you arent alone in this bottomless realization of life. There are people everywhere raising their vibrations and working to make this world beautiful for all.

Personally, I dont stand with a political party because I can see and understand opinions on each side. That is part of being an empath being able to step into others shoes. However, socially, dont be confused, I stand with every human being.

As for religion, I am not Christian, I am not Buddhist, I am not anything. I believe wherever we came from, we derived from the same source, and we manifested together. I believe in searching for your identity by yourself freely.

I believe there is something greater than us, but for now, I dont know. I respect all religions because I would hope I am respected for my beliefs.

Luckily, this spiritual journey has allowed me to explore ideologies without standing with them. As Ziggy Marley said, love is my religion!

Social Media? Find You In Nature

Social media is to socializing as reality TV is to reality Nahko

Disconnecting is the greatest feeling in the world. I still use my social media pages and have debated deleting them altogether unremittingly. Due to my career path, social media is essential. However my intake on social media has gone down significantly. I choose wisely on who I follow and who I allow into my personal life do we actually interact in real life? Does this person really care about me? Sometimes Ill take weekly breaks and they help change my mindset. Its nice to get away from the superficial side of things. However, I do think social media can be used for great causes.

This is a part of the spiritual awakening you start becoming aware of what you are feeding your mind and spirit. So I began thinking, who are we really? This is why and when I turn to nature.

When I need to be grounded, I turn to nature always. I enjoy walking barefoot, whether its in the grass, soil, or sand there is an energy benefit to it. Earthing is a real process I advise everyone to take advantage of. When walking in soil barefoot, you will absorb negatively charged electrons which ultimately balance positively charged free radicals, according to an integrative cardiologist Stephen Sinatra.

Being outside charges yourself, just like it would with your crystals, the energy from the sun soaks into your skin and renews you. The oxygen, free space, and being surrounded by plants is critical if you want to connect to the universe and yourself. Why else do you think people get the winter blues? Nature is your best friend!

Creativity For Recharging

Music is your special friend, dance on fire as it intends The Doors

You can thank the Lizard King himself for that one.

When Im feeling out of touch with my own energy and soul, I solemnly turn to creativity. One of my favorite ways to recharge is by listening to music. I have always felt music is essential for a healthy mindset. No matter what my mood is, if I put my favorite songs on, Im instantly feeling better, especially if dancing is included.

Another form of creativity I take on is if you havent noticed writing! Ive been a storyteller before I could even put words into sentences. First I would draw to tell stories, then I would write, and eventually they turned into notebooks upon notebooks filled from front to back, every corner, scribbled with words. It was a passion I was born with; a love of mine I am fortunate enough to be turning into a career. I never had to question what I was going to do with my life because my soul already inquired the answers. Creativity is something very keen to me.

Another thing I like to turn to when Im feeling the blues, is painting. Im not a Van Gough, but something about making art makes me feel very relaxed and at peace. It takes my mind somewhere else all my energy is placed into the canvas in front of me.

No matter what interests you, any form of creativity is an abundant way to recharge your body, mind, and spirit.

The Universe Speaks To You

Synchronicities I cannot stress this enough. Since my awakening, I experience synchronicities multiple times a day. Honestly while writing this article, I have encountered multiple synchronicities which leads me to believe this is a sign from the Universe that writing this message is beneficial for not only me, butfor others seeking guidance.

Synchronicities are coincidences that appears significantly connected but have no apparent casual relation. These moments are dreamlike realities and when the universe openly reveals them to us, it is a sign that you are on the right path. Synchronicities can be something as simple as seeing the same number over and over again, or having a specific song stuck in your head then hearing it in the store or in your car. It is hard to understand and appreciate these little discoveries until you experience the realm for yourself.

Synchronicities happen a lot to people who are undergoing a spiritual awakening because the individual is waking up to the universe, specifically the dreamlike nature of our world. These moments should not be taken lightly they demand our partaking, you cannot simply sit by and be unaffected. You will know when you experience a synchronicity and you will not question it. They will transform you on a cellular level because they seep into your consciousness, a part of you that is now awakened.

For more information about synchronicities and how the Universe speaks to you I shall save for another time. In the meantime, I advise you to read up on Carl Jung and his work on synchronicities (which is so magnificent he spent 20 years studying them until releasing a book about them!)

There are many attributions that come along with a spiritual awakening, but the following fifteen topics are what I found most critical to discuss.

Continued here:

15 Things To Know About a Spiritual Awakening - UWM Post

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Written by simmons |

April 15th, 2017 at 6:46 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

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