What does Personal Success Mean to You – The Ultimate Guide

Posted: April 29, 2020 at 9:41 pm

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Its something youre looking for, right? How couldnt you be? Everywhere you go on the Internet someone telling you that you need to be successful in life. Or, risk wasting it! But heres the thing, what isPERSONAL SUCCESS? Or, more importantly, what is success to you?Without knowing the answer to that question, youre never going to be successful. No matter how hard you try. Because although you may be working hard, you might not ever be working in the right direction.

In this article, I want to help you find out what it means to be successful. Not to those around you. Not in the eyes of your parents. But so you can look in the mirror and know youre on the right path.

Lets get started, shall we?

Picture this.

1. Take 10 of your friends, relatives and colleagues and stick them all in a room. 2. Ask each of them, individually, to write down what success means to them on a sheet of paper and give it to you. 3. You put all the sheets in a hat, mix them together and then open them up to read whats inside. What are the chances all of the pieces of paper say exactly the same thing?

Slim to none. Because personal success is always different. They might read:

Each person views success differently through their own eyes. So, the question behind this article is simple: What does personal success look like to you?

Success, It Has Nothing To Do With Money Or Status

When I was younger I had a really close friend and mentor called Tom*. He was a few years older than me and was studying medicine. But I knew him through training in the Gym. Tom loved playing around in the gym. Whenever he was coaching, teaching or helping someone, he was happy and full of purpose. There was a light in his eyes that was filled with passion.

A light that went out whenever he had to think about his studies. When it came toward the end of his time at Medical school, Tom lost a lot of weight. He wasnt sleeping, he hardly ate and he was always on edge. Turns out it was time for him to accept one of his job offers as a Doctor. Something he had worked his whole life for, but now, didnt want.

After weeks of thinking about it, Tom decided to go with his gut. He turned down all the offers for being a doctor. Some that would have eventually paid him more money than he could ever have dreamed of. But would never have made him happy. And it didnt fulfill what he felt was his purpose.

Now he runs his own gym, works with international athletes and uses his medical skills to educate doctors on proper nutrition. And hes never been happier.

Through traditional eyes, Tom wouldnt be successful. He stopped himself from becoming a:

But none of those meant anything to him. Even if he had become the worlds highest paid neurosurgeon, he would never have felt successful. Because that job would never have made him happy.

NOTE: *Tom isnt his actual name, its been changedto conceal his identity.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.~ Albert Schweitzer ()

So, what do you learn from Tom not becoming a doctor?

That money, status and things dont mean anything when it comes to personal success. There is only oneimportant metric behind it HAPPINESS. If what youre doingdoesntmake you happy then you shouldnt be doing it at all. End of story.

There are two types of happiness for you to focus on, when you come to think of it:

The two are notmutually exclusive. Because when youre helping the right people, it will directly affect the things that make you happy.

In this next section well look at defining your own success, both for you, and helping those around you.

When you start looking at your own success its common to look at justoneaspect of your life. Things like:

Because its easier to focus on that one aspect of your life than it is everything else. But thats why you often see a lot of successful people with poor relationships, broken homes or severe depression or anxieties. Their focus on that single element became so strong that they let the rest of their life slip to reach the top of that mountain. Which is fine, if thats what you want. But wouldnt you rather raise the experience and success in all parts of your life, than in just one area? After all, its better to have a smaller house filled with love, than a mansion all on your own, right?

So in this next section where well look at defining your own success both for you and helping those around you remember that you dont need to look at justoneelement of your life. Instead, think ofallthe places in your life that you want to breed success.

As you climb the ladder of success, check occasionally to make sure it is leaning against the right wall.~ Anonymous ()

This next step is going to need a little self-reflection. And a pen and paper. Or the program you use as your defacto brain.

Ask yourself these questions and see what comes out for your personal success goals.

A Quick Note

In this article Ive banged on that money, status and other things dont matter when it comes to success.

And they dont.

Unless they will make you happy.

If earning $40,000 a month, being your companys next CEO or owning a hot tub will make you happy then crack on with them. Just dont feel that they are what youre expected to want, if they wont make you happy.

That being said, lets get on with the questions

It doesnt matter what it is. Write down everything you can think of. Whatever comes into your mind.Remember:

You can repeat this question as many times as you want before moving onto the next step.

You should have a list now full of ideas. And, no doubt, theyre all things that will make you happy. But nows time to filter it down to what you really want to do. For this were going to try and old trick of Warren Buffets.

Youve narrowed your list down. But that doesnt mean you should attack all five right away. Instead choose the one that you feel that you can start on right now. It could be:

Congratulations, youre already ahead of about 95% of the world. Youve narrowed down what personal success means to you. But heres the fourth and final question.

What are you going to do about it? Whats that first step youre going to take to make sure this happens?

I recently watched a TEDxTalk by Adam Leipzig who outlined a wonderful exercise to kick-start your personal success and happiness. So, why reinvent the wheel, when its already been beautifully made?

The first step to looking outwards is to look inwards. Who are you?

What are you good at, and how do those skills impact those around you? What abilities do you have that can make the world (or life) a much better place?

Now you know your skills, who do you want to help? This doesnt have to be charity though thats the first place your mind will go it can be anything at all.

What is it that they are truly looking for? Do you need to:

Anything that these people need, write it down.

What impact does all of the above have on their lives? Do they:

Outlineall off these things. Because when you know how they change, this is where your own happiness comes from.

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What does Personal Success Mean to You - The Ultimate Guide

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Written by admin |

April 29th, 2020 at 9:41 pm

Posted in Personal Success

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