Hernandez: I would swap all of my goals for another title with Manchester United

Posted: August 1, 2012 at 11:13 am

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Manchester United striker Javier Hernandez has insisted that he would swap all of his goals for another Premier League title.

'Chicharito' has struck 32 times in all competitions in his first two seasons at Old Trafford, but claims that he does not set personal targets and focuses solely on helping the team win matches in whatever way he can. The Mexico international added that he does not want to be seen as a player who had played badly if he has failed to score instead hoping people recognise his all-round contribution.

"I've never had a goal target," Hernandez told Inside United magazine. "I don't want to be obsessed with scoring goals, I don't want to be only that player who only scores goals, and if I score goals I've played well and if I didn't score goals I played badly.

"It's more about doing my best for the team - if the goals come then great, but if someone else scores instead of me then it's still great for the United fans and for the club.

"You can never play one man against 11, and one player can never score all the goals by himself. If the goals are coming then good, but as I've always said, I would swap every one of my goals for a title with Manchester United."

United lost its grip on the title in dramatic fashion last season, as rival Manchester City scored twice in the dying minutes of the campaign to beat QPR and claim its first Premier League crown.

Hernandez admitted that the tables had been turned on a club that has, over the years, come back from a couple of seemingly impossible positions itself, most notably in the 1999 and 2008 Champions League finals.

"It was difficult to believe, really," Hernandez admitted. "For so many years that type of game was a fable of Manchester United, with goals in the last minute [to win big games], and sometimes it is part of life to experience the bad moments like this one.

"It was a very strange day because in the space of one minute we thought that the title was going to be ours, and then City scored twice, and that's it.

"When you win you learn to keep working hard in order to keep doing the things you did to win the title. And when you lose, you need to learn from the mistakes you made.

Hernandez: I would swap all of my goals for another title with Manchester United

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Written by admin |

August 1st, 2012 at 11:13 am

Posted in Personal Success

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