Free Course: Smarter Learning – Improve Your Study Skills and Practices – Video

Posted: February 5, 2013 at 4:44 pm

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Free Course: Smarter Learning - Improve Your Study Skills and Practices
Starting a new course can be daunting as we can often doubt our ability and skills in learning. Fortunately, learning can be improved by the development of new personal study skills and practices. This free online course gives you the opportunity to understand how to learn effectively, teaches the fundamental skills necessary to improve your learning and performance and helps you to achieve both academic and personal success. The topics covered include key skills in learning, good academic practise and how to find information. You will also focus on developing your reading and thinking skills which are vital in any course of study. This course is ideal for preparing prospective students for life as a student and for life-long learners working in businesses and organisations. This FREE course can be found at

By: AlisonOnlineCourses

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Free Course: Smarter Learning - Improve Your Study Skills and Practices - Video

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Written by admin |

February 5th, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Posted in Personal Success

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