Subconscious Does Not Differentiate Between Reality And Imagination – Video

Posted: January 21, 2013 at 5:44 am

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Subconscious Does Not Differentiate Between Reality And Imagination
Is that true, that the subconscious mind, does not know the difference between reality and imagination? Now how can we prove this? A simple example would be, your emotional reaction when watching a movie. Think of a sad movie that made you cry or at least that made you choke. Or think of a horror movie that made you jump! You know very well, that, it is only a movie, then why did you react with such emotions. Your conscious mind knows that it is not real and it is only a movie, but your subconscious mind has taken it for real. In my previous talk, I mentioned that the subconscious mind is 5 times more powerful than the conscious mind. Your emotional reaction from a movie, is the prove to substantiate the overwhelming power of your subconscious mind, compared to your conscious mind. Brain researchers have determined that, there are no filters in the subconscious levels of our brain, to distinguish the difference between imagination and reality, and therefore everything is believed to be real. Thus the subconscious mind, cannot tell the difference between real and imagined. This piece of information is very useful and is of utmost importance, as you can use it to your advantage, in your personal development effort. If you can portray or act your role very well, and bring out the desired emotions that makes it look believable, your subconscious mind will take it for real. As such,incorporate and portray your goals in your conscious mind, consistently and sufficiently enough ...

By: Thiagen Manikam

See the article here:
Subconscious Does Not Differentiate Between Reality And Imagination - Video

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January 21st, 2013 at 5:44 am

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