Spirituality — The Course of 10000 Days featuring Tom Hinton, Author

Posted: February 22, 2013 at 6:44 pm

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Spirituality -- The Course of 10000 Days featuring Tom Hinton, Author Speaker
The Course of 10000 Days is a powerful self-help, personal growth program for Baby Boomers seeking spiritual renewal, happiness and life transformation. The Course retreat blends both spiritual and New Age practices to help people begin their personal development and create a purposeful life. During the retreat, you will learn how to find fulfillment, live your passion, love who you are and what you do, and create a lasting legacy. For information on workshop dates and registration, visit: http://www.10000Days.org

By: Tom Hinton

Continued here:
Spirituality -- The Course of 10000 Days featuring Tom Hinton, Author

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Written by admin |

February 22nd, 2013 at 6:44 pm

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