SI Magazine / In My Days / Dr. Bala Mohammed – Video

Posted: March 4, 2013 at 10:56 pm

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SI Magazine / In My Days / Dr. Bala Mohammed
Dr. Bala Mohammed is talking about how Nigeria used to be in the past, the challenges younger generations are facing in modern day Nigeria, how corruption ruined the good governance systems Nigeria previously experienced. Dr. Bala Mohammed is reknown academician, mass communication and media experts. His articles are published in many media prints across the globe, particularly in the US, UK, Republic of South Africa, Egypt, etc. His WeeklyTrust #39;s Saturday Column with Bala Mohammed that centered on personal development, youth advocacy, good governance, economy visualizations, critical analysis of the state of the Nation as well as advocating for good moral values and self reliance has earned him many readership from different life #39;s spheres, making him one of the best columnist in Nigeria.

By: SIMagazineNG

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SI Magazine / In My Days / Dr. Bala Mohammed - Video

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March 4th, 2013 at 10:56 pm

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