Sellouts, Dark Europeans. Bean Pies and Black Revolution…The Reality Scam Continues – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 7:03 am

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Sellouts, Dark Europeans. Bean Pies and Black Revolution...The Reality Scam Continues
The Janus-faced is strong with this one. He is only ONE of a growing group of cancerous cells. He like Brother Polight, King Noble, and Sara Suten Seti use a mixture of truth, disinformation and deliberate trickery (via roads of emotionalism, and poor mentation). Can you trust one who openly treats others with disrespect? Can you trust one that claims that unity is the objective, but goes out of his way to create hostility? Can you trust one who will not acknowledge the difference between a victim and a scapegoat? Are you ready to share your resources? Are you ready to daily confront your own ignorance and biases? Reject old programming, while standing fast against that you know to be false? Will you have the courage to seek personal development? If you have nothing to offer how can you lead? Aren #39;t you tired of not putting the blame where it belongs? Are you courageous enough to see your part, in the state of affairs? Are you ready for true equality ? Can you reject the so called conscious community? Ever wonder who gave them this name? Does not real revolution start from within? Do you need another to show you the "way"? It appears all of these movements are a substitution for church and a holy book? Another graven image of sorts to be worshiped. Is the possession of "knowledge" what makes you special? Must you achieve self esteem through the achievements of others? When someone claims they have the real truth does it not make you cringe? What is it with humanity #39;s need ...

By: EuphoricImpact

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Sellouts, Dark Europeans. Bean Pies and Black Revolution...The Reality Scam Continues - Video

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March 3rd, 2013 at 7:03 am

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