Proiectul WorkForm – Video

Posted: February 5, 2013 at 4:43 pm

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Proiectul WorkForm
The "WorkForm" project , power by Youth in Action (TIA)-- http://www.tinact,ro ---which developed for 7 months at "SF Iosiv" Social Service Center in Bucharest and involved in it a number of 11 persons (project team) , is an action which aims at providing support to the integration of young people alienated from society. The main objective is to support young people coming from disadvantaged social environments, institutionalized young men, those coming from children #39;s homes, young people, those of gipsy origin by providing them with professional counseling, getting them acquainted with the European values and rights, and developing their professional and social skills, with the purpose of an efficient social integration. During the project, its young beneficiaries participated in workshops based on both formal and informal methods. The main themes of these workshops were: the basic values and symbols of the European Union, sports and healthy food to improve the quality of life, personal development by psychodrama, professional counseling includes training on how to create and write a CV, the attitude, language and behavior to adopt during an entertainment, information on the employment formalities and procedure. The participants in these workshops were young artists, specialists of different professions, but also volunteers, who tried to familiarize the young beneficiaries with different crafts and professions, as well as with the general abilities that are needed in order to ...

By: Moldovan Radu

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Proiectul WorkForm - Video

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February 5th, 2013 at 4:43 pm

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