Personal Development Products – Brian Tracy

Posted: January 22, 2016 at 1:40 pm

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Your techniques on personal discipline have really got me on track. I have always lacked discipline and I somehow thought by avoiding my responsibilities and my goals I was avoiding work - now I know that I was actually creating more work for myself. Since I have created new habits of self discipline I find that my life is easier and better than ever. Thank you Brian Tracy.

Danny T - Miami, FL

I have read and reviewed most of Brian Tracy's previously published books and hold him high regard because he has helped so many people to overcome the barriers to their personal as well as professional development, especially when many (if not most) of the limits are self-imposed. Tracy agrees with what Henry Ford observed long ago: "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. When climbing mountains, ladders, whatever, attitude usually does determine altitude. But he also realizes that many people feel overwhelmed by their circumstances, have no self-confidence, and need help in the form of sound, practical, step-by-step advice. Tracy positions himself as a counselor, not as a cheerleader. In this book, he shares his thoughts about a process of reinvention that can enable almost anyone to achieve whatever goals they may have.

Robert Morris - Dallas, TX

Whenever I feel like I am getting off-track with my goals, I listen to my Brian Tracy CDs. It absolutely helps me refocus, set new goals and reminds me why my goals were important and what I have to do to achieve them. I also have my staff listen to the CDs to improve their sales capabilities and to motivate them towards success.

Jamie Hales - Minneapolis, MN

Brian Tracy's materials definitely stand out as the best I have seen and read. I started reading his books six months ago. My lifestyle has change abundantly since then! I have implemented his action points with amazing results within my office team, and relationship with my family and friends. A million thanks to Brian Tracy.

Enimakpokpo - Lagos, Nigeria

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Personal Development Products - Brian Tracy

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Written by admin |

January 22nd, 2016 at 1:40 pm

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