Personal Development Plan Template | Personal Development …

Posted: October 29, 2015 at 3:41 am

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A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there. H. Stanley Judd

Do you have a plan for where youre going and how to get there? Do you have a plan for your personal development? If you have hopes and dreams you are working towards, but arent sure of the steps needed , then a personal development plan may be just what you need.

So, what should you have in your personal development plan template? A good place to start is:

The real question though is whats a good format for this? What is a useful personal development plan template I can use as a starting point. Heres the answer:

Before I lay out my personal development plan template, consider how long you intend to spend improving your life. If youre like me, you know this is a long term process. You know that your personal development will continue long after you fill this template out, but do you have a steady stream of reminders to keep you on track? Do you have a community of like minded individuals to keep you motivated?

In short,the downside of a personal development plan template is that it can be challenging to keep your goals and dreams on track, because its too easy to write down a plan and then get back into every day life, while the plan sits on the shelf.

So, lets move beyond just a personal development plan template and use a better, free resource: a personal development plan for your life.

If youre serious about your personal development, I encourage you to complete your personal development plan template with this free personal development course Ive created: Personal Development 101. Features include:

So before you do anything else, click here now and get your free course: Personal Development 101.

As a bonus, youll also get my brand new special report The 7 Reasons Good People (With Great Plans) Still Fail.

Your goals might look like this:

For each box, answer these questions:

You can get more details about how to fill out this template in my article, How To Create Your Personal Development Plan.

Read the original here:
Personal Development Plan Template | Personal Development ...

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Written by admin |

October 29th, 2015 at 3:41 am

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