Making an impact in Asia Pacific: missionaries Rev. Joel and Iantha Scheiwe – Video

Posted: February 27, 2013 at 1:44 am

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Making an impact in Asia Pacific: missionaries Rev. Joel and Iantha Scheiwe
Want to learn how God is making an impact in Asia Pacific? This video tells how God is working through Lutheran Church mdash;Missouri Synod (LCMS) career missionary the Rev. Joel Scheiwe and his wife, Iantha, a career humanitarian worker. Joel shares about joys of the collaborative outreach of the Lutheran Church mdash;Hong Kong Synod, the LCMS and our Concordia English Center in Macau. Iantha provides an update on the success of education scholarships with holistic personal development programs being provided in China through Concordia Welfare Education Foundation. Learn more: bull; Get the Scheiwe family biography and prayer requests, and discover how to partner with their ministry in Asia Pacific at


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Making an impact in Asia Pacific: missionaries Rev. Joel and Iantha Scheiwe - Video

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February 27th, 2013 at 1:44 am

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