How to make a brilliant career with power of slogan – Video

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 8:47 pm

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How to make a brilliant career with power of slogan Our mind is like a computer. It will always do what it is programmed for. If you program it for a failure you will get it, and if you program if for success, no power in the world can stop it. So what does a simple personal slogan do. Implanted firmly as a program in your mind it gets the desirable result. Dear friends, will you get bananas by planting a seed of apple tree? Never. You will get what you sow. Now, suppose you are worried with your inferiority complex, and you want to get rid of it. Most of the people are unable to rid of it even for years, and many times their whole life get crushed under its negative weight. Reason? They keep worrying about it and imagining failures. The inferiority complex programming in their mind becomes stronger and stronger. So what is the simple solution? Change the programming. Write new programming. Feed these words in your mind day and night: "I am assertive and confident." Repeat these words as often as you can - exercising, bathing, eating, relaxing, working. The more you repeat the sooner you will be able to change the programming of your mind. Soon you will see a transformation in your personality. You will start getting positive results. And, you will boost your confidence further. It you want to become a rich person repeat these words. Make more money. Get obsessed with these three words. You will start earning money. So what you have learnt today. You have learnt the simple art of changing yourself and making ...

By: howtosecret

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How to make a brilliant career with power of slogan - Video

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Written by admin |

February 6th, 2013 at 8:47 pm

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