Empowering tomorrow’s leaders to re-invent the labor market: Peter Vogel at TEDxLausanne – Video

Posted: February 5, 2013 at 4:42 pm

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Empowering tomorrow #39;s leaders to re-invent the labor market: Peter Vogel at TEDxLausanne
http://www.tedxlausanne.org Peter is an internationally renowned entrepreneur, scholar, and labor market expert. He is a founder of HR Matching (http , a VC-backed tech firm revolutionizing recruiting. In addition to pursuing a PhD, he advises governments on growth, job creation, and entrepreneurial ecosystems. The Entrepreneurs #39; Ship (www.entrepreneursship.org , promotes entrepreneurship among young people where high unemployment rates leave little room for personal development. He is member of WEF Global Shapers and Sandbox.In his presentation, Peter explores the future of the labor market and the role of entrepreneurial ecosystems. The technological revolution not only changed the way we work and live, but who we are. The "Next Generations" are facing the highest youth unemployment rates and at the same time employers have entered a fierce competition for talents. This huge challenge can only be solved by the next generation itself, in re-defining the labor market of the future. Establishing assessable and healthy entrepreneurial ecosystems has to become priority #1 of policymakers and practitioners if we want to ensure that the terminology "Lost Generation" will always remain a piece of history.Peter is an internationally renowned entrepreneur, scholar, and labor market expert. He is a founder of HR Matching (www.hrmatching.com , a VC-backed tech firm revolutionizing recruiting. In addition to pursuing a PhD, he advises governments on growth, job creation, and ...

By: TEDxTalks

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Empowering tomorrow's leaders to re-invent the labor market: Peter Vogel at TEDxLausanne - Video

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February 5th, 2013 at 4:42 pm

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