Ebru ile Engin Denizlere Projesi – Video of Marbling ART Project – Video

Posted: December 23, 2012 at 5:47 pm

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Ebru ile Engin Denizlere Projesi - Video of Marbling ART Project
AB E #287;itim ve Genlik Programlar #305; taraf #305;ndan desteklenen "Ebru ile Engin Denizlere" adl #305; proje kapsam #305;nda Diyarbak #305;r Kent Konseyi Genlik Meclisi ile Genlik ve De #287;i #351;im Derne #287;inin katk #305;lar #305;yla Diyarbak #305;r #39;da "Aver Sanat Atlyesi" kuruldu. Projemizin ana temas #305; genlerin kltr ve sanat faaliyetleri ile u #287;ra #351;arak bo #351; vakitlerini verimli geirebilmelerini sa #287;layarak, geleneksel sanatlar #305;n yeni nesillere ta #351; #305;nmas #305;n #305; sa #287;lamakt #305;r. Bu tema erevesinde geleneksel Ebru Sanat #305; #39;n #305;n yeni ku #351;aklara aktar #305;larak ya #351;at #305;lmas #305;, bu sanata olan ilginin art #305;r #305;lmas #305;, sosyal ve ekonomik a #305;dan dezavantajl #305; genlerin hem sanatsal faaliyetlerle yarat #305;c #305;l #305;k kazanmas #305; hem de ilerde istihdam olanaklar #305;n #305; art #305;r #305;lmas #305; iin al #305; #351; #305;ld #305;. Web sitesi averusanat.com/ Facebook adresi facebook.com/AveruSanatAtolyesi Online dergi averusanat.com/index.php/online-dergi Projeden grntler facebook.com/AveruSanatAtolyesi/photos_albums Marbling Volunteers Group in Diyarbak #305;r planned to make Marbling Course for 20 disadvantageous youngs with "The Vast Seas With Marbling Project" which lasted 5 months. The target group was selected from among young people living in disadvantaged socio-economic backround. Under the project conform to the original materials and techniques of traditional Turkish marbling on paper and other surfaces implementations, work done with history and philosophy of traditional Turkish marbling, materials used in the identification and preparation of marbling, the problems which were encountered ...From:Serhildan KardesViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:19More inPeople Blogs

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Ebru ile Engin Denizlere Projesi - Video of Marbling ART Project - Video

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Written by admin |

December 23rd, 2012 at 5:47 pm

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