Day 2 of 30 Day Video Challenge – Video

Posted: January 27, 2013 at 4:46 pm

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Day 2 of 30 Day Video Challenge
Day 2 of 30 day video challenge -- this is a short video to inspire you to feed your mind. Personal development is very important for you personally and professionally. There are so many great authors to choose from, in this video I share Gary Vanerchuk, Randy Gage, Jack Canfield, Network Marketing Times, and Mark Yarnell. Even if you are not in Network Marketing or wanting to make money from home you should still feed your brain, we need it; in fact our bodies crave knowledge whether we realize it or not. You need to feed your mind with personal development on a daily basis, whether it be the Bible if you are spiritual, or one of these amazing books; you must take care of the inner you for the outer you to flourish. If you are interested in learning more about how to work from home, marketing your business online, and/or growing your Fanpage with your Facebook page I invite you to connect with me on the inks below. I would love to connect with you, learn more about what you do and how I can help you with your business and your goals. Let #39;s connect on my fan page Twitter Pinterest BLOG

By: Colin DeBre #39;

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Day 2 of 30 Day Video Challenge - Video

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January 27th, 2013 at 4:46 pm

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