Bell rings on a new era at club

Posted: March 28, 2013 at 6:46 am

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AN Oldham boxing club is set to pack even more of a punch from its new base.

Oldham Boxing and Personal Development Centre has moved from its former home in Derker Street, and will step back into the ring at the newly refurbished Victoria House in the heart of Oldham.

The club will now be able to take advantage of a bigger and better equipped gym, complete with two boxing rings and top-of-the-range equipment.

Eric Noi, a former England Amateur Boxing Association champion who runs the centre, said: We were sorry to see the old place close as it holds lots of memories.

It was where Gallagher Boys Club started out more than 50 years ago and in that time thousands of people have come through the doors. Some have gone on to be champions while others have just learned new skills and used boxing to become better people.

Now we are looking forward. Victoria House is a new start for us all and is better suited to what we want to achieve delivering champions, and may be more importantly, people that Oldham can be proud of.

For more information on personal development courses and the boxing club visit its website at call 0161-628 6869. for the full version of this story buy the Chronicle or register to read the digital editions

Continued here:
Bell rings on a new era at club

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Written by admin |

March 28th, 2013 at 6:46 am

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