08-02-2012 10:43 This week on Penn Foster Tv: Penn Foster Steve gives us a quick interview training tip. Steve tells us about a good question that any job seeker could ask in a job interview. Since a job interview should also be you interviewing your potential future employer, you should always go into an interview with a few questions you would like to ask. Next time you're in an interview, try asking the question that Steve mentions in this video. This particular question will get your interviewer to view you as a future employee, and it will get them to focus on the specific ways that you could help. Good luck in any of your job interviews! Stay tuned next Friday for another episode of Penn Foster TV. For more information on any of the Penn Foster schools, please visit http://www.pennfoster.edu You can also find us on facebook over at http://www.facebook.com
09-02-2012 13:19 Enjoy Clairol Professional's online education webcast series where you can learn about the latest tips and techniques. In this episode, education team member Lindsay Perez and design team member Julie Cornejo share details about the new Gray Buster NN shades, along with an easy technique to take back to your salon. See how the new Gray Busters NN shades come to life to provide excellent coverage on resistant gray hair.
10-02-2012 17:12 For more: to.pbs.org Combining the powers of social media and fluent Mandarin, Jessica Beinecke teaches American slang to eager Chinese minds half a world away. Hari Sreenivasan reports on Beinecke's success with Voice of America's online video program "OMG! Meiyu" and her role as an ambassador of American culture and language to China.
19-07-2011 00:01 More @ http://www.mysuccessfullifecoach.com. Life Coach TV Interview. This is a short video of the highlights of a TV interview with Life Coach John Curran, AKA "Coach Curran". John provides insights on how to be successful in the physical, emotional, financial, relational, and spiritual areas of your life! http
10-12-2011 16:59 http://www.mysuccessfullifecoach.com Life and Business Coach John Curran talks about what a life coach is, and is not. He discusses 8 of the most commonly asked questions about life coaching. http
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09-02-2012 21:32 Please remember that I am only on here trying to get everyone female and male to eat better and exercise more. My dream is that we may be able to live 90-100 percent medicine free just by changing our eating and exercising habits. Is there any charge for helping you no way helping others should always be free xxx Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my friend.
10-02-2012 01:58 Please remember that I am only on here trying to get everyone female and male to eat better and exercise more. My dream is that we may be able to live 90-100 percent medicine free just by changing our eating and exercising habits. Is there any charge for helping you no way helping others should always be free xxx Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my friend.