11-02-2012 13:20 Message for All : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my Friend:)
11-02-2012 14:03 Message for All : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my Friend:)
11-02-2012 14:23 Message for All : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my Friend:)
11-02-2012 15:36 Message for All : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my Friend:)
11-02-2012 18:41 Message for All : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my Friend:)
08-12-2011 13:28 techbookonline.com Techbook Online Corporation® celebrates Black History with COON™ Awareness Month http://www.techbookonline.com 2.1.12: Global News -- (Education/Black History): Techbook Online Corporation®, an integrated internet, multi-media publishing and sustainable marketing organization, announced today that throughout the month of February it will recognize the early contributions of African-American's in entertainment with a month long social media campaign called COON™ (Caricatures Once Observed as Naive). With the majority of content being published on the organization's Facebook and Twitter pages, the goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of caricatures such as "Coon" "Mammy" and "Black Sambo", while educating the public on their role, relevance and importance in African-American history. To read the official Press Release visit http://www.facebook.com 12.13.11: Global News--(Drum Education): "Educators launch marketing campaign intended to empower Drummers" TRX Cymbal Co® Artist Flood the Drummer®, a vocal advocate for Education reform and the CEO of Techbook Online Corporation® and InteractiveMusicTeacher.com, an innovative online subscription service that offers live streaming drum education in HD, announced today the launch of the #KICKEARS Solo and Grow™ campaign. Described as a weeklong internet campaign designed to build a community of drummers who will play loud, play fast and PLAY, drummers are encouraged to tweet YouTube videos of them soloing with the hastag ...
25-01-2012 18:01 On January 30, President Obama will answer your top-voted questions in a special post-State of the Union interview from the White House. To participate, visit http://www.youtube.com/whitehouse and submit your question. YouTube videos you submit will drive the interview and will be used to select a few lucky people to join a live Google+ Hangout with the President. The deadline to submit is January 28 at midnight ET. NOTE: The White House and President Obama will not review any of the questions submitted before the interview and will not know which questions will be asked.
10-02-2012 18:41 Message for All Youtubers : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my friend.
10-02-2012 13:42 Message for All Youtubers : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my friend.
10-02-2012 15:24 Message for All Youtubers : Please don't forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds Also Exercise two hours or two miles a day everyday subscribe to my channel if you'd like to:) Please feel free to video respond to all my videos for many video and channel views thanks for being my friend.