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Advocates say yoga is 'ideal' for people with autism

Posted: May 29, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Emily Lane feels powerful when she stands in the warrior pose.

Her sometimes crippling anxiety -- over tests, classmate cliques and the overarching bubble of stress that looms in the classroom -- melts down her legs and sinks into the floor. It is replaced with a sense of calm and self-confidence, she says.

"I was expecting to have a class where everything was based around yoga and exercising," she says. "I didn't expect that it would be such a personal and deep experience."

Emily, 17, attends Silver Creek High School in Longmont. She has autism. And she takes 90-minute yoga classes every week to help her cope with social challenges that cause her anxiety.

The autism spectrum spans a variety of neurological disorders

Trevor Parent (left) and Paige Kinnaman (right) try to balance during yoga class at Temple Grandin in Boulder. ( MARK LEFFINGWELL )

"Yoga offers tangible, attention-building practices that help them learn to harness their mental and physical energy in helpful ways," says Abby Wills, program director with the Shanti Generation, which makes yoga DVDs specifically for youth.

Take the tree pose, she says. Kids can tune into their breathing, centers and foundation. They feel their feet firmly connected, their abs activated and their breath flowing, giving them a chance to feel in control -- "something they very much desire and often have a hard time accomplishing," Wills says.

On the social level, yoga promotes interaction with other participants and the teacher in a non-competitive, low-stress environment.

Some studies claim regular yoga classes improved imitation skills, non-verbal communication, reception to verbal commands and the comprehension of spatial commands ("Lift your right hand") among participants with autism. Other studies showed that it changed children's play patterns with toys and other children, and it led to increased eye contact.

Go here to see the original:
Advocates say yoga is 'ideal' for people with autism

Written by simmons |

May 29th, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Posted in Financial

Yoga has healing and hurting powers

Posted: at 7:19 pm

Paola Loriggio Special to the Star

It can help ease anxiety and insomnia, relieve back aches and arthritis pain, nurse injured limbs back to health and prevent them from getting hurt in the first place.

But yoga, often touted as a gentle workout and an alternative to more intrusive therapies, can cause as much damage as it is proclaimed to heal.

And those who most need yogas restorative effects older people with underlying conditions, for example are often the most at risk, some experts say.

Many forget that yoga is, first and foremost, a form of exercise, one with the same dangers as any other sport, says Angela Growse, a Toronto physiotherapist who has experienced firsthand the unfortunate consequences of a misstep.

People completely underestimate the potential for injury, she says.

Its easy to move beyond the physiological range of the body while performing postures, which can aggravate muscle imbalances and other weaknesses, she adds.

Torqued knees, snapped ligaments and pinched spinal discs are some of the agonizing results of a yoga class gone wrong, leading to months of misery and rehabilitation, possibly even surgery, she says.

Some damage is irreversible: for example, overstretched back ligaments cant always bounce back, Growse says. That laxity can limit the ability to do other activities, she says.

Part of the blame lies with a competitive culture that spurs people to shun beginner classes in favour of more hardcore advanced and intense sessions, she says.

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Yoga has healing and hurting powers

Written by simmons |

May 29th, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Posted in Financial

Commentary: Is it Dangerous for Christians to Practice Yoga?

Posted: at 7:19 pm

Some people think that Christians shouldn't practice yoga. One article tells of how dangerous it is to participate in the following:




Native American dream catchers

They article tells of how participating in these things opens doors to spirits and puts the participant in danger. While I agree that Christians should not engage in hypnosis and astrology, I highly disagree with yoga being harmful to Christians. I will highlight four reasons why I believe yoga to be safe for everyone, including Christians.

#1 Many Christians participate in yoga

In two of my previous articles I wrote about Holy Yoga for Christians and yoga raves, both of which are centered around Christianity. Not all Christians believe it is wrong to enjoy yoga, myself included.

#2 Yoga is only a spiritual or religious act if you choose to make one

One does not have to engage in the religion in which yoga originated in order to enjoy the poses (asanas). Meditation is not even necessary when practicing yoga. Asanas are an excellent way to relax the mind and body, become more flexible and build muscle. Nothing about that invites evil spirits into ones life. The author of the article that says yoga shouldn't be practiced by Christians states, "A person may enter into a seance or hypnosis or yoga with innocent motives. That doesn't solve the problem. When you open a door to spirits, you place yourself in harm's way....unless you are turning to the Holy Spirit. No born again believer should utilize yoga or hypnosis because of the spiritual dangers associated with these practices." I highly disagree with this mindset and feel that is very narrow minded. Yoga doesn't invite evil spirits into a person's life or home, playing with a Ouija board does.

See the original post here:
Commentary: Is it Dangerous for Christians to Practice Yoga?

Written by simmons |

May 29th, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Posted in Financial

PERFORMANCE/TOUR: Manhattan Transfer's Alan Paul at the Gano Promenade Irwindale

Posted: at 1:26 pm

Gano Promenade presents Manhattan Transfer's Alan Paul, A Retrospective,with special guest vocalist, Arielle Paul.

Just got back last night from my European tour with TMT and looking forward to my gig this weekend in Erwindale. I'm doing a retrospective of my career and my daughter Arielle is also performing. I got a seriously groovin' band with my pal Ted Perlman on guitar, Darrell Diaz who plays with Herbie Hancock on keyboard, Reggie Hamilton on Bass and the swingin' Sammy K on drums. Hope to see you there! Alan Paul

June 2, 2012 at 8pm The Gano Promenade 4828 4th Street, Irwindale, CA

The Eight time Grammy Award winner and founding member of the internationally acclaimed vocal group The Manhattan Transfer will make another rare LIVE Los Angeles performance. This time for the benefit of the youth music projects of GanoCares Foundation.

Alan Paul will be showcasing a retrospective peak into his musical journey featuring songs from his 2 solo CD's (Another Place In Time & Shoo Bop), his days in Broadway musicals and of course the illustrious years with Manhattan Transfer. The event will take place at The Gano Promenade (, an intimate state-of-the-art venue in Irwindale, CA (approx 20 minutes east of downtown Los Angeles).

The show will also feature his talented daughter, up and coming singer Arielle Paul, and will involve a special participation by international jazz vocalist Mon David and R&B/smooth jazz singer Maricar of the 4828 Band.

As a writer and arranger, Alan Paul earned four additional Grammy Award nominations for his contributions to American music; from songs like, Twilight Zone"/"Twilight" Tone" and Code Of Ethics" to his vocal arrangements for The Boy From NYC" and Rays Rockhouse." Rounding out some of the great songs he has penned include, Smile Again," Spies In The Night," Malaise en Malaisie," All Heart," The Quitetude," What Goes Around Comes Around," Santa Man," It's Good Enough To Keep," Stompin' At Mahogany Hall," Nothin' Could be Hotter Than That" and Ragtime in Pixiland.

The Gano Promenade is an entertainment venue in the heart of the San Gabriel Valley. This hidden hot spot is hosted by Gano Excel North America, the premier resource for enriched coffee. It is driven by four philosophies... to provide a place to energize, revitalize, harmonize and socialize with anyone and everyone. You can expect nights full of amazing music or an intimate, up close & personal performances with some of your favorite artists. You won't be disappointed with the wondrous, unassuming oasis of music and magical enchanted evenings.

Visit Website | Purchase

See the original post here:
PERFORMANCE/TOUR: Manhattan Transfer's Alan Paul at the Gano Promenade Irwindale

Written by admin |

May 29th, 2012 at 1:26 pm

Geikie and Warlow target Olympics

Posted: at 1:26 pm

Devon shooters Georgina Geikie and Rory Warlow are both hoping to score personal bests at the Olympics after being named as part of Team GB's 10-strong shooting squad.

Pistol shooter Geikie, 27, and skeet shooter Warlow will both compete in their first Olympics this summer.

"If you're not in it you can't win it, so I'm going to give it my best," Geikie told BBC Radio Devon.

"I want to shoot a personal best, but a performance is what I'm going for."

Okehampton's Geikie, who won four medals at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, added: "If that performance is good enough to win a medal then that's a bonus."

Elburton-based former national champion Warlow, 22, has twice equalled the British record and is the top-ranked skeet shooter in the country.

He says he has been training just as hard physically as he has with his gun.

"We are athletes and I think that to have a very good level of fitness and strength can only help you.

"Being fit and healthy and having a good diet, all of those things contribute to a good performance.

"I want to shoot to the best of my ability and if I could shoot a personal best I'd be very happy.

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Geikie and Warlow target Olympics

Written by admin |

May 29th, 2012 at 1:26 pm

The Inaugural California Women's Conference Announces Exclusive Ticket Offer

Posted: at 1:25 pm

LONG BEACH, CA--(Marketwire -05/29/12)- The California Women's Conference, an event endorsing leading women everywhere, has announced exclusive access to pre-sale tickets available for purchase beginning on June 15, 2012. On this date tickets will be available for businesses and individuals to attend the September 23rd and 24th conference at the Long Beach Convention Center, promoting its theme, "The Women's Economy Starts Here."

Women everywhere are anticipating this momentous event as The California Women's Conference offers attendees inspiration, resources, and connections for greater advancements in personal development, business and career ventures, health and wellness, and philanthropic endeavors. The conference features widely respected thought leaders, talented entertainers, and an infinite marketplace of ideas, exhibits, networking and panel discussions. Intended for women committed to success, and those seeking to connect and inspire, this year's conference is a must-attend event.

For nearly thirty years, women in California have enjoyed a conference that provided women resources for building successful businesses, strengthening careers, and positively influencing the world around them. The mission of The California Women's Conference is to empower women and provide resources for every aspect of their lives. To learn more and to get information on how to purchase tickets, join our community by visiting

About the history and tradition of the California Governor & First Lady Conference on Women The spiritual predecessor of the California Women's Conference, namely the California Governor & First Lady's Conference on Women, was an annual non-partisan event, and was created in 1985 by then-Governor George Deukmejian, to address the high failure rate among women-owned businesses by giving women entrepreneurs greater access to funding and other helpful resources. Selecting the city of Long Beach as the event's host, city officials and businesses quickly became enthusiastic supporters. Then-First Lady Gloria Deukmejian assumed responsibility for the conference, which became known as the California Governor and First Lady's Conference. In the recent past, this conference became a star-studded event. Past speakers have included: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, First Lady Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson, Barbara Walters, Jane Fonda, Queen Noor of Jordan, Tyra Banks, Martha Stewart, Madeline Albright, Condoleeza Rice, and many others. Today, the tradition of enthusiastically serving women-owned businesses continues under the stewardship of Michelle Patterson, CEO of EventComplete.

About EventCompleteEventComplete, LLC, is a full-service event marketing company specializing in strategy, production and marketing for large scale conferences, workshops, and charitable events. They partner with each client at every step in creating, planning, marketing, and producing signature events in which businesses, non-profits and the community collaborate effectively to maximize marketing objectives. They "complete" events by utilizing their proprietary methods for Marketing Sequence Campaigns, Database Management, Event Registration, Sponsorship Development, and Venue Management. To learn more about Michelle Patterson and EventComplete, visit

The Inaugural California Women's Conference Announces Exclusive Ticket Offer

Written by admin |

May 29th, 2012 at 1:25 pm

MMRGlobal Reaches One Million Member Mark With Agreements to Double This Year

Posted: at 1:25 pm

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire -05/29/12)- MMRGlobal, Inc. (MMRF.OB) ("MMR") today announced that its domestic membership base for its patented Personal Health Record products and services has passed the one million mark and is expected to double before the end of this year with affinity programs through agreements with E-mail Frequency ( The Company believes it currently has the highest member base of any pure-play Personal Health Record (PHR) provider. MMR counts members as a population who has paid access to the Company's MyMedicalRecords and MyEsafeDepositBox websites along with private label websites. Members from MMR's clients include Chartis Insurance (formerly AIG), Coverdell, MedicAlert, UST Global, and the NRA in addition to union membership, expats, hospitals, physician groups, surgery centers and other healthcare professionals, amongst others.

Membership is a key indicator of the interest in, and awareness of, Personal Health Records, giving the Company a targeted list of individuals and families that MMR can convert to users. According to Bob Lorsch, MMRGlobal CEO, "As our member base continues to grow, it creates a revenue generating platform for the Company to sell affiliate products and services or for use in a targeted advertising model. Once users place any data in their account, they keep it. The more information that is stored in an account the stickier our service becomes."

Starting today, the Company will be presenting its Interbit Data certified MEDITECH solution at the International MUSE Conference taking place in Orlando through June 1 ( The solution moves patient records from MEDITECH EMR systems and delivers them into MMRPatientView which can then be upgraded to a full-featured MyMedicalRecords PHR. The MyMedicalRecords PHR is also integrated in the Company's MMRPro document management and imaging system ( MMRPro is sold to surgery centers, small hospitals, physician offices and other healthcare professionals.

MyMedicalRecords is the only PHR that can store actual copies of patient files in their original format from any healthcare professional and connect patients to their providers via a patented telecommunications platform which seamlessly integrates Internet, fax and voice. Each MyMedicalRecords account includes a version of the Company's MyEsafeDepositBox service to protect other important documents and enable quick retrieval in an emergency, such as deeds of trust, birth certificates, passports, insurance policies, wills, advance directives, photos and other irreplaceable documents. Since the launch of its MyMedicalRecords service in 2005, the Company has noted attrition rates of less than 3 percent.

MMR sells MyMedicalRecords PHR products direct to consumers, corporations as an employee benefit, physicians, small hospitals, surgery centers and other healthcare professionals, including veterinarians, and through affinity organizations as a "value-added" service for their members or clients. The Company recently introduced a Prepaid Personal Health Record Card, which it is beginning to offer through retailers. The Company also plans to sell through financial services organizations in the future.

The Company's products and services are offered both via the MyMedicalRecords website and as a private-label product. When sold to employers and/or affinity groups, MMR uses a wholesale pricing model similar to companies like Travel Guard. In that model, the Company counts members as individuals who have received wholesale paid access to the MMR system as an employee benefit or from an affinity group. The Company then counts users as the individuals in that member group who activate and commence usage of their individual PHR by having documents, images or voice files stored in their account.

About MMRGlobal, Inc.

MMRGlobal, Inc., through its wholly-owned operating subsidiary, MyMedicalRecords, Inc., provides secure and easy-to-use online Personal Health Records ("PHRs") and electronic safe deposit box storage solutions, serving consumers, healthcare professionals, employers, insurance companies, financial institutions, and professional organizations and affinity groups. The MyMedicalRecords PHR enables individuals and families to access their medical records and other important documents, such as birth certificates, passports, insurance policies and wills, anytime from anywhere using the Internet. MyMedicalRecords is built on proprietary, patented technologies to allow documents, images and voicemail messages to be transmitted and stored in the system using a variety of methods, including fax, phone, or file upload without relying on any specific electronic medical record platform to populate a user's account. The Company's professional offering, MMRPro, is designed to give physicians' offices an easy and cost-effective solution to digitizing paper-based medical records and sharing them with patients in real time through an integrated patient portal. MMR is an Independent Software Vendor Partner with Kodak to deliver an integrated turnkey EMR solution for healthcare professionals. Through its merger with Favrille, Inc. in January 2009, the Company acquired intellectual property biotech assets that include anti-CD20 antibodies and data and samples from its FavId/Specifid vaccine clinical trials for the treatment of B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. To learn more about MMRGlobal, Inc. visit View demos and video tutorials of the Company's products and services at

Forward-Looking Statements

All statements in this press release that are not strictly historical in nature, including future performance, management's expectations, beliefs, intentions, estimates or projections, constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results to be materially different from historical results or from any results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Some can be identified by the use of words (and their derivations) such as "need," "possibility," "intend," "offer," "development," "if," "negotiate," "when," "begun," "believe," "achieve," "will," "estimate," "expect," "maintain," "plan," and "continue," or the negative of these words. Actual results and the timing of selected events may differ materially from the results predicted, and reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance. Such statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those discussed or incorporated by reference herein. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, the risk the Company's products are not adopted or viewed favorably by the healthcare community and consumer retail market; business prospects, results of operations or financial condition; success of new distribution channels and personal health records adoption; timing and volume of sales and installations; length of sales cycles and the installation process; market acceptance of new product introductions including the Prepaid Personal Health Record card; ability to establish and maintain strategic relationships; relationships with licensees; competitive product offerings and promotions; changes in government laws and regulations and future changes in tax legislation and initiatives in the healthcare industry; undetected errors in our products; possibility of interruption at our data centers; risks related to third party vendors; risks related to obtaining and integrating third-party licensed technology; risks related to a security breach by third parties; maintaining, developing and defending our intellectual property rights; marketing and exploitation of our patent portfolio both in the U.S. and internationally; uncertainties associated with doing business internationally across borders and territories; and additional risks discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company is providing this information as of the date of this release and, except as required by law, does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

See more here:
MMRGlobal Reaches One Million Member Mark With Agreements to Double This Year

Written by admin |

May 29th, 2012 at 1:25 pm

Online Education – Mrr – Video

Posted: at 1:24 pm

28-05-2012 13:19 Online Education - Mrr Warning: Don't Blame Us If Going To College No Longer Seems Interesting! Not Interested In Going To College And Listening To Lectures? Don't Know How To Get Your Degree Otherwise? Fret Not! You Are Just A Few Moments Away From Realizing That There Is Another Alternative The Internet! Finally! A Complete Guide That Clearly Explains The Whole Electronic Degree Process And How You Can Get It, With The Help Of Little Known, But Highly Effective Tips! If You Have Been Looking For This, Just Don't Let This Opportunity Slip By! Intoducing! Thanks to the advent of the Internet and the concept of online education, you can easily get educated online. To find out more about it, read the eBook, Online Education Explained. This useful eBook presents 64 pages of tips on how to get an education online easily, the various options available, and how you can avail of these excellent opportunities to get the finest possible education online. These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book : Online Education Basics Managing Online Education Expectations Choosing the Best From The Range of Online Degrees The Quest of Finding The Perfect Online Degree The Employer's Perception Of An Online Degree Studying Abroad Online Online Education - A Boon For Army Personnel A Guide To Your Online Education In Law Online Tutoring What Is It? Online Tutoring: Two Advanced Processes Used What Are the Benefits of Online Tutoring? Homeschooling and Online Tutoring How to ...

See the article here:
Online Education - Mrr - Video

Written by admin |

May 29th, 2012 at 1:24 pm

Posted in Online Education

Online Tech Offers Data Security Scholarship to College Students

Posted: at 1:24 pm


Online Tech is awarding two $1,000 scholarships to students interested in pursuing a career in information technology, computer sciences and healthcare information technology. The 2012 Data Security Scholarship will be available for the Fall semester of the 2012-2013 academic year.

Applicants should show an interest in cloud computing, data computing, disaster recovery, colocation and similar topics as it relates to the ever-changing fields of information technology and healthcare IT.

Online Tech feels strongly about offering the scholarship in order to encourage tomorrows technology leaders to pursue higher education in their respective fields, said April Sage, Online Techs Director of Healthcare Vertical and Marketing.

Scholarships awarded by Online Tech will be based on the applicants response to one of the following questions:

1. Healthcare: What do you see as the best technology for improving healthcare and health IT?"

2. Mobile Security: What do you see as the most serious mobile security threat facing consumers and/or companies and why?

While the traditional essay submission is one option, Online Tech has also opened up the submissions to take the form of a short, 10-minute video or an infographic complete with a brief explanation.

All interested students can apply on Online Techs website by clicking here. Submissions should submitted no later than July 8, 2012. Winners for the award will be announced by August 10, 2012.

Online Tech ( is the leader in secure and compliant hosting services including private cloud hosting, managed cloud hosting, hybrid cloud hosting, managed dedicated servers, disaster recovery and offsite backup services, and Michigan colocation. Online Techs legacy of independent HIPAA, PCI, SAS 70 Type II, SSAE 16 Type II (SOC 1), SOC 2, and SOC 3 audits and reports ensures the security, privacy, and availability expected of a trusted service organization. For more information, call (877) 740-5028 or email

More here:
Online Tech Offers Data Security Scholarship to College Students

Written by admin |

May 29th, 2012 at 1:24 pm

Posted in Online Education

No bones about it: Dog training school 1 of thousands getting military spouse education money

Posted: at 1:24 pm

MIAMI "Unleash the dog trainer inside you," urges an ad for the online Animal Behavior College, which makes no bones about whom it's trying to recruit. In television and online ads, it speaks directly to military spouses. The message: You may be able to attend for free.

The ads are working. In three years, 2,255 military spouses have enrolled, and the college has collected more than $2.7 million in taxpayer-funded spousal education benefits from the Pentagon among the most of any school in a program called the Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts, or MyCAA.

But three years into the MyCAA program, concerns are growing that it's been caught up in a broader gold rush by for-profit colleges to recruit students with military ties and cash the taxpayer-financed tuition checks they carry with them

As the Iraq and Afghanistan wars began winding down in recent years, Congress passed a series of substantial education benefits. The best-known was the post-9/11 version of the G.I. Bill, which updated the original version that put much of the post-World War II generation through college and helped fuel the country's postwar economic prosperity.

MyCAA was a small part of that broader effort, created by the Pentagon to support military wives and husbands. The benefit was seen as long overdue, considering the strains spouses endured during the wars and their high rates of unemployment. It was also a retention tool; by giving spouses a career boost, families might have more stability to stick with a military career.

But MyCAA has become particularly worrisome. Overall, 60 percent of federal education money for military wives and husbands has gone to for-profit schools, compared to 38 percent for the G.I. Bill in the 2011 fiscal school year. Neither program requires schools to be accredited; they only need to be approved by a state agency. And the Pentagon isn't tracking how many MyCAA beneficiaries have earned a degree or found employment.

"The Department of Defense is not doing enough to really oversee this program," said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, chairman of the House Education, Labor and Pensions committee, which raised concerns about MyCAA in a recent report.

Another concern: Academically, the military spouse benefit is more limiting than other military education benefits including the GI Bill. It can be used only to pursue an occupational credential or an associate's degree, not a bachelor's or graduate degree. That keeps costs down, but sends a grating message to some, especially after the program originally open to all military spouses was limited to the wives and husbands of junior service members.

"I know many spouses who are junior ranks who want to achieve something more than an associate's degree," said Bianca Strzalkowski, a Marine Corps wife named "Military Spouse of the Year" in 2011 and who has traveled around the country speaking about education issues.

Strzalkowski said there has been an outcry among spouses over both MyCAA's restrictions and its lack of oversight.

See the original post here:
No bones about it: Dog training school 1 of thousands getting military spouse education money

Written by admin |

May 29th, 2012 at 1:24 pm

Posted in Online Education

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