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Learning how to sit with Utah yoga writer Charlotte Bell

Posted: June 6, 2012 at 10:12 pm

(Kim Raff | The Salt Lake Tribune) Charlotte Bell helps Sandy Maclead with a pose while leading a yoga class recently in Salt Lake City. Bell recently published a book called "Yoga for Mediators."

Yoga Charlotte Bells new book offers a recipe for everyone who sits too long and too poorly.

We are a nation of couch potatoes, but that doesnt mean we know how to sit.

We know how to slouch. We know how to lean toward a screen and hunch over a desk. But we dont know how to sit still and straight so that our minds might be quiet. When we try, we discover its harder than it looks.

Reading about sitting

Charlotte Bells second book, Yoga for Meditators, is published by Rodmell Press ($14.95).

Charlotte Bell remembers going to her first five-day meditation retreat, which required her to sit upright and silent for hours each day.

"At some point, every part of my body chimed in, and sometimes shouted at me, pummeling me with its resistance," she recalls. "My knees screamed, my back and shoulders veritably shrieked. None of this helped my attitude, which became more dour with each agonizing minute."

Its difficult to make your mind empty when your body is so full of complaints.

Read more from the original source:
Learning how to sit with Utah yoga writer Charlotte Bell

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:12 pm

Posted in Financial

AntiGravity Yoga Gains Popularity

Posted: at 10:12 pm

LOS ANGELES - A growing number of health clubs around the world is offering exercise that allows people to stretch and strengthen their bodies while hanging in the air, often upside down. It's called AntiGravity Yoga.

At first glance, students hanging upside down on hammocks made of silk cloth hanging from the ceiling seems more like acrobatics than yoga.

When I first saw people hanging upside down from hammocks and calling it yoga I thought they were crazy," said Marie Bice. "But it ended up being a lot of fun and just swinging it felt very playful.

Thats student Marie Bice. She says AntiGravity Yoga is not all play. Its also hard work, with benefits.

I dont have a lot of flexibility in my back and doing this work has really helped my back with that," she said.

Instructor Heather Blair says hanging upside down helps the body in a way that regular yoga does not offer.

You actually have spinal decompression so when youre upside down your vertebrae actually open up so the space in between the vertebrae opens naturally and gently," said Blair.

Student Chris Meierhans has done traditional forms of yoga. But this is his first AntiGravity class.

I would like to increase flexibility," said Meierhans. "Of course, Im a guy, a runner, so my hamstrings are very tight.

Blair says when Believe Fitness Studio first started offering AntiGravity classes over a year ago, people became interested very quickly.

Excerpt from:
AntiGravity Yoga Gains Popularity

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:12 pm

Posted in Financial

The first Canadian National Health and Fitness Day, June 2nd, 2012 – Video

Posted: at 9:23 pm

04-06-2012 22:41 June 2,d 2012, Folow MP John Weston as he runs the Whistler half-marathon, plays Tennis and promotes The first Canadian National Health and Fitness Day, June 2nd, 2012 John is a Canadian politician, who was elected to represent the electoral district of West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country in the 2008 Canadian federal election. He is a member of the Conservative Party. To see more about John and how he serves Canadians, Please visit

Original post:
The first Canadian National Health and Fitness Day, June 2nd, 2012 - Video

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

Women’s 100 orgasms a day! NO JOKE! – Video

Posted: at 9:23 pm

05-06-2012 11:51 - Amazing free guide on weight loss and creating the strongest, healthiest version of you! fitness guide, workouts for women to lose weight, fitness beginner, magazine health articles, fitness health exercise, women health fitness, health articles on fitness, mens fitness magazine, fitness army, weight loss workouts for women, how to lose a weight, workouts to lose weight for women, magazine health fitness, how to lose the weight, workouts for fitness, articles on health and fitness, health exercise and fitness, articles health and fitness, best workouts for weight loss, personal fitness plan, beginner diet, fitness magazine for women, fitness and health magazine, how lost weight, weight loss diet exercise, fitness training guide, health fitness article, workouts for weight loss for women, workouts in gym, lose weight workouts, articles of fitness, gym workouts to lose weight, fitness workouts women, articles on fitness and health, about fitness and health, fitness workouts for women, most effective workouts, magazine about health, magazine for health, in shape magazine, nutrition and health articles, gym beginner, fitness for weight loss, fitness beginners, free fitness exercise, women fitness workouts, women fitness magazine, articles on health and nutrition, men health fitness, fitness online free, good health and fitness, mens weight loss, weight lose workouts, article on health and fitness, best diet exercise, physical activity for health, in ...

Originally posted here:
Women's 100 orgasms a day! NO JOKE! - Video

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

June-Marie Raw Food and Fitness Health My Mom was video taping hehe 002 – Video

Posted: at 9:23 pm

05-06-2012 22:40 Hello, how are you? I am on here to try to help everyone eat better and exercise If you need any help with that email me please do not forget to eat raw organic fruit (focusing on the fruit) vegetables (especially dark leafy greens) nuts and seeds and also exercise two hours or two miles (walking) a day everyday huge hugs remember you are loved huge hugs dedicating all my videos to my mom who passed on to Heaven April 24, 2012 of COPD and Hardening of the Arteries. She will be enormously missed

See the original post here:
June-Marie Raw Food and Fitness Health My Mom was video taping hehe 002 - Video

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

Synergy health center to close for renovations

Posted: at 9:23 pm

EXETER Synergy Health & Fitness will close at the end of the year for 14 months for construction of a comprehensive musculoskeletal center.

Hospital officials say Synergy Health & Fitness will close on Dec. 1, 2012 and will reopen with the new musculoskeletal center in the spring of 2014.

The renovation project is a result of the Seacoast regions growing need for musculoskeletal services, the hospital said in a statement released on Wednesday.

The Synergy Health & Fitness building is located on the hospitals campus.

By offering clinical specialty services including orthopaedics, podiatry, rheumatology, neurology, neurosurgery, comprehensive rehabilitation; and alternative medicine, the musculoskeletal center will focus on effectively and efficiently evaluating and treating bone, joint, and muscle conditions, the hospital statement said. Synergy will continue to offer medically-based fitness programs.

All of the approximately 3,000 Synergy members were notified this week about the temporary closure in a letter mailed to their homes.

Patient-related services currently provided in the Synergy building, including acupuncture, massage, nutrition, cancer Well-fit program, cardiac rehabilitation, and physical/occupational rehabilitation (AthletiCare) will be temporarily relocated to another building on the Exeter Hospital campus during the construction period.

Hospital officials said approximately five full-time, 27 part-time, and 53 per diem Synergy staff will be impacted by the temporary closure on Dec. 1.

These staff members have received six months notice, during which time they will be provided with extensive job search assistance, the hospital statement said. Some of the impacted staff may be able to transfer to positions elsewhere in the organization. After the Dec. 1 closing date, we will provide salary and benefits continuation for a set period of time to those who have not secured another position. Current Synergy staff will have first rights of reemployment when the facility reopens.

More here:
Synergy health center to close for renovations

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

Coon Rapids seniors learn about fitness, exercise and nutrition

Posted: at 9:23 pm

Senior citizens at the Coon Rapids Senior Center celebrated National Senior Health and Fitness Day May 30 with special activities and guests, including Kelly Lindell, host of the cable TV show Active Aging.

The National Senior Health and Fitness Day at Coon Rapids Senior Center began and ended with exercises, first led by Kelly Lindell and then by Greg Springman of Live 2 B Healthy. Photo by Bethany Kemming

The event centered around five aspects of fitness: mental, spiritual, physical, nutritional and social.

Physical fitness book-ended the event, as Lindell led beginning exercises and Greg Springman of Live 2 B Healthy Senior Fitness led the exercises at the end.

I like to think of physical fitness as the book-ends which hold up your health. If youre physically unfit its hard to do other things, Lindell said.

Lindell has worked for more than 20 years in the fitness industry with NordicTrack, Medtronic and Lifetime Fitness. Her TV show Active Aging is geared towards helping seniors stay healthy and strong. The show started airing a year and a half ago.

Lindell is also owner and president of Comfort Keepers In-Home Care Northwestern Twin Cities office.

According to Lindell, muscle mass can quickly decrease in later years, a rate of six pounds of muscle per decade, but fitness can prevent that loss and increase muscle mass.

A loss in muscle mass can lead to more arthritis pain, a lower metabolism and other health problems, Lindell said.

And aging can really just be a loss of use as adults become more sedentary, she said.

The rest is here:
Coon Rapids seniors learn about fitness, exercise and nutrition

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Health and Fitness

Delaying retirement? Here's how to make it work

Posted: at 9:23 pm

(MoneyWatch) Americans now view age 67 as the age at which they expect to retire, according to a recent poll by Gallup. This is up from age 66 a year ago, age 63 a decade ago, and age 60 in the mid-1990s.

There are various reasons respondents gave for this increase, including insufficient savings, crashes in the stock and housing markets, a weak economy and job market, and uncertainty about Social Security and Medicare. Given these trends, the increase in the expected retirement age is certainly understandable, and may even reflect a permanent change in Americans' expectations.

But are these expectations realistic? The Gallup poll reported that the average age at which people actually retired increased from age 57 in 1991 to only age 60 today. Other polls, such as the Employee Benefit Research Institute 2012 Retirement Confidence survey, also reported that many Americans are often forced to leave the workforce before they planned.

Add to these challenges the pervasive dissatisfaction that many people report with their work lives, and you've got a group of people who may be in a bind. For example, according to Mercer's recent What's Working survey, only 60 percent of workers age 55 to 64 are satisfied with their employer, a rating lower than that of all younger age groups. But this group is also the least likely to quit; only 24 percent of this older age group report they are seriously considering leaving their current employer -- again the lowest rating of all age groups.

This puts in numerical terms that sad refrain, "Work sucks, but I need the bucks." Fortunately, there's an answer to that dilemma that, while obviously challenging in practical terms, is simple in principle:

1. Don't do work that sucks 2. Need fewer bucks

While that's easier said than done, of course, it vividly tells you what to focus on. So let's see how you might actually make this two-step strategy work.

Don't do work that sucks

Numerous articles focus on the mechanics of job-hunting for older workers, and that is indeed a valuable exercise. But before running off to find a job, take the time to ask yourself exactly what you should be hunting for. How can you find work that gives you satisfaction instead of frustration? I asked this question of John Nelson, author of "What Color Is Your Parachute - for Retirement?" and he had some interesting advice to offer.

John's next suggestion was to start fresh or lower on the totem pole in a new area. Like people in their 20s, who have few monetary commitments and are just starting out, people in their 60s might also be able to afford to take some risks. They may have fewer monetary commitments such as dependent children, they may also have a savings cushion on hand, and they have a lifetime of experience to draw upon to help them find a new career. John suggests that you assess your interests and discover the skills that you most like to use, then look for an organization that supports your values and find a group of people whom you actually want to spend time with.

Read this article:
Delaying retirement? Here's how to make it work

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Retirement

Colorado Retirement Expert Offers 10-Hour Continuing Education Opportunity for Local CPAs

Posted: at 9:23 pm

DENVER, June 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Retirement Planning Resources expert Chris Ravsten is offering a continuing education lunch and learn to teach Denver CPAs about two of the most underutilized and misunderstood tax reduction concepts concerning sections 412i and 412eIII of the IRS code.

Attendees will enjoy lunch at the Cool River Cafe on Monday, June 11th, 2012 from 11am to 1pm while learning how to help clients who are paying taxes on 1099 capital gain income from investment portfolios and those who are paying more than $100,000 a year in income taxes.

Along with these IRS codes, attendees will also learn about tax-loss harvesting and individual security sales within an investment portfolio. These concepts help clients retain earnings and reduce income taxes.

CPAs attending the event will also get the chance to discuss how to use a captive insurance company to deduct up to $1.2 million in profits, tax-deductible, to self-insure liabilities.

Speakers will include

Attendees will earn 10 hours of CPE upon the completion of this course.

The tax information event of the year, interested CPAs can RSVP or get more information by calling 303- 749-5842 or emailing

Retirement Planning Resources is Denver's source for information on tax-free retirement preparation. Helping clients across Colorado prepare for their futures, Melinda Ravsten and the Retirement Planning Resources team works diligently to help pre-retirees and retirees prepare for retirement and save their hard-earned money from taxes and the volatility of the unsteady stock market.

More here:
Colorado Retirement Expert Offers 10-Hour Continuing Education Opportunity for Local CPAs

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Retirement

Retirement savings: How do I protect my nest egg?

Posted: at 9:23 pm

I'm 55 years old and feel I can't afford to lose my savings if the market tumbles. What should someone 10 years from retirement do to protect her nest egg from the next downturn? -- Vicky I., Wheaton, Ill.

Given the recent lousy jobs report for the U.S., Europe's ongoing debt woes and the stock market's roughly 10% decline since the beginning of April, I can understand why you're anxious about market losses decimating your retirement stash.

But while protecting your savings from Armageddon in the markets is certainly one goal as you head into the home stretch to retirement, it's not your only aim. If it were, I'd tell you to just invest your nest egg in Treasury bills or FDIC-insured savings accounts and stop worrying. You wouldn't earn much -- maybe 0.5% or so -- but your dough would be safe.

Problem is, that with at least 10 more years of investing before you retire and maybe another 25 to 30 years after retiring, you can't afford just to huddle in the most secure accounts.

If you want your nest egg to support you over the course of a long retirement, during which inflation could conceivably double your living expenses, you're going to need at least a little bit of capital growth from your retirement investments.

So the question for you is this: How do you balance your goal of safety with the need for some growth?

The answer lies in assembling a mix of stocks and bonds that can prevent a market selloff from vaporizing your savings while simultaneously giving you a shot at returns high enough to maintain your purchasing power in retirement.

Danger zones: Common threats to your home

Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to I can't give you the stocks-bonds blend that's right for you. The mix that's appropriate will depend on such factors as how large a nest egg you have (the more money you have, the more you can likely afford to invest in stocks), how much risk you're willing to take (the more anxious you get when your savings balance falls, the less you'll want to put in stocks) and what other resources you have to fall back on (if you have a pension or lots of home equity you can tap, you can devote more to stocks).

But I can suggest two ways you can get a decent sense of how to divvy up your savings. The first is to check out a target-date retirement fund. For example, Vanguard's Target Retirement 2020 fund -- which is designed for people in their mid-to-late 50s planning to retire in 2020 or thereabouts -- has about 65% of its assets in stocks and 35% in bonds. You don't have to adopt that mix exactly. But you can use it as a starting point and then raise or lower the stock percentage depending on your tastes.

See the rest here:
Retirement savings: How do I protect my nest egg?

Written by admin |

June 6th, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Retirement

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