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Excercise balls part 2 – Video

Posted: June 6, 2012 at 10:13 pm

04-06-2012 18:38 shit went down

Go here to read the rest:
Excercise balls part 2 - Video

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Excercise

Ab excercise #2 “PIKE”.mov – Video

Posted: at 10:13 pm

05-06-2012 14:19 The PIKE! This exercise is hard but effective!

See the original post here:
Ab excercise #2 "PIKE".mov - Video

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Excercise

Having a swim and a bit of excercise, 06.01.2012. – Video

Posted: at 10:13 pm


Visit link:
Having a swim and a bit of excercise, 06.01.2012. - Video

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Excercise

Ron practices an excercise with Mastermind student – Video

Posted: at 10:13 pm

05-06-2012 17:29 Full catalog of all negotiable items download at Self Development, Business, Finance, Trading, Learning, NLP, Education and much, much more contact - Authors; Abraham Hicks Alexander Elder Andy Jenkins Anthony Robbins Bob Proctor Brendon Burchard Brian David Phillips Brian Tracy Dan Bradbury Dan Briffa Dan Kennedy Daniel Pena David Deangelo Don Crowthers Eben Pagan Frank Kern Harlan Kilstein Harv Eker Igor Ledochowski Jack Canfield Jamie Smart Jay Abraham Jim Rohn Joe Vitale Joey Yap John Assaraf John Carlton John Maxwell John Reese Ken Calhoun Kezia Noble Mark Cunningham Matt Mello Mike Koenigs Richard Bandler Robert Kiyosaki Stephen R Covey Ted Nicholas Vin Dicarlo Wayne Dyer Wyatt Woodsmall Yanik Silver Zig Ziglar Self Development, Business, Finance, Trading, Learning, NLP, Education and much, much more Full catalog of all negotiable items download at contact -

See the original post:
Ron practices an excercise with Mastermind student - Video

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Excercise


Posted: at 10:13 pm


Read the rest here:

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Excercise

Practice Diagram CITD Excercise 1b – Video

Posted: at 10:13 pm

06-06-2012 04:30 There are many Diagrams available for practicing and one of the best material is provided by CITD (Central Institute of Tool Design). In this Video I show you how to draft a Diagram in Excercise 1b of the Practice Booklet. 🙂

Read more here:
Practice Diagram CITD Excercise 1b - Video

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Excercise

Ab excercise #2 “PIKE” – Video

Posted: at 10:13 pm

06-06-2012 08:20 The Pike! This exercise is hard but effective!

Ab excercise #2 "PIKE" - Video

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Excercise

Nice: Yoga Helps Stroke Survivors Get Back in Shape

Posted: at 10:13 pm

An eight-week yoga rehabilitation program led to significant improvements in strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance.

Dmitriy Shironosov/Shutterstock

PROBLEM: Around five million stroke survivors in the U.S. live with lingering physical impairments, including reduced functional strength, flexibility, and endurance. These "chronic stroke" symptoms alter patients' lifestyles by making them less mobile and independent.

METHODOLOGY: Researchers led by Arlene Schmid enrolled older veterans recovering from stroke in an adapted yoga program. These men and women had completed their post-stroke occupational and physical therapy before the study commenced but continued to have stroke-related injuries. Over an eight-week period, the researchers measured their hip flexion strength, ability to perform arm curls, aerobic endurance during a six-minute walk, speed at standing from a seated position, and range of motion.

RESULTS: The veterans who were practicing yoga experienced gains in functional strength, flexibility, and endurance. A related study that focused on the participants' gaits showed improved balance as well as faster and longer strides. Schmid explains in her report that yoga might have "improved neuromuscular control, likely allowing for strength improvements in affected limbs, sides or areas of disuse."

CONCLUSION: Yoga improves post-stroke patients' balance, flexibility, gait, strength, and endurance.

IMPLICATION: The authors note that yoga should be considered for post-stroke in-patient or out-patient rehabilitation and should be taught by a yoga therapist who has had training in anatomy, physiology, and working with people with disabilities.

SOURCE: The full study, "Physical Improvements After Yoga for People With Chronic Stroke," was recently presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in San Francisco.

Originally posted here:
Nice: Yoga Helps Stroke Survivors Get Back in Shape

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Financial

Yoga nonprofit slates gala fundraiser

Posted: at 10:13 pm

A nonprofit group that is providing free yoga programs for abused an disadvantaged women has planned its first major fundraiser later this month.

The Yoga for All Cooperative Inc. will host an evening of music, dance, yoga demonstrations and dinner on Thursday, June 21, at the Penfield Beach Pavilion on Fairfield Beach Road.

Tickets are $100 and include a buffet dinner, beer and wine. Corporate sponsorships and volunteer opportunities also are available, the group said.

The event begins at 8 p.m. and will include a silent auction, Yoga for All said in a news release.

The group said its goal is to bring yoga, its stress-reduction effects and the sense of well being it can foster to people who otherwise might not have access to it.

It plans to expand its programs to inner-city schools and corrections facilities and families impacted by incarceration, the group said.

Through outreach programs and scholarships, the cooperative said, it hopes to interest participants in training other disadvantaged people in yoga techniques.

Yoga for All now is providing services to The Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County, which aids abuse victims, and to the Mercy Learning Center, a Bridgeport literacy program for women.

The group said it is planning programs for Danbury Federal Correctional Facility, the state's Garner Correctional Institution in Newtown, the Bridgeport Public Schools and Family ReEntry, a Norwalk-based nonprofit that deals with family social problems stemming from incarceration.

All gala ticket fees and donations are tax deductible, the group said.

Read the original here:
Yoga nonprofit slates gala fundraiser

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Financial

Portland yoga enthusiasts embrace lighthearted 'play-based' forms

Posted: at 10:13 pm

There's a movement afoot in Oregon's yoga studios to add a little oomph to your om.

Yoga-based infusions of activities from circus arts to acrobatics to slacklining are gaining popularity among those who prefer a more interactive, lighthearted, "fun" yoga experience.

At a recent AcroYoga class at Southeast Portland's Yoga Union, instructor Jacob Handwerker started the session with yoga poses and light meditation. Then, he turned up the music with a heart-quickening beat and the fun began.

"You guys warm enough?" he asks a dozen or so students. "Let's try some flying."

Nobody seems particularly Zen, but participants certainly seem to be in union, laughing and clapping as they execute yoga poses while balancing precariously atop hands and feet of a partner who lies on the ground as a human balance beam.

"It's about working together, developing trust, and playfulness," says Handwerker, who teaches the acrobatics-infused yoga classes in Portland and around the world. "It's taking yoga off the ground and into the air."

The newest wave of innovation in yoga appeals to the adventurous, and those who hesitate to delve into more traditional and meditative yoga styles.

"I really love how it feels to be weightless up high," says Steph Rooney, 35, a certified yoga teacher who joined Handwerker's Flight School. "It's different than alignment-based yoga."

And its popularity is rising.

Across town, Portland families use Morgan Goldberg's CircusYoga workshops to forge intergenerational bonds. The classes are built around the idea of young and old family members playing together. A typical class might include acrobatics, juggling and tumbling.

Go here to read the rest:
Portland yoga enthusiasts embrace lighthearted 'play-based' forms

Written by simmons |

June 6th, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Financial

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