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US Hindus find Melbourne yoga competition unsettling

Posted: February 11, 2013 at 9:46 am

Melbourne, Feb 11 : A US based Hindu group said they are critical of turning yoga into a competitive sport as "2013 Australian National Yoga Asana Championship" was held at Melbourne on February 10, and find the idea "particularly unsettling". Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA), said that yoga, a reportedly pre-Indus Valley civilization practice, was a mental and physical discipline, a code of ascetic practices, and a feature of contemplation in Hinduism.

Believed to be founded by Yajnavalkya and codified later by Patanjali in Yoga-sutra, it was an integral part of Hinduism, he said.

Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, argued that idea of yoga as a competitive sport was contradictory to the basic core of yoga, and smelled of mercantile greed in a consumerist society.

"It gave the appearance of contortionists at a circus focused on winning trophies. Pushing this spiritual and inward-looking practice with long held traditions for competition and making it a public performance was distortion of its originally intended idea and plainly just 'missing the point', said Zed.

"Let us please leave the sacred in yoga intact and protect it from push culture," he stressed.

Zed pointed out that 'yoga', which had come to mean in the West as 'modern postural yoga', was actually a mental and physical discipline by means of which the human soul united with universal soul.

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US Hindus find Melbourne yoga competition unsettling

Written by simmons |

February 11th, 2013 at 9:46 am

Posted in Financial

Local yoga enthusiasts unwind to live music

Posted: at 9:46 am

When local singer-songwriter Ida Jo started reciting Sanskrit passages during a recent interview it was easy to imagine the words were designed to raise the dead or to open some secret passage buried deep beneath the Egyptian pyramids.

The truth, it turns out, is far more pedestrian.

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu, she said, means may all beings be happy and free.

The passage is one of many chanted during yoga classes run by Vinyasa Mantra Music, a new musical endeavor featuring Jo, longtime musical cohort Scott Lamps (the two also perform together in laid-back folk trio Bello) and local yoga instructors Ken Kloes and David Lincecum.

Kloes and Lincecum initially conceived of the class last summer and approached then-students Jo and Lamps to assist with the musical aspect.

I think music and yoga go hand-in-hand, said Jo. Therell be teachers that play Lady Gaga or something, and then there will be teachers that play very meditative music thats really slow and peaceful. Then theres everything in between.

Vinyasa Mantra Music performances tend towards the more peaceful end of the spectrum, with Jo and Lamps providing acoustic instrumentation (Lamps plays guitar, Jo violin) for the classes, which generally run about two hours in length. The sessions include a full yoga workout, as well as additional time for reflection and meditation.

Theres a section in the class where David talks to people about what they want more of in their life, said Jo. And people actually have paper and a pencil and write that down, and then use that for meditation.

But the most important element of the class and the one most first timers are usually more hesitant to embrace is the chanting.

Its fun to see the progression of the class, because in the beginning people are like, Oh, I dont know how much I want to sing or how loudly I want to sing, said Jo. Then towards the end everybody is really singing and really into it. The energy from the beginning of the class to the end of the class changes quite dramatically.

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Local yoga enthusiasts unwind to live music

Written by simmons |

February 11th, 2013 at 9:46 am

Posted in Financial

Yoga stretches bodies, minds at Winter Park Elementary

Posted: at 9:46 am

Avery Fallon, a second grader in Ms. Lamar's class at Winter Park Elementary does Yoga during recess on Feb. 2, 2013.

There are bellowing grunts coming from the playground of Winter Park Elementary School. But they're not loud enough.

"Make some noise!" yells yoga instructor Ryan Williams, bringing his arms over his head, pulling them down like he's chopping wood and letting out a howl. Constance Lamar's second-graders, mimicking his motions, respond with hollers of their own (and a few giggles). But they need to get even louder.

"I can't hear you!" yoga instructor Matteo Zacchino says in a teasing singsong. That produces another round of whoops from the grinning students as they continue "chopping wood."

The exercise is part of Winter Park Elementary's recess yoga program, which is stretching students' bodies and their vocal cords throughout the month of February. The program serves a dual purpose: It gives students a breather and helps them refocus in the middle of the day, while also letting local yoga instructors give back.

The program was born out of an idea that Matteo Zacchino, owner of local Be Unlimited Yoga studio, had while coaching a Cape Fear Soccer Club team. A little bit of yoga before practice left Zacchino amazed at how much more focused his players were, and he decided to adapt the idea for recess at Winter Park Elementary, where his son Dante is a student.

Students in second, third and fifth grade practice for a half-hour during recess three days a week. All through February, Zacchino and instructors from his studio are donating their time for the recess yoga. They're hoping to raise $2,000 to keep the program going longer and bring it to more schools.

Instructors Ryan Williams, Tara Blackburn and Brandi Craddock use different methods to keep the kids engaged, like getting the students to act out the names of poses: A balancing pose with legs spread wide and arms held out to the sides turns the students into warriors. They also offer constant encouragement, asking children how they feel and giving high-fives for good form.

Second-grader Dorothy Delgar is a fan of her daily stretches.

"It calms us down when we're really frustrated," she said.

See original here:
Yoga stretches bodies, minds at Winter Park Elementary

Written by simmons |

February 11th, 2013 at 9:46 am

Posted in Financial

Upper Darby trainer says yoga can reduce drug addiction

Posted: at 9:46 am

WILLIAM BENDER, Daily News Staff Writer, 215-854-5255 Posted: Monday, February 11, 2013, 3:01 AM

You're probably thinking that those words don't go together. Not like, say, drugs and crime.

But you're not Jennifer Bedrick.

The 34-year-old mother is bringing free yoga to Upper Darby in an effort to fight addiction - and all the neighborhood problems that come with it - one sun salutation at a time.

"I've done yoga in the city and in Narberth, but it's like a void here. I realized this would be a good community project," said Bedrick, whose past has included a few addictions, from nicotine to sugar to "more recreational things."

In December, Bedrick implemented her 90-classes-in-90-days concept by gathering a few yoga instructors to teach at the boxing and karate gym on West Chester Pike.

The classes are open to the community, but especially to residents looking for a mental and physical edge to combat drug or alcohol addiction - or any other type of addiction. Donations are welcome.

"Yoga and kickboxing have been my yin and my yang," Bedrick, who has worked in personal training said. "And meditation. Things started to make sense. I found myself being happier.

"You're trying to breathe through something that's difficult, knowing it's not going to last forever," she said. "You're getting stronger, and the next time you go into that pose it's a little easier, because you've been there before. Taking what you learn on the mat and applying it to life helps."

From the News Desk

Originally posted here:
Upper Darby trainer says yoga can reduce drug addiction

Written by simmons |

February 11th, 2013 at 9:46 am

Posted in Financial

Do what you love and live an inspiring life – Video

Posted: at 5:49 am

Do what you love and live an inspiring life
Larissa Halls from Everyday Inspiration Life and Business Coaching Gold Coast talks about discovering what it is you love to do. Discover what #39;s in you box of tricks you have to share with the world. Visit for more information and a point form text summary of this video.

By: EverydayInspiration1

Follow this link:
Do what you love and live an inspiring life - Video

Written by admin |

February 11th, 2013 at 5:49 am

Posted in Life Coaching

Life Coaching – Find A Life Coach – Video

Posted: at 5:49 am

Life Coaching - Find A Life Coach
Life Coaching - Find A Life Coach Want to live a richer more fuller life? Perhaps you are wanting to change something or some aspect of your life? Maybe your life is already brilliant and you want to develop that feeling and experience further? No matter what your intention or reason, a life coach will help you move closer to the best expression and experience of yourself. My model and approach is Life Transformation Coaching. I work from a strengths perspective. I introduce you to you! What that means in simple terms is that I already know you have the resources and the ability to develop yourself further. We are building stronger foundations from the already sound foundations you have. From there we build upwards. If working on your life with a professional coach who values collaboration, cocreation, cooperation and accountability sounds like a possibility for you contact me via the website. This is a team approach. Its about personal empowerment and its about you being the best you that you can be with a coach you can depend on. If you want to find a life coach to work with, give me a call and lets see if we can start you moving towards the best expression and version of yourself. Want to find out more? Go to my website See how I can help you get the results and the changes you want in your life. Video

By: cocreatorrevolution

Read more:
Life Coaching - Find A Life Coach - Video

Written by admin |

February 11th, 2013 at 5:49 am

Posted in Life Coaching

2013 If we Know We Are creating Criminals, can’t we Prevent it? – Video

Posted: at 5:49 am

2013 If we Know We Are creating Criminals, can #39;t we Prevent it?
Related article with some revealing statistics on literacy and prisons and the current state of reality: If we know that we are creating criminals, and allow it to happen, we #39;re then responsible for creating them, aren #39;t we? Why do we not focus on prevention, when we can predict the future consequences? To be able to so effectively amass profits for the benefit of a few, does that mean that extensive and specific research already exists into just what is going on in the world system, yet such research is being used for abuse rather than to solve and prevent inequality and poverty? Keep up to date with the progression of Equal Money Capitalism at the Economist #39;s Journey to Life blog: Visit the solution at http where Prevention and the Best Life for All is the Focus Forum See Life Coaching http DIP Lite, a Free online course where you #39;ll learn essential life skills. Self Perfection Products http Follow the Journey to Life blogs, where hundreds have began their journey to life: Have you started yours? Important Self Education on Reality: The Power Principle The Trap Psywar Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century The Century of the Self: Part 1- Happiness Machines Catastroika - Greek Documentary The Marketing of Madness The daily self Task to ...

By: Kelly Posey

See the original post:
2013 If we Know We Are creating Criminals, can't we Prevent it? - Video

Written by admin |

February 11th, 2013 at 5:49 am

Posted in Life Coaching

Rise Coaching – Location – Video

Posted: at 5:49 am

Rise Coaching - Location
The new office of Rise Coaching! Do you feel that there should be more to the life you are currently living? Do you want to feel more connected and confident with who you are and in your abilities? Please visit us at for further details on how we can help you change your life!

By: RiseCoaching

Original post:
Rise Coaching - Location - Video

Written by admin |

February 11th, 2013 at 5:49 am

Posted in Life Coaching

Loved Ones Who Make Bad Choices (Part I) – Video

Posted: at 5:49 am

Loved Ones Who Make Bad Choices (Part I)
An interview with Malcolm Harris - Part I. Insightful Voice founder James Singleton and Thoughtleader Malcolm Harris discuss how to deal with loved ones who make bad decisions. Insightful Voice, LLC is a Boston-based life coaching practice that creates an atmosphere for you to discover your inner voice during challenging, transitional periods of your life. Insightful Voice focuses on using the skills you are naturally equipped with to achieve a stronger, more successful and fulfilling life. For more information:

By: InsightfulVoice

Visit link:
Loved Ones Who Make Bad Choices (Part I) - Video

Written by admin |

February 11th, 2013 at 5:49 am

Posted in Life Coaching

Standards of Friendships Lecture 1 – Video

Posted: at 5:48 am

Standards of Friendships Lecture 1
Our topic for this month is Standards of Friendships Lecture 1 and the scripture is Proverbs chapter 18 verse 24 These lectures are for members of Amani #39;s Garden Life Coaching for young ladies, ages 12-18. If you are interested in joining us or just would like more information please email me @

By: Raven Harris

See more here:
Standards of Friendships Lecture 1 - Video

Written by admin |

February 11th, 2013 at 5:48 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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