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Friday Favorites Vlog Simple Vidal Crystal Essence Target Yoga Pants – Video

Posted: April 11, 2013 at 5:56 am

Friday Favorites Vlog Simple Vidal Crystal Essence Target Yoga Pants
Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Volume Foaming Air Mousse Crystal Essence Deodorant Spray - Pomegranate Simple Skin Care Eye Make Up Remover Pads C9 by Champion Act...

By: bettybatwing1

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Friday Favorites Vlog Simple Vidal Crystal Essence Target Yoga Pants - Video

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

Frankiejax Yoga – Video

Posted: at 5:56 am

Frankiejax Yoga
The benefits of yoga and new positions.


The rest is here:
Frankiejax Yoga - Video

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

Find stability and strength in your Standing Poses in Yoga – Video

Posted: at 5:56 am

Find stability and strength in your Standing Poses in Yoga Esther Ekhart is demonstrating some yoga exercises to help you stabilize your standing poses. Not only yoga for beginners, but for ...

By: yogatic

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Find stability and strength in your Standing Poses in Yoga - Video

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

Yoga Facial Exercises : How to Reduce Wrinkles and Non Surgical Face Lift- VitaLife Show Episode 37 – Video

Posted: at 5:56 am

Yoga Facial Exercises : How to Reduce Wrinkles and Non Surgical Face Lift- VitaLife Show Episode 37
Dr. Bowring explains how to do facial exercises or facial yoga to decrease forehead wrinkles and the number 11 #39;s wrinkles naturally by building up the muscle...

By: vitatree

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Yoga Facial Exercises : How to Reduce Wrinkles and Non Surgical Face Lift- VitaLife Show Episode 37 - Video

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

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By: Juan Carlos Priyananda Sandin

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Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

The Benefits of Prenatal Yoga {rebirth wellness centre} – Video

Posted: at 5:56 am

The Benefits of Prenatal Yoga {rebirth wellness centre}
Prenatal Yoga Instructor, Jocelyn Blakemore, chats about the benefits of practicing yoga during pregnancy. Rebirth Wellness Centre is a supportive community ...

By: Jodi Tiller

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The Benefits of Prenatal Yoga {rebirth wellness centre} - Video

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

Seen At 11: Serious Yoga Injuries More Common For Men

Posted: at 5:56 am

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) In these stressful times, more and more people especially men are turning to yoga to help them relax and get in shape.

But as CBS 2s Dana Tyler reported on Wednesday, a new report suggests a growing number of men are stretching beyond the limit, leading many to experience more pain than gain.

In an early morning session at a yoga studio, men may well outnumber women. Fitness center owner Rachel Moncayo said the phenomenon is a change compared to just one year ago.

Many of them are athletes really enjoying the health benefit that theyre getting from the practice, Moncayo said.

Nearly 20 percent of yoga practitioners are now men, such as Ed Fuller, who said he started two months ago and is now hooked.

Its very strenuous, and it works the muscle groups you may not work in any other kind of sport, said Fuller, a triathlete.

But experts said Fuller and other male practitioners are at a greater risk of overworking those muscle groups much more so than women and that is leading to an increase in severe injuries.

Men, with their increased muscle mass and decreased flexibility, are pushing those joints beyond their appropriate physiologic limits, said sports specialist Dr. Tanya Hagan.

Former yogi Michael Conti said he knows about it all too well. He suffered permanent nerve damage in his leg, and he said yoga is to blame.

I thought maybe I tweaked my knee or something, and then it turned out to be much more serious, Conti said.

Originally posted here:
Seen At 11: Serious Yoga Injuries More Common For Men

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

Yoga’s physical, mental benefits touted

Posted: at 5:56 am

Published: Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 9:00p.m. Updated 9 hours ago

Don Ammon took up yoga 15 years ago as a way to combat the anxiety he felt as a result of his multiple sclerosis.

He didn't anticipate getting a physical benefit as well.

Ammon, who was diagnosed with MS in 1991 and said he was limping around with an AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) by 1995, no longer needs the brace.

He credits yoga.

It's helped with focus and balance, said Ammon, 49, of Monroeville. I was able to strengthen the whole right side of my body. I'm more flexible, (and) I'm stronger now than I was then.

Ammon said his last MS flare-up occurred in 2005, although he still deals with numbness in his hands and feet.

Dr. Betsy Blazek-O'Neill, medical director of the integrated medical program in Allegheny General alHospital, said Ammon's isn't an isolated case. She said yoga can benefit many people, no matter their age or condition.

Studies have shown that yoga can help people with very specific disorders, Blazek-O'Neill said. You can do yoga exercises that help with carpal tunnel syndrome. It can be helpful for gastrointestinal disorders. It can be helpful for headaches (and) all kinds of stuff.

But the way it does that is partly physical and partly mental and emotional.

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Yoga’s physical, mental benefits touted

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

Yoga ideal for agility, bodies like 'weapons'

Posted: at 5:56 am

Topics: exercise, gender, yoga

GIVE a man a dumbbell and he'll heave until his biceps bulge, but give him a yoga mat and watch him squirm.

A common misconception by the male species is that yoga is too easy, doesn't do anything and is just for girls.

Voyage Fitness club manager Jaron Cumerford was the first to admit this was entirely false and simply a cover-up for the real reason blokes usually opted out of a yoga class.

"For most guys, it's because the girls will be better at it than them so the main thing is intimidation," Mr Cumerford said.

He said it was the smart guys who participated in a yoga class or two each week.

"The guys that are training and want to become a weapon do yoga," he said.

He said those who were serious about their training would often do yoga as a recovery session because it could be as intense or as controlled as desired.

"It's not like a dance class - you go at your own pace and to your own ability," Mr Cumerford said.

"Yoga really is great for guys, especially if they play footy or other sport because it makes you more stable on the ground and improves flexibility so if you have to go for a big jump in footy, you can land a lot sturdier and can go higher."

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Yoga ideal for agility, bodies like 'weapons'

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

Yoga for People Who Are Overweight or Obese

Posted: at 5:56 am

Try a Google image search of "yoga," and what do you notice about the people in the photos? For one, most of them are women--skinny, fit women. There's a thin woman on the beach in warrior pose; there's a thin woman in front of the sunset in tree pose; and hey, there's a thin woman in the woods in lotus pose. This theme of skinny yogis isn't wrong, and it's hardly surprising--thin sells, especially fitness routines. But even if it's not implicitly said, including only skinny women in yoga images and including only poses conducive to skinny bodies in teachings can make yoga, well, not so inclusive. You get to thinking that yoga and its health benefits, such as stress reduction and improved fitness, are best for thin people, and not so much for the 36 percent of U.S. adults who are obese. Not true. Yoga is for all types of shapes and sizes if you just know how to start.

I'm overweight or obese. Why do yoga?

"I think yoga can be a wonderful form of movement that bigger-bodied people can adapt for themselves," says Anna Guest-Jelley, founder of Curvy Yoga, an online resource for yogis and instructors. For folks carrying more weight, low-impact exercises like yoga may be more comfortable than, say, running on the pavement. And most postures can be modified to fit your body.

Plus, yoga isn't that cycling class with the drill sergeant instructor. It's not the Insanity Workout. The mental component of yoga--the deep breathing, positive meditation and awareness--can boost confidence for people of all waistlines. "Yoga helps give you insight, and perhaps that insight can help you make better choices and eliminate negative self-talk," says Abby Lentz, founder of the HeavyWeight Yoga classes and DVDs.

How is yoga different for people who are overweight or obese?

For bigger people heading to a beginners' yoga class, "one of the scariest parts is walking through the door," Guest-Jelley says. Like the Google images, the class may be full of women who are half your size, and the pace and some of the postures may be particularly challenging for bigger bodies.

"If you're overweight or obese, you're going to move slower, and the transition from one pose to the other takes more time," says Lentz. "It's the time it takes to turn a luxury liner versus a kayak."

And some poses, like those that involve balancing on the shoulders, will not work for bigger-bodied beginners. "You have to be able to observe the pose and think, 'I'm not doing that,' and be OK with that," Lentz says.

But don't be scared off from group classes by assuming you'll fall behind and have to sit out poses. Call or meet with the instructor before class to see if he has experience with bigger yogis. The two of you can work together to prevent pacing issues and plan modifications and alternative poses to those that will be uncomfortable. "This is another part of yoga that you're not learning on the mat," says Lentz, "to be proactive, and to speak up and say why you're there and what you need." Plus, Guest-Jelley adds, if you don't have a good experience the first time, keep trying.

If you don't go the yoga class-route, there are plenty of resources to practice at home. Check out Lentz's HeavyWeight Yoga DVDs, Guest-Jelley's website, and YouTube channels like BodyPositiveYoga, which includes videos such as, "Keeping your boobs out of your face during yoga," and "Savasana (corpse pose) for big butts."

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Yoga for People Who Are Overweight or Obese

Written by simmons |

April 11th, 2013 at 5:56 am

Posted in Financial

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