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Scientists say dropping acid can help with social anxiety and alcoholism – The Next Web

Posted: January 31, 2021 at 8:53 am

What happens when the pandemic finally ends and hundreds of millions of people whove spent an inordinate amount of time secluded are suddenly launched back into the rat race?

Things will likely never go back to normal, but eventually well find a way to occupy space together again and that could be difficult for people whove developed social anxiety or had setbacks in their treatment due to the unique nature of pandemic isolation.

We couldnt find any actual rats to ask how theyre coping with the race, but a team of laboratory mice might just have the answer: its dropping a bunch of acid and letting nature do its thing.

According to a team of researchers from McGill University, LSD (colloquially known as acid) makes people more social and capable of greater human empathy.

The team figured this out by giving lab mice LSD and then measuring their brain activity. The mice became more social while under the influence. And the positive effects of LSD were immediately nullified when the scientists used bursts of light to interrupt the chemical processes thus rendering the mice immediately sober.

The researchers work led to novel insight into how LSD causes a cascade effect of receptor and synapse activity that ultimately seems to kick-start neurotypical feelings of empathy and social inclination.

Due to the nature of the specific chemical reactions concurring in the brain upon the consumption of LSD, it would appear as though its a strong candidate for the potential treatment of myriad mental illnesses and for those with autism spectrum disorder.

Per the teams research paper:

These results indicate that LSD selectively enhances SB by potentiating mPFC excitatory transmission through 5-HT2A/AMPA receptors and mTOR signaling. The activation of 5-HT2A/AMPA/mTORC1 in the mPFC by psychedelic drugs should be explored for the treatment of mental diseases with SB impairments such as autism spectrum disorder and social anxiety disorder.

Quick take: Scientists have understood the effect LSD has on mood receptors in the brain for decades. Whats new here is that we now know how those interactions cause other interactions that create whats essentially a system for increasing empathy or decreasing social anxiety.

Recent research on LSD, cannabis, and psilocybin (shrooms) indicates each has myriad uses for combating and treating mental illness and other disorders related to neurotypical receptor and synapse regulation.

The McGill teams research on LSD, for example, indicates it could prove useful to fight the harmful effects of alcoholism where people are at increased risk of developingsocial anxiety due toaddiction, thus further isolating themselves from others.

This latest study is important in that it drives home what decades of research and millennia of anecdotal evidence already tells us: Some drugs have the potential to do good.

And if we could study them like rational humans instead of allowing politicians to make it almost impossible for researchers to conduct controlled, long term studies on so-called banned substances the world would be a better place.

If you think this is interesting, check out this piece on Neural from earlier today. Where the study in the article youve just read says LSD can amplify empathy and reduce social anxiety, this one shows how empathy happens in a theory of the mind that can be identified down to the single-neuron level.

Read next: Zuckerberg promises Facebook will show less political content from now on

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Scientists say dropping acid can help with social anxiety and alcoholism - The Next Web

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:53 am

Posted in Alphazero

Weight loss: Top 10 exercises to help lose belly fat – how to burn the most calories – Express

Posted: at 8:52 am

Weight loss can be achieved by burning off more calories than are taken in. When working out, some exercisescan burn more fat than others, research revealed.

When trying to lose weight, opting for a healthy diet plan will help speed up results.

Adding exercise into the routine can also speed up the metabolism and help burn more calories, according to experts at

They stated: "The 'calories in versus calories out' model is based on the idea that to maintain a stable weight, the number of calories you eat needs to match the number you expend.

"'Calories in' refers to the calories you get from the foods you eat, while 'calories out' is the number of calories you burn."

The experts suggested calories are burned through a person's basic metabolism, through digestion and by exercising.

They added: "The leftover calories you get from your diet are meant to fuel your physical activity, including workouts and everyday tasks like walking, reading, and washing dishes."

There are lots of different ways to workout and burn extra calories.

Some exercises will help slimmers shift extra weight more than others, according to research by


The data showed playing squash could actually burn the highest number of calories for an average person in one hour.

This is closely followed by running, rugby, skipping and martial arts, which all burn around 738 calories in one hour.

Of all the exercises monitored, yoga burned the fewest number of calories, at 185 per hour.

Weightlifting, sailing, pilates and surfing are also some of workouts that burn the least, at around 221 calories in an hour.

Squash - 886 calories

Running - 738 calories

Rugby - 738 calories

Martial Arts - 738 calories

Skipping - 738 calories

Boxing - 664 calories

BMX or Mountain Biking - 627 calories

Swimming - 591 calories

Rock Climbing - 591 calories

While the coronavirus lockdown means Britons may have to change how they exercise, some home workouts could still help to burn many calories.

Finding some form of movement can be beneficial for physical and mental health.

Managing director of Stefan Balkenende stated: "Whether you take up sport as a hobby to build muscle or help your mental health whatever it may be you need to enjoy the activity you choose to participate in.

"Enjoyment in exercise contributes to the endorphins that the brain releases and this has a great impact on your mental and physical wellbeing. And, if you enjoy it, you are far more likely to keep it up!

"Through our research we know sports like Squash, Running and Rugby will give you a cracking burn calorie-wise, but they may not be the right fit for you personally.

"Its all trial and error; find the sport you enjoy most.

See the original post:
Weight loss: Top 10 exercises to help lose belly fat - how to burn the most calories - Express

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Posted in Diet and Exercise

How to get rid of FUPA: Exercises, dietary tips, and more – Medical News Today

Posted: at 8:52 am

FUPA is the slang term for belly fat, with the acronym standing for fat upper pubic area. Some people may find fat around the belly the most difficult type of fat to lose.

The scientific word for FUPA is panniculus, which refers to a growth of dense, fatty tissue on the lower abdomen that sometimes hangs over the pubis and genitals.

This article explains what FUPA is, what causes it, and how a person can reduce it.

It is not possible to lose weight only in one area of the body. No exercise or diet will have this effect. As a person loses weight, it will reduce fairly proportionally all over the body.

However, certain exercises and dietary changes can help a person reduce body fat.

If a person wants to reduce fat in the upper pubic area specifically, they can consider a surgical or nonsurgical procedure.

Workouts targeting the lower abdominal muscles (abs) will help work and strengthen the deeper core muscles.

Below are some exercises that focus on and strengthen the lower abs.

People may initially find this position challenging, but with practice, they can extend the length of time they hold this pose.

People new to abs exercises may wish to start by performing this move with one leg at a time.

This exercise also requires an exercise ball.

The hundred is a classic Pilates exercise.

Those who find this too challenging can try the bent-knee version instead:

A person will need an exercise ball to perform pike rollouts. These are available to use in many gyms.

Performing this exercise might be more comfortable on an exercise mat.

People can take other steps to reduce their body fat, including the FUPA.

There are many myths about cardio for fat burning.

Some people say that high intensity interval training (HIIT) is the most effective approach. HIIT involves short bursts of intense cardio that a person alternates with brief periods of rest.

Others state that a moderate cardio level that someone can sustain for longer periods will keep them in the fat-burn zone.

However, most research in this area has shown that exercise type does not have a significant effect on fat loss.

In a 2017 study comparing HIIT with moderate intensity training, all of the participants lost weight, but the difference was negligible between the two exercise groups.

As there may be little difference between the fat burning capabilities of different types of exercise, a person should choose the cardio exercise that they most enjoy. Options include walking briskly, running, cycling, and joining a group exercise class, among many others.

A common saying states that abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

Losing the FUPA is the same. Even those who start working out intensely and regularly will likely also need to change their diet to see a significant difference in their belly.

If a person cuts 5001,000 calories a day from their typical diet, they may lose about 12 pounds (lb) a week. Eating healthful foods, such as nuts, lean protein, and vegetables, while avoiding sugary or processed foods will make it easier to create a calorie deficit.

The only way to remove fat from a specific area of the body is with a medical procedure. These can be surgical or noninvasive.

These medical procedures do not require any surgery, anesthesia, or recovery time.

CoolSculpting is one such option. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved this method, which uses ultracold temperatures to freeze fat cells through the skin. The freezing destroys the cells, which the body removes in the urine over the next few weeks.

CoolSculpting might be a good option for those looking to tighten and tone small pockets of fat.

Surgical procedures will produce more dramatic and rapid results in a specific area of the body.

Some surgical options to reduce the FUPA include:

Having a moderate amount of fat in the upper pubic area is normal and natural, despite what popular culture may sometimes suggest.

Fat in this area may develop during puberty as a natural part of body growth. Female bodies generally have a higher percentage of body fat than male bodies and distribute a greater proportion of it around the hip area.

Several factors can cause a FUPA to increase in size, including weight gain and body fat distribution changes.

As a person ages, it is common for the body to start holding more fat around the stomach than in other areas of the body. Certain life changes, such as menopause, are associated with weight gain and changes in body fat distribution.

Adults in the United States gain an average of 12 lb of body weight per year. This rate of weight gain may lead people to develop overweight or obesity as they age. Obesity comes with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, among other health conditions.

People can classify belly fat as either subcutaneous or visceral, depending on where the body stores it. Subcutaneous fat sits right under the skin all over the body, and a person can pinch it. Meanwhile, visceral fat is located in the abdominal cavity between the organs.

Studies have linked visceral fat to an increased risk of several diseases. This fat releases more detrimental hormones and proteins into the body than fat elsewhere. These substances can trigger low level inflammation, which is a risk factor for heart disease, and cause blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise.

In a FUPA, the fat is just under the skin, so it is subcutaneous fat rather than harmful visceral fat. However, developing a larger FUPA may indicate general weight gain, which could include visceral fat. The presence of visceral fat may also cause the lower belly area to protrude, making a FUPA appear more prominent.

It is important to accept that the body will naturally change with age. However, people should be aware of these changes and, if necessary, make adjustments to their diet and exercise to avoid the health risks associated with excess weight gain.

The FUPA is an accumulation of fat right above the pubic bone.

The best way to lose it is to focus on losing weight across the body as a whole by consuming a healthful diet and increasing cardio workouts to create an overall calorie deficit.

While it is not possible to lose weight only in a specific area, there are ways to strengthen certain parts of the body with exercise. Lower abdominal exercises will help tighten and tone the area above the pubis.

People who only want to remove fat from their lower abdomen can consider a few surgical and nonsurgical procedures.

Read more here:
How to get rid of FUPA: Exercises, dietary tips, and more - Medical News Today

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Posted in Nutrition

This One Exercise Melts Fat Faster Than Any Other, Says Science – Eat This, Not That

Posted: at 8:52 am

The workout that melts fat fastest is also one of the quickest, typically taking less than 20 minutes from start to finish. Known as high-intensity interval training or HIIT, it requires you to move fast, very fast for a very short period of time. One researcher goes as far as calling it the "one-minute workout," because one version of this training method amounts to just 60 seconds of intensely strenuous exertion, 20-second bouts broken up by periods of rest, a sequence that's repeated multiple times.

You probably recognize this exercise techniqueas it has been written about here and elsewhere many times. But have you tried it? And, if so, have you done it correctly and endured this rigorous style of exercising long enough to notice results?

HIIT works. A number of studies have shown that short, vigorous workouts improve markers of good health like aerobic fitness, lower blood pressure, and more stable blood sugar. Workouts like HIIT can also burn more calories and reduce more visceral fat than typical endurance exercises like walking, running, and cycling at a moderate pace will when done for an hour or more.

How so? The science is complicated; strenuous exercise triggers certain changes on the molecular level that result in what's known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC. In other words, after exercise, you get a metabolic after-burn for about 24 hours where you burn more calories than normal.

More important than weight loss are the aerobic fitness benefits derived from quickie exercise sessions, say researchers. In a groundbreaking study from McMaster University in Canada published in PLOS One, researchers demonstrated that just one minute of intense effort in a 10-minute workout was enough to reap the rewards. In the study, 14 sedentary overweight men and women were asked to do a 10-minute workout on stationary bicycles, pedaling as hard and fast as they could for three 20-second intervals with 2-minute rest periods of slow pedaling in between. With a warmup and cool-down, the entire workout took just 10 minutes, 60 seconds of which was intense effort. After six weeks of these 10-minute workouts done three times a week, the cyclists significantly improved their aerobic capacity by 12% on average, lowered blood pressure numbers, and enhanced other markers of aerobic and muscular fitness. (Related: Simple Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy.)

That's good news for people who blow off exercising because they say they don't have time to fit it into their busy days. This study proves it takes just one minute of hard work in 10 minutes of your precious workout time.

And it doesn't have to be performed on a stationary bike. Martin Gibala, PhD, professor of kinesiology at McMaster, and one of the lead researchers of the study, says almost any type of exercise can be performed as sprint-style intervals. He wrote a book The One-Minute Workout: Science Shows a Way to Get Fit That's Smarter, Faster, Shorter detailing several ways to incorporate HIIT training into your busy life.

One caveat: Sprint intervals are super, super difficult. People who don't get results most often aren't pushing themselves hard enough, trainers say. It's physically and psychologically challenging. You have to be OK with feeling discomfort.

"I tell people to imagine a bloodthirsty Rottweiler is chasing them and trying to take a bite out of their hamstring run like your life depends on it," says Denver-based personal trainer and fitness writer Eric C. Stevens. He makes another critical point: "To stay motivated at that level of exertion choose an exercise that you love doing. For me that's boxing and martial arts because of the skill set required and the sense of community." (Related: 10 Easy Ways to Burn Fat in 30 Minutes)

But it can be any activityrowing classes, cycling, brisk walking, even resistance trainingany activity where you can push yourself to near exhaustion for short bouts.

Stevens suggests two basic types of sprint intervals to try if you want to sample this super-fast way to get fit. But first, a critical step to avoid injury: Begin each HIIT workout with a total-body dynamic warm-up for three to five minutes, he says. Do arm circles while marching in place, jumping jacks, jump rope, inchworms, anything that gets all your limbs involved and raises your heart rate.

Use a stopwatch or clock with a second hand to keep time. After your warm-up, begin running, cycling, or rowing for 30 seconds at a light intensity. Next, do 20 seconds at a high intensity where you find it difficult to talk in complete sentences. Without resting, go right into a 10-second segment of maximum "rottweiler-in-pursuit" effort. You'll know you're pushing hard enough if you're too winded to speak. Repeat the 30-20-10 sequence four more times, followed by a three-minute cooldown of walking and stretching.

Always begin with a dynamic warmup for three to five minutes. Tabata training follows a 20-10 sequence. You begin with 20-seconds of high-intensity, all-out effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest (very slow pedaling or walking). Repeat the pattern seven more times for a total of four minutes. End with a cooldown.

"You can play with those interval times as long as you are getting the intensity," says Stevens. "Anerobic training takes a monstrous effort. It also feels terrible at times. But if you want the body of a dancer, a gymnast or sprinter, you have to train like one."

Since HIIT is so physically taxing, be sure that you are healthy enough before trying this exercise strategy. Visit your physician for a full physical exam.

Also, note that trainers like Stevens and researchers like Gibala stress that the most effective and efficient way to lose weight and maintain the weight loss is not through exercise but by reducing calories through a healthy diet. If sucking wind isn't for you, you may be interested in Lazy Ways to Lose Weight All Year Long.

For more healthy eating news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

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This One Exercise Melts Fat Faster Than Any Other, Says Science - Eat This, Not That

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

This Guy Shared the Diet and Workout That Helped Him Lose 40 Pounds and Get Ripped –

Posted: at 8:52 am

In a recent video, YouTuber Stuart Carter looks back on his recent body transformation, sharing the lifestyle changes he made which have helped him burn fat, build muscle, and sustain his weight loss. His journey began in November 2019, when he weighed in at 198 pounds and struggled with self-confidence and body image issues.

"That is, by far, the heaviest I've ever weighed," he says. "I had love handles, a very flat chest, very skinny arms, no definition anywhere... I just assumed I would always be this 'skinny fat' guy."

Resolving to make a change, Stuart started with immediately overhauling his nutrition, lowering his daily calorie intake, and began an exercise regime consisting of a full-body workout three times a week and running twice a week. After six months, as his strength and endurance grew, he progressed to training every day, with a combination of traditional bodybuilding splits, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and boxing workouts.

After nine months, he weighed 158 pounds, a total loss of 40 pounds. He acknowledges that the weight loss will not have been all fat, but he is pleased with the increased visible muscle definition he has seen as a result of his training, particularly in his shoulders and abs. "It's the first time in my life I've ever been able to see my obliques and those top abs popping through," he says.

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Keen to continue building strength and muscle, Stuart is currently maintaining his weight at around 168 pounds after upping his calorie and water intake. "We've all got way too busy a life to maintain that low a level of body fat all year round," he says.

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This Guy Shared the Diet and Workout That Helped Him Lose 40 Pounds and Get Ripped -

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Shannon Sharpe Credits His Strict Diet With Helping Him at the Gym: Im Crushing Guys in Their 20s and 30s – Sportscasting

Posted: at 8:52 am

Hall of Famer Shannon Sharpe retired from the NFL after the 2003 season. Now, hes 52 old enough to join the AARP but Sharpe still has an intense fitness and diet regime. He could run circles around many guys half his age, even some current NFL players. One reason the Fox Sports personality can stay in such great shape: His day starts when most people are still asleep. Here are all of the details.

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Sharpe went to college at Savannah State. Even though thats not a major football school, he played well enough for the Broncos to pick him in the seventh round of the 1990 NFL draft. After that, he outperformed his draft position considerably.

In 14 seasons, the tight end caught 815 passes for 10,060 yards and 62 touchdowns. His reception and yardage totals are both the fourth-most in NFL history among tight ends. In 18 postseason games, he added another 62 receptions for 814 yards and four scores. His postseason success helped him win three Super Bowl rings, two with the Broncos and one with the Ravens.

RELATED: Just How Bad Was Skip Bayless High School Athletic Career?

Sharpe talked withGQabout his health and fitness routines. He changed his workout routine a bit in retirement. But it is still rigorous and more than what many people 20 years younger than Sharpe do. This work ethic was instilled in him at a young age when he worked on Georgia tobacco fields when he was a kid. Being an athlete helped, too. Sharpe says as an athlete, I had conditioned myself to stay on a strict schedule, whether thats for work or even finding just a few minutes to relax. So I kept that.

He says its about quality of life, not quantity of life, which is why he gives everything he does 100% effort. Hes in such good shape that he says he is crushing guys in their 20s and 30s at the gym. Sharpe also gets the motivation to work out fromhis co-host, Skip Bayless, who wouldnt let Sharpe hear the end of it if he ever skips a day of workouts.

Sharpe detailed his diet and workout routine in the interview, saying he tries to exercise at least three or four days a week, with a couple of days with two workouts. He does free weights, then takes some time to rest which includes eating and spending time with his dogs. Then after his break, he does CrossFit, including kettlebells, the row machine, and bikes. He says he likes to mix things up to keep from getting bored and to confuse his body, which helps him stay fit.

As for his diet, his breakfast varies depending on the day, but usually includes something along the lines of egg whites, oatmeal, and fresh fruit. For lunch, Sharpe usually has some grilled chicken, bison meatballs, brown rice, and steamed vegetables. And he ends his day with dinner, which typically includes turkey, pork, a salad or steamed vegetables, with broccoli being his go-to for steamed veggies.

He admits that his fitness routine isnt as structured as it was during his playing career, and he tries to enjoy [himself] a little more. But the older he gets, he doesnt have the advantage of youth or the ability to spend hours a day exercising, which is why he tries to monitor what he eats, which includes lean proteins, egg whites, and vegetables. He does have some indulgent foods, though, which include pancakes, French toast, and chicken tenders.

View original post here:
Shannon Sharpe Credits His Strict Diet With Helping Him at the Gym: Im Crushing Guys in Their 20s and 30s - Sportscasting

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Posted in Diet and Exercise

How do binge eating and drinking impact the liver? – Medical News Today

Posted: at 8:52 am

Written by Jocelyn Solis-Moreira on January 31, 2021 Fact checked by Harriet Pike, Ph.D.

A recent study that simulated a tailgate party found that eating foods high in carbohydrates while consuming relatively lower amounts of alcohol was associated with increased liver fat.

Tailgating refers to a social gathering where people serve and eat food from the back of a parked vehicle, often in the car park of a sports stadium.

Although this tradition has not been possible during the pandemic, some have continued the tradition virtually.

While tailgating can energize fans, it can also lead to excess eating and drinking, negatively affecting a persons health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend not drinking, or sticking to two alcoholic drinks or fewer a day for males.

To study the effects of overconsumption on the body, researchers from the University of Missouri studied bodily changes after a tailgate party. Their results appear in the journal Alcohol.

The researchers had several criteria for inclusion in the study. They focused on males aged 2152 years with a sedentary lifestyle, which involved fewer than 3 hours of aerobic exercise per week.

The participants all had overweight or obesity, with body mass indexes (BMIs) of between 25.1 and 51 kilograms per square meter, and a waist circumference of fewer than 55 inches.

Participants were nonsmokers, did not have diabetes, and had no preexisting thyroid or kidney conditions.

For safety reasons, participants needed to report greater than moderate alcohol consumption, which the study defined as consuming alcohol regularly in the past year.

However, people who drank heavily, such as more than 16 alcoholic beverages a week, were excluded from the study.

A total of 18 males completed the research study.

To prepare for the tailgate experiment, the researchers instructed the participants to swallow deuterium oxide, also known as heavy water, twice daily for 3 days before starting the study.

This allowed the scientists to assess rates of lipogenesis, the metabolic process of forming fat.

The scientists also told the participants to follow their regular diet but avoid alcohol the night before the study.

On the morning of the simulated tailgate, scientists checked each participants vital signs. They then took blood samples before providing them with a light breakfast.

The researchers also used dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to measure body composition.

Around 11:00 a.m., researchers took another blood sample and then encouraged participants to eat and drink for the next 5 hours. The foods ranged from hamburgers to cupcakes. The team collected blood samples every hour and measured participants breath alcohol content every 30 minutes to ensure they reached the desired level of intoxication.

In addition, 14 of the 18 participants underwent magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of the liver. This allowed the researchers to glimpse the level of fat in the liver.

After the 5-hour experiment, the participants stayed overnight in the research center. The scientists took a final blood sample in the morning, and each participant was given breakfast and discharged once their breath alcohol content was zero.

Before the experiment, 8 of the 18 participants kept a food diary for 3 days, which showed an average intake of 2,748 kilocalories (kcal) each day. On game day, people ate well beyond this, consuming an average of 5,087 kcal.

When broken down into food groups, 32% of the total calories consumed came from carbohydrates, 35% from fat, 10% from protein, and 23% from alcohol.

Alcohol consumption resulted in an average breath alcohol content level of 0.08 meaning participants were legally intoxicated in the United States.

When looking at changes in the body, the group showed a higher level of plasma insulin after eating and drinking. Lipogenesis also increased, but overall, the group showed no changes to liver fat.

Interestingly, in the present group as a whole, only the amount of alcohol consumed during [the 5 hours of eating and drinking] was found to be significantly related to the increase in percent [lipogenesis], write the authors.

However, when looking at each participant who completed the MRS scan, they found different responses.

Surprisingly, we found that in overweight males, after an extended duration of eating and drinking, metabolic responses were not uniform and revealed significant individual variation in the ability to protect the liver from nutrient toxicity, the authors write.

Nine participants showed increased liver fat, five participants showed lower liver fat, and one participant experienced no changes.

The individual responses prompted the researchers to divide participants into two groups based on liver fat changes. Those with lower liver fat were less likely to have gained their calories from food and needed more alcohol to reach the specified breath alcohol range.

Lipogenesis was the only predictor of the differences in liver fat between the two groups.

A potential explanation of these findings is that high carbohydrate consumption may have a greater impact on liver fat than alcohol in some people, says corresponding author Dr. Elizabeth Parks.

Given the high prevalence of overconsumption of food and alcohol in the U.S., further studies are needed in a larger population. Our goal is to understand differences between people in how they respond to excess food and alcohol. It may be that limiting meal carbohydrates may protect the liver.

Dr. Elizabeth Parks

A major limitation of the study was that it only included males. Not including females excludes a good portion of people that go tailgating.

Including females in the data analysis may have affected the results, as alcohol is processed differently in females than males. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, females have proportionally less water in their bodies, leading to higher blood alcohol levels following drinking.

As a result, females may become more intoxicated than males who consumed the same amount of alcohol.

Also, due to safety concerns, the researchers regulated how much participants could drink during the tailgating simulation. The authors acknowledge this may not reflect drinking behavior at tailgate parties.

For instance, a survey by the American Addiction Centers found that people watching American football consumed between 6.2 and 8.4 alcoholic drinks on average, well above the level that would result in legal intoxication, with the highest number of drinks consumed in the stadium parking lot.

The researchers wanted to understand the effects of excessive food and drink consumption, using a protocol that mimicked real-life. However, there are no prior academic studies that show the average food and alcohol intake of spectators before and after sporting events.

Also, there is a possibility that the researchers interpretation of excess eating was no different from the average diet of an individual participant.

The researchers findings suggest that where participants received their calories from influenced liver fat production.

Eating many carbohydrates appeared to have a greater impact than other food groups and alcohol on increasing liver fat.

Given the high prevalence of overconsumption of food and alcohol in the U.S., further studies are warranted to understand better the interactions between personal consumption habits and individual metabolic variation in handling excess nutrients, conclude the authors.

Originally posted here:
How do binge eating and drinking impact the liver? - Medical News Today

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Survey: 50% Of Americans Want to Lose Weight and Feel Healthier – The Beet

Posted: at 8:52 am

If a new survey is any indication, this may be the year Americans get it together, health-wise. Working from home for most of 2020 meant easyaccess to the food pantry, and for 71 million Americans, unwanted weight gain.A new survey revealed that 60% of Americans want to feel healthier and 51% want to lose weight by exercising and changing their diets, including trying to eat more plant-based.

The survey, commissioned by biotechnology company Gelesis and released today, revealsamong1,012 adults polled,feeling healthieris the highest priority, followed closely by losing weight, and they are willing to try new diets and exercise routines to achieve their goals. Over one-third said they would even consider switching to a plant-based diet.

Respondents said they are open to trying new workout programs and adopting healthier diets:74% areinterested in trying a new exercise program to help them lose weight; 65% are open to making a change to their eating schedule.When it comes to diets,55% would consider trying a diet such as keto or Paleo, while 38% would consider making the shift to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle to lose weight.

Health has taken on even greater importance since the pandemic began," said Elaine Chiquette, PharmD,Gelesis' Chief Scientific Officer. "While the majority of Americans gained weight during this challenging time, 2020 has also made many of us re-examine our habits."

She added: More than ever, we see people saying they need more support in their weight loss journey and focusing on how to live a healthier lifestyle. As we kick off 2021, we are all hopeful for a brighter, healthier future for America.

For 3 in 5 Americans,the weight loss journey is almost as miserable as being overweight. Respondents believe before the pandemic started, willpower, lack of time, and social lives held them back from losing weight. Now, 60% of Americans agree that losing weight has become more difficult over the past six months, not only because they lack willpower but also a lack of money and a support system.

Even with the obstacles they face, respondentsare hopeful that 2021 will be the yearthey adopt a healthier lifestyle. Of those surveyed, 25% would like this year to be the moment that they fit into skinny jeans; 22% would like to run a mile without stopping; 32% are motivated by the chance to feel good about their body in bathing suits, and 40% of Americans would just like to feel more confident in their own skin.

If the pandemic helps Americans decide to get healthier, change their diets to be more plant-based, and wake up to the importance of daily exercise, that would be a silver lining at last.

Read the original post:
Survey: 50% Of Americans Want to Lose Weight and Feel Healthier - The Beet

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January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Posted in Diet and Exercise

BMI calculator for men: What a healthy BMI is and how to measure it – Medical News Today

Posted: at 8:52 am

Using a body mass index (BMI) calculator can help a person determine whether their weight is within the recommended range for their height. However, BMI calculations have several important limitations in everyone, including men.

BMI is one measure of body size. It is a calculation of a persons body mass based on their weight relative to their height.

Doctors generally consider people whose BMI is within the normal range to have a healthy BMI. Individuals below this range may have underweight, while those above this range may have overweight or obesity.

However, BMI may not be the most accurate indicator of whether a persons weight is healthful for several reasons.

This article explores what BMI is and looks at how to calculate it. It also considers the recommended BMI ranges, the potential limitations of using BMI as an indicator of health, and tips to maintain a moderate BMI.

A BMI calculator for men assesses a mans target weight range based on his height.

Doctors use the same calculator for all people over the age of 20 years. The calculation is the same regardless of age, sex, race, body composition, and other factors.

It is possible to calculate BMI by dividing a persons weight in kilograms (kg) by their height in meters squared (m2).

For example, a person who is 5 feet 6 inches (or 66 inches) tall has a metric height of 1.6764 m. If that person weighs 150 pounds, their metric weight will be 68.0389 kg. To calculate their BMI:

Many health advocates argue that BMI is not a good measure of whether a person has a moderate weight.

Some argue that even if a person has overweight or obesity, this does not necessarily reveal much about their health.

A handful of recent studies support this claim, so a person should not use BMI as the sole measure of their health.

Some shortcomings of BMI include:

The BMI ranges are as follows:

BMI does not take into account body composition, age, race, sex, athletic involvement, or other factors. It does not assess lifestyle, diet, or anything else that may help mitigate the potential health effects of having a high body weight.

A persons ideal BMI does not change with various health conditions. However, certain health issues may affect their ability to maintain a BMI within the recommended range.

For this reason, it is sometimes important to discuss weight changes, diet, and exercise with a doctor.

People should discuss their BMI with a doctor if:

Not everyone can maintain a BMI in the normal range, even with a healthful diet and plenty of exercise.

Elite athletes with high muscle mass, for example, may fall into the overweight range.

Similarly, being in the normal range does not necessarily mean that a person is healthy. People who eat unhealthful foods and never exercise may still have a moderate BMI.

For this reason, the best strategy is to focus on promoting general health.

For most people, this will make it easier to attain a BMI in the normal range. People looking to promote their health can try:

BMI is one way to assess a persons weight and predict how it might affect their health.

In the absence of other measures, however, it does not reveal much about a persons well-being.

A person who wants a better understanding of the possible effects of their weight on their overall health should discuss these concerns with a doctor or dietitian.

See original here:
BMI calculator for men: What a healthy BMI is and how to measure it - Medical News Today

Written by admin |

January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Posted in Nutrition

These Guys Attempted to Eat and Train Like Calisthenics Athlete Chris Heria for 2 Weeks –

Posted: at 8:52 am

Cam and Brandon Jones, otherwise known as YouTube's Goal Guys, aren't afraid of putting their self-professed "average" fitness to the test, taking on physical challenges that push their strength and endurance. In a recent video, they up the ante, taking on the diet plan and bodyweight workout routine of the highly shredded calisthenics athlete Chris Heria for two weeks, using information from his Heria Pro app.

They adopt a beginner level workout which includes calisthenic exercises such as the elevated pike press, wall walks, planche lean pushups, L-sit single leg raises, lateral raises, and dumbbell shoulder press. "This might just kill me," quips Cam.

A typical meal during this challenge consists of sweet potatoes, greens, and a source of protein. "Most of Chris's meals are low-carb, so I am feeling hungry constantly," says Brandon. "On the flip-side, I am loving the workouts."

In addition to following the workouts, they also start to follow Heria's morning routine, which involves starting each day with 100 pushups and 100 pullups. Brandon breaks the pushups down into four "manageable" sets of 25 reps each, and then does the pullups in 10 sets of 10.

Cam, meanwhile, is able to complete the pushups, but maxes out at 50 pullups, even when doing a band-assisted version of the exercise. "My arms feel so tired right now," he says. "My lats have never felt worse in my entire existence, so the idea of this being an activation workout... no." In fact, he is in so much pain after the first day that he only reaches 25 reps on the second day, and he sets himself the goal of being able to do 100 banded pullups by the end of the two weeks, although his back and lats continue to take a beating as the days wear on. "I am ready to be done," he says.

This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

"I thought this challenge was going to be tough going in, but it proved to be even harder than I expected," says Cam upon achieving his target, while Brandon states that his biggest struggle was sticking to the diet.

"Just eating well for a week isn't good enough," he says. "I need to eat those same meals the next week, and the week after, and so on."

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See the article here:
These Guys Attempted to Eat and Train Like Calisthenics Athlete Chris Heria for 2 Weeks -

Written by admin |

January 31st, 2021 at 8:52 am

Posted in Nutrition

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