[Temple to Table] Tastes of winter breeze – The Korea Herald
Posted: December 27, 2021 at 2:04 am
Rice with tot (Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism)
Loaded with minerals, fusiforme (tot) is a seaweed that provides diverse nutrients in winter. The fragrance and flavor of rice cooked by adding plump seasonal tot is much better than when dried tot is used. If you add chestnuts, you will experience the harmony of the familiar and the unfamiliar as the prickly textured tot and sweet chestnuts come together in your mouth.
200 g fresh tot
5 chestnuts
1 cup rice
1 cup water
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 handful chopped water celery (minari)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp chili pepper powder
2 tbsp crushed sesame seeds
2 tbsp sesame oil
1. Wash tot, drain in a strainer, and cut into bite-sized pieces
2. Peel the outer shell and inner skin from chestnuts, and cut into quarters
3. Put in a pot with the rice, water, tot and chestnuts. Add 1 tbsp sesame oil and cook
4. Prepare water celery, mix the ingredients for the sauce together and serve with rice
Ma rolled in gim (Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism)
Harvested from late October onward, gim tastes best in winter. By finely grating Chinese yam (ma), which is full of vitamins and minerals, and mixing with chopped shiitake mushrooms and carrots, you can have a gim dish with a fragrant sea aroma to perk up your appetite.
Ingredients 6 sheets of gim
300 g Chinese yam (ma)
3 shiitake mushrooms
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp salt
cooking oil
1. Chop carrot and shiitake mushrooms that have been soaked in water. Finely grate yams
2. To the grated yams, add chopped shiitake mushrooms, and carrots to make batter
3. Pour the batter into a heated pan and top with two sheets of gim, folded in half. Roll just like making a rolled omelette
Provided by Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism
Temple food is food of the ascetics who express gratitude for all forms of life and wish for peace for the whole world. The Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism operates the Korean Temple Food Center where guests can learn and experience temple food. -- Ed.
By Korea Herald (khnews@heraldcorp.com)
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[Temple to Table] Tastes of winter breeze - The Korea Herald
Celebrities who looked almost unrecognisable after their 2021 transformations – Yahoo News NZ
Posted: at 2:04 am
From Rebel Wilson to Chrissie Swan and Michael Clark, Australian celebrities shocked us with some of their inspiring transformations throughout the year.
Here's our pick of some of the most memorable ones from 2021.
The celebrities who inspire us to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Rebel Wilson started her 'Year of Health' in January 2020 and almost two years on, she is celebrating losing about 35kg and has a new outlook on life.
"Found this old photo in my emails and was like: whoa! I remember this was when I was at my most unhealthiest - being overweight and indulging way too much with junk food," Rebel said in her Instagram post in August.
Rebel was referring to a photo taken with Novak Djokovic during a difficult period when she was "using food to numb my emotions".
"My father had passed away of a heart attack and it was such a sad time," she said.
"I didnt think highly of myself and wasnt valuing myself how I should have."
Rebel Wilson's "Year of Health" marked a complete lifestyle change! Photo: Instagram/@rebelwilson
"I look back now at that girl and am so proud of what shes become and achieved ... and just wanted to send out some encouragement to everyone out there struggling with weight or body issues or emotional eating," Rebel said.
"I feel you.
"But its never too late to start improving yourself and trying to be the best version of YOU possible.
"Its not a race and its not a competition - its about respecting yourself and doing whats best for YOU."
Another key to her success, according to her personal trainer Jono Castano, was that she made long-term lifestyle changes.
"I'd say her consistency has been the most important thing," he told Yahoo Lifestyle.
Podcaster and comedian Meshal Laurie reveled in her 2017 book, Buddhism for the Unbelievably Busy, that she had chosen surgery to transform.
Story continues
"I decided to undergo weight-loss surgery (gastric bypass) in late 2016, and Im so glad I did," she wrote.
"Yes, its embarrassing to have to go to that length to rein my body in, but Id rather be embarrassed than unable to walk.
"In a way, I feel lucky to have had such clear signals from my body that I needed to turn my health burner back on, when I still had time to do something about it."
Meshel Laurie unveiled her weight loss and glow up this year. Photo: Getty Images and Instagram/@meshel_laurie
Her transformation may have begun in 2016, but her glow up this year hasn't gone unnoticed by fans.
"You look 12! Whats your secret?" one of her followers said on her Instagram post with Professor Richard Bassed.
"I was thinking the same! Looking so young Meshel," another added.
"Some people light us up dont they?" Meshel replied.
Indeed they do Meshel!
With his six-foot, six-inch (198cm) stature, heavy build and surname which, in French, sounds like "beast", it is understandable The Chase expert Mark Labbett was nicknamed "The Beast".
After shedding an incredible 63 kilos, he may need a new nickname.
"This is the lightest Ive been in 25 years," he told The Sun in March.
"I'm now under 20 stone (127kg), and I am really feeling the difference, as well as seeing it.
"My knees really feel the difference.
"I will never be athletic again, but I just move so much better for not carrying that extra weight."
The Chase's Mark Labbett has lost 63 kilos since contracting COVID last year. Photo: Getty Images and Instagram.com/markthebeastlabbett
The catalyst for his healthy change was catching COVID last year. He lost his sense of smell and taste - and his appetite.
After recovering, he upped his exercise and saw the weight come off. The changes didn't go unnoticed.
"When did The Beast from The Chase turn into an absolute dreamboat?! Marks had the glow-up of the century," comedian Jack Whitehall tweeted.
Since shooting to fame in the 2003 season of Big Brother, fans of reality star, turned radio personality, Chrissie Swan have watched her transform.
Melbourne's lockdowns encouraged Chrissie to give up alcohol and up her step count, with stunning results.
Chrissie Swan credits giving up alcohol and walking for her incredible weight loss. Photo: Getty Images and Instagram/@chrissieswan
"Ive never done anything about [exercise], until now," she revealed on Instagram regarding her new walking regime.
"Learning how to meditate kicked it off for me and I realised, after the first 10-minute block, that it was the first time in ages Id stopped and slowed down, with my own wellbeing top of mind,
"I dont put any pressure on myself, but I walk somewhere most days sometimes for 20 minutes, sometimes for an hour, sometimes three little walks, sometimes none!"
Michael Clarke opened up to Men's Health magazine after undergoing their 12-week challenge and showing off his incredible results.
"Ive always been quite fit, but as you can see from the before photo, I was still carrying a bit," he said.
"When you stop doing something that got you out of bed every single day, when you lose that structure and routine, you lose a lot and Ive seen people go downhill in those circumstances, physically and mentally," he said of his retirement.
Former Aussie cricket captain Michael Clarke revealed his slimmed-down look this month. Photo: Chris Mohen for Mens Health via Instagram/Jono Castano
"Trying to stay fit and healthy post-retirement was partly a defence against that.
"When I hit 40, something told me that I wanted to be fitter and healthier than Id ever been."
Clarke teamed up with celeb trainer Jono Castano for the 12 weeks, but he's continuing to use what he learned in the gym.
Casey Donovan was flung into the limelight at the tender age of 16 as the youngest winner of Australian Idol.
Her success on stage and with her music has continued. Since the pandemic struck, Casey has tried to use her time wisely and, like many others, get healthier.
She admits it's sometimes hard work.
Singer and performer Casey Donovan has been making little changes to get a big difference. Photo: Getty Images and Instagram/@caseydonovan88
"Its not easy," the performer said on her social media account.
"Some days I wake and go, Im not going for a walk today'.
"But its about getting up and pushing yourself and knowing that its okay if you dont get out there and go for a walk - do better tomorrow or the next day.
"Be kind to yourself. I find that a lot of people havent been too kind to themselves during the lockdown, and reach for the biccies and the chips.
"But for me, its been nice to be able to get out there and exercise and take in the fresh air and enjoy the small things in life, which weve now been given the opportunity to do."
For all the little things she's been doing, she looks fabulous!
Married At First Sight contestant Jules Robinson revealed all about her epic transformation on her Instagram account.
"It was my own kinda lockdown, working non-stop from home and (a) full-time mum. It happens! Familiar story right!" she wrote on social media.
Married At First Sight's Jules Robinson (with hubby Cameron Merchant) has shed 20kg since the birth of son Ollie. Instagram/@julesrobinson82
"I have lost weight and now Im back to my pre-pregnancy weight," she revealed on Instagram.
"I had help with @jennycraigausnz and it was so easy and ideal as a busy working mum.
"The postpartum quest back to your body for me was about patience, celebrating what my body just did and still rocking all outfits."
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Read more from the original source:
Celebrities who looked almost unrecognisable after their 2021 transformations - Yahoo News NZ
Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life! Jonathan …
Posted: at 2:03 am
If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18, the only alternative is to assume that something with a striking and most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast will appear in the not-too-distant future.
In other words, if what the transhumanist propose for our world is not the prelude to the mark of the beast, then I do not know what would be. Their plans for the future fit like a glove with what the apostle John wrote about the mark of the beast.
The words of Revelation 13:16-18 represent a specific, detailed prophecy and that cannot reach its full fruition until after the antichrist begins his reign of terror during the seven-year tribulation. Even so, we already see Satans evil and deadly end-of-days design for humanity at work in the plans of those who seek to impose transhumanism upon us.
Why do I say that this prophecy is already in play? Continue reading as I make my case in this post and those that follow.
Transhumanism is the combining of machines and human beings.
David Tippett, a contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF) website, described transhumanism in this way:
It is rooted in the belief that humans can and will be enhanced by the genetic engineering and information technology of today, as well as anticipated advances, such as bioengineering, artificial intelligence, and molecular nanotechnology. The result is an iteration of Homo sapiens enhanced or augmented, but still fundamentally human.
The central premise of transhumanism, then, is that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable and implantable technologies that artificially expedite the evolutionary process.[i]
The globalists of our day propose to fundamentally change humanity through means that include the changing of the human DNA (i.e., nanotechnology). Contrary to what the WEF would have us believe, the end result of this artificial biological evolution will be something far different than what God created as well as what Jesus died on the cross to redeem.
Dr. Carrie Madej, in her April 19, 2021 video, defined transhumanism in a similar way as in the above quote, but also warned of its many dire consequences for our future as the elite of the world seek to exercise complete control of our behavior.[ii]
In November of 2017, an article appeared on the Forbes website with this title: Transhumanism and The Future of Humanity: 7 Ways the World Will Change By 2030. Here is a quote from the introduction of this article:
This transformation will be messy, complex, and sometimes scary, but signals already point to a future of humanity that will blur our identities into transhumanism.[iii]
Several disturbing statements regarding transhumanism emerge from this Forbes 2017 article. The assertion of the author that transhumanism will blur our identities, however, shocks me the most. It confirms the planned merging of machines with our bodies would remove what makes us human.
Lest you think that transhumanism is just the aspiration of a few mad scientists, please know that many of the most powerful and wealthy people in the world openly support the combining of humans and machines as the next step in the evolutionary process. This concept finds its most fervent and outspoken support in the WEF. Its website contains an abundance of information on the combining of humans with machines.
Please know that the WEF is not some obscure fringe group. President Biden ran for office under the theme of Build Back Better; a slogan he took directly from the WEF as an indication of his support for its agenda. John Kerry, a prominent member of Bidens administration, has pledged the full support of the Biden administration to the Great Reset championed by the WEF.
An article on the New American website ties together the Great Reset advocated by the WEF and the Biden administration with the push for transhumanism:
Under the new world order envisioned by the proponents of the United Nations-backed Great Reset, humans will be merged with machines and technology. Literally. Perhaps most incredibly, the Deep State globalists behind the efforts are coming out of the closet. These days, they are openly and literally proclaiming their intention to abolish private ownership of property and even fuse microchips into peoples brains that will be able to read and manipulate individuals thoughts.[iv]
Please read the preceding quote again. It aptly summarizes my research and correctly connects the Great Reset of the WEF with its push for transhumanism through which it will read and manipulate the thoughts of those under it domain.
Notice also the reference to the deep state in the United States in the preceding quote; this refers to those in the U.S. who put Biden in office and now control his presidency. These elite globalists in the U.S. and throughout the world talk openly about their plans for both transhumanism and the Great Reset.
Consider this quote from the WEF website regarding the changes they plan for our world under what the WEF calls the Fourth Industrial Revolutions, their term for transhumanism:
The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril. The speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organisations create value and even what it means to be human.[v]
Though it may sound benign on the surface, the purpose of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not to benefit humanity, no, not at all. Its the vehicle through which the WEF, along with globalists at the United Nations and in America, hope to force people into accepting a tyrannical and Marxist government through which they intend to control the lives of everyone on the planet.
The Great Reset agenda necessitates augmenting humans in such a way that will allow those in power to monitor and control their behavior via external computer networks and artificial intelligence.
How will these powerbrokers augment the makeup of human beings so as to merge them with machines? To answer that question, we begin with the words of Klaus Schwab of the WEF. In a January 10, 2016 interview, he explained that human beings will soon receive a chip in their body in order to merge [them] with the digital world. Below is another excerpt from this interview:
Schwab: And at first, we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin. And in the end, maybe, here will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world.
Interviewer: We call someone, we dont even have the reflex to take a device, its done naturally, the technique continues in the body. Schwab: Yes.
Interviewer: When will happen? Schwab: Certainly in the next ten years.[vi]
The following two points sum up the essence of transhumanism:
The process includes augmenting humans into something quite different than what God created as well as implanting a device inside them that will connect them to the digital world outside them.
The plan consists of connecting humans to the digital world, such as a supercomputer, that will monitor their behavior for the ultimate purpose of controlling it through the blending of people with machines.
At this point, however, it appears that these globalists might have a problem.
How do they put such a system in place? The vast majority of people would readily reject the changes that I have described in this post and rightly so. Some might desire the enhanced artificial intelligence that will come as the result of transhumanism, but not everything else that would come with it.
In part 2 of this series entitled Transhumanism: Is It Already Here? I will describe the deceitful plan of the transhumanists that they intend to use in augmenting human beings into something currently unrecognizable. Please keep reading as I continue to connect the dots.
Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at https://www.jonathanbrentner.com/. It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks!
[i] David Tippett, What is transhumanism and how does it affect you? April 10, 2018, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/04/transhumanism-advances-in-technology-could-already-put-evolution-into-hyperdrive-but-should-they/
[Ii] Dr. Carrie Madej video from April 19, 2021, https://thenewamerican.com/covid-shots-dna-transhumanism-with-dr-madej-2/ In this excellent video, she goes into great detail regard the threat of transhumanism.
[iii] Sarwant Singh, Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change By 2030, Nov. 20, 2017, Forbes website at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarwantsingh/2017/11/20/transhumanism-and-the-future-of-humanity-seven-ways-the-world-will-change-by-2030/?sh=35b71a4d7d79
[iv] Alex Newman, Great Reset Transhumanism: Merging Man & Machine, December 2, 2020, @ https://thenewamerican.com/great-reset-transhumanism-merging-man-machine/
[v] Fourth Industrial Revolution page @ https://www.weforum.org/focus/fourth-industrial-revolution
[vi] Text is taken from a video within an article by Peter Koenig, The Super-Capitalists Depopulation Agenda, May 17, 2021. At: https://www.globalresearch.ca/global-depopulation-has-started/5745289
See original here:
Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life! Jonathan ...
The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda – Cancer Wisdom
Posted: at 2:03 am
Governments worldwide push for the transhumanism agenda. Find out why they want to remove genders and create synthetic humans. Discover how COVID-19 vaccines, artificial intelligence, and 5G relate to transhumanism and how to stop it.
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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.
The pharmaceutical industry is an evil and corrupt institution. Every year people die of their toxic drugs and cancer treatments. The only thing these companies care about is money.
If you thought that killing people for profit was terrible, their next big project is even worse than that. It's called transhumanism.
Julian Huxley coined the term transhumanism in 1957
The English biologist and philosopher Julian Huxley coined the term in 1957. Transhumanism is a movement that wants to" improve" the human body with technologies. Ways to achieve this goal include:
Governments around the world have in recent years pushed for the transhumanism agenda. Transgender propaganda and programming confuse young peoples' self-identity. The media, government departments, medical professionals, and academic institutions are all in on it.
We have no-gender toilets and the banning of male-female terms such as boy and girl, mum and dad. BBC's program for kids as young as six features a child taking hormone-blocking drugs.
The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human. Today's young are the biggest target because they will be the adults when it becomes a reality.
The first step in the transhuman transition is to remove gender-specific pronouns.
Governments want us to use new transgender pronouns. Pronouns are words that we use to replace nouns in a sentence. Today we refer to women as she/her/hers/herself. Or men with he/him/his/himself.
The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human
They/them pronouns are most popular by non-binary people. They are individuals who don't identify only as men or women. Transgender can also use other pronouns called Neopronouns.
Neopronouns are any third-person pronouns not officially recognized in the language. Some examples include:
Governments worldwide push us to use transgender pronouns. If we don't obey, we may face persecution.
It's now illegal in some places not to use the correct pronoun. People have lost their jobs for not using the correct pronoun for a female identifying as a male or vice versa.
In May 2019, a court ruled the father's "misgendering" of his child as "family violence." He called his daughter a girl and not a boy. A court ordered him to stop using female pronouns.
The girl's mother supports both social transition and hormonal treatments. But the father does not. The government decided that the sex change will happen, and the father has no say in the matter.
We can decide our gender according to transhumans
There is also a push for gender-neutral words. Breastfeeding will become "chestfeeding." Breastmilk is "human milk."
Other changes include replacing "woman" with "person." Or "father" with "parent", "co-parent" or "second biological parent".
A film made by BBC Teach explained that there are more than 100 different gender identities. Our sexual organs are no longer the deciding factor in determining what gender we have. We are gender fluent and can decide whether we are men or women.
You can identify as a male in the morning and a female in the evening. Creepy men can say they are women to enter female locker rooms and change back after they leave.
In the United States, about 0.58% of the adult population identifies as transgender. Why are governments focused on not offending a minuscule part of the population? Who benefits by us removing genders?
To find out the answer, we need to follow the money.
In an earlier blog post, I described how the oil billionaire John D. Rockefeller took over the medical industry. Rockefeller gave grants to medical schools to teach allopathic medicine. He found a way to make drugs by using his oil.
Private bankers met at Jekyll Island and highjacked the financial system
Rockefeller and other private bankers such as the Rothschilds and Warburgs met at Jekyll Island in 1910.
During this meeting, they created the Federal Reserve Act. In 1913 Congress passed the bill, and the president signed it in December the same year.
This act gave private bankers the power to issue money. Since then, they have used the control of the monetary system to manipulate the world to their plan.
Only a few families control the world.
Thirteen Elite banking families control where the money goes or doesn't. Private banks can lend money that doesn't exist. They create something called credit and charge interest on it. Controlling the creation and circulation of money is holding the system together.
The Rothchild dynasty is at the forefront of the monetary system. One percent of humanity owns the majority of the world's wealth. This scam is possible by centuries of manipulation of the financial system.
A small group of people controls the world through the financial system
Money is debt in its creation. The goal of the monetary system is to turn everyone into slaves. We can never pay back the debt, and therefore we're are always enslaved to the banking system.
You would think that with their vast wealth, the financial Elite would be satisfied. What more is there to strive for if you have unlimited wealth?
When you have everything you want, there is only one more thing that you can strive for: power.
To understand why the financial Elite wants power, we need to learn about the ego. Almost every person has an ego. It's a false self created by our negative thoughts.
Deep inside, we are complete. Love is the core of our being. The only thing hindering us from seeing it is our negative thoughts. Enlightened human beings have all found that happiness can only come by silencing the mind.
It's nothing you can find in external things. Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions. But everyone following that path doesn't find everlasting happiness.
Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions.
The ego believes that it can become complete by getting more. But it will never become satisfied. The financial Elite has enormous egos. They think that they can achieve happiness by controlling the world.
Elite bankers believe that they are above everyone else and need to control us for the greater good. They want to create a world government so they can rule us.
To achieve this dystopia, they need us to become dependent on the state. So how can they do that? By breaking our independence.
There are certain things that humans need to thrive. We need food, water, shelter, energy, and community.
Even if a tiny amount of people control our monetary system, there are still ways to get relative freedom. Growing vegetables is one way you can become independent of other people.
One way to become independent is by growing vegetables and fruits
But the financial Elite made it harder for us to grow our food. Strict zoning laws and restrictions make it near impossible for small farmers to survive.
Governments take over more farms. They can then control our food supply, and the only way to survive is to obey the government.
Another way to get relative freedom is to create a business.
We can become more self-sufficient if we create our own company. To break our independence, governments have to stop us from doing business.
That is what is happening right now. The COVID-19 hoax prevents people from running their businesses. Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive.
Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive
Instead, there is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the financial Elite. If this economic takeover continues, the middle class will disappear. What's left is an upper-class and a low-class population.
If people cannot have their business or work, the only way they can survive is through government handouts. Another term for it is Universal Basic Income(UBI).
It's a communist-style economy where everyone works for the government. The world government will decide what job you should pursue. One vital step in the world government takeover is Agenda 21.
The whole COVID-19 agenda is a tool to destroy the economy. Elite bankers plan to create a world government that controls all commerce. They want to develop a ministry of trade that absorbs all businesses through Agenda 21/2030.
Agenda 21 is a U.N. project to install the world government structure. It started at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is since updated to Agenda 2030.
Agenda 21/2030 is a Trojan horse for global communism
The United Nations is a creation of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Rockefellers donated the land on which the U.N. headquarters stands.
The goal of Agenda 21 is to limit our freedom and to centralize power. Global warming is an excuse to remove our rights and let the government repress us.
Evil banking families have also taken control over the energy sector. They regulate the creation of electricity and oil through constant wars.
The Elite also controls our politicians and "democratic" system.
Democracy is a myth. We live under a global dictatorship without knowing it. There is no left or right. Once you have your political and economic structures in place, you can get any leader you want
There is no need to control all political parties, although they often do. You only need to choose the candidates that can win. Almost every country only has two or three parties that have any chance of forming a government. In the background, all answer to the same force.
Most leaders follow banker families
The reason why we don't hear about them is that Elite bankers hide in the background. Secret societies and satanic networks control the world through a spider web.
For a tiny financial Elite to control us, they need to centralize power. That's why we have governments and central banks.
Governments are taking over more resources around the world. Every day it becomes harder to survive in the world without the government.
Even if these banking families regulate our means of survival, they can't control us entirely. The last puzzle piece used to enslave us is by manipulating our reproduction and independent thinking. One primary facilitator of our brainwashing is the mainstream media.
The term "media" comes from "medium," which means an "intervening substance." Legislators needs to regulate information to control our perception.
A handful of giant corporations own the American media. You see different television and radio channels, newspapers, and magazines on any subject. There seems to be an endless choice from independent sources. But only six corporations control most of them.
The CIA maintains a massive network of foreign individuals around the world. These people give the CIA direct access to many newspapers and news agencies. They also help the CIA control radio and television stations and book publishers.
Only a few companies control our news
American and European media coordinate with each other. They spin and repeat the same stories required by the CIA and the web. The news propaganda brainwashes many people.
But when things become more extreme, even the press cannot deceive us anymore. If people see through government lies, they are impossible to control.
"It is possible to discipline and control some societies for some time, but not the whole world all the time.
One of the most desirable things we want is freedom. If we crave it bad enough, there is nothing that's going to stop us from getting it.
Even if you lose everything, the only thing you have left is your independent thinking. If you want to have total power, you need to restrain external conditions and thoughts. It's here the transhuman agenda comes in.
The financial Elite's ultimate goal is to create a fascistic society which they control. They call it The New World Order. It's a civilization that George Orwell described in his book 1984.
Everyone had to listen to everything Big brother said. Big brother monitored every thought and punished disobedience. If the financial Elite can control our thoughts and bodies, we become their slaves.
The transhumanism agenda has nothing to do about trans people's rights. It has more to do with control. Elite bankers have serious plans to create synthetic humans.
Elite bankers want to create a global government and enslave humans
It's an old plan which the author Audley Huxley warned about in his book A Brave New World. Aldous Huxley described in his book about laboratory babies.
Natural reproduction stopped, and scientists raised children in "hatcheries." From birth, people fit into one of the five genetic castes. "Plus" and "Minus" members fulfilled predetermined positions within the World State.
Population control is a vital piece of the transhumanism agenda.
In an earlier blog post, I exposed The Rockefellers' obsession with eugenics. Bill Gates is also a big promoter of population control. His father was once the leader of Planned Parenthood.
It's an organization created by the Rockefellers. Planned Parenthood helps women prevent pregnancies.
If you want to control the world population, the first step is to reduce it. Today there are close to 8 billion people on the earth.
A mysterious stone in Georgia says that humanity needs to maintain itself under 500 million
To create the world government, the Elite believes that over 90% of the population has to go. One number I have heard is 500 million people. You can see it on the Georgia Guidestones.
The best way to reduce the population is to stop our sexual reproduction. That way, the only means to reproduce is through cloning.
But don't you need our DNA to do that?
There are several ways the Elite collects our genetic code. One way is through Ancestry DNA. It is a subsidiary of Ancestry.com, the biggest for-profit genealogy company in the world.
You might have heard about services where you send saliva samples to analyze your ancestry. DNA-testing 23andMe is a "personal genomics and biotechnology" company.
Its center is in Silicon Valley, near Google and Facebook headquarters. The CEO Anne Wojcicki is the former wife of Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.
Several ancestry services collect DNA samples for the transhumanism agenda
Her sister, Susan Wojcicki, is CEO of Google-owned YouTube. Google invested almost $4 million in 23andMe. I will later reveal the connection Big Tech companies like Google have to the transhuman A.I. agenda.
The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda - Cancer Wisdom
The Matrix Resurrections: The Studio Is Making Us Do This! – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence
Posted: at 2:03 am
Lets address the most contentious issue first. This movie isnt great, but its not The Last Jedi bad. Matrix fans arent going to be storming the gates in protest, because their beloved characters were assassinated for the message. Its true that Neo is nerfed so that Trinity can take his place. This is annoying because, as Ive said before, nobody wants to see a Dragon Ball Z spectacle featuring Neos powers just so the poor sap could die in obscurity because nothing he did mattered anyway. They didnt do this, and that is to the writers credit.
If there was anybody who deserved a Deus ex Machina sent by the Social Justice Warriors from on high, it was Trinity. Her decision to go with Neo to the machine city, even though it meant certain death, easily made her the most courageous character in the trilogy. Nobody gave her Matrix Wi-Fi. So, even though, the twist at the end of the film made zero sense, from a narrative standpoint, she earned her miracle. Were not talking about Rey, Mary-Sue, Skywalker, some random character with no connection to the things that were before whos magically able to fix the old ships, shoot better, fight better, jump better, drive a boat better even though she grew up on a desert planet, basically do everything better for no reason other than she is the narrative equivalent of a jingling set of keys. Trinity is not Rey. She earned her place in the original trilogy because she suffered with the other characters, and I would argue she even earned her position as the new One alongside Neo because she suffered as Neo suffered.
I bring this up because there have been multiple people who have compared this movie to The Last Jedi, and while this movie is by no means good, equivocating it to Rian Johnsons cinematic abomination is a little harsh.
The real issue with this movie is that it clearly did not want to be made. Over an hour is devoted to Neos new life within the Matrix. There is a scene toward the beginning where the new Agent Smith who is now a cooperate bigwig is telling Neo that they are making the Matrix Trilogy, which is now a video game, into a new franchise, and the company is going to do this with or without his cooperation. I imagine is this exactly how the pitch meeting went when the studio approached Lana Wachowski. The implications are about as subtle as Neo being called the One and dying only to rise from the dead. Say what you will about the Wachowskis, subtlety is not their strong suit. After this scene, we get a montage showing all these corporate suits arguing over what the Matrix is and over time redefining the game altogether. Theres only one word to describe this sequence, meta.
This reset is noticeable, and it contributes to the contrived nature of the film. Wachowski wants to affirm her characters struggles in a world which is being rebooted by force. The way she resolves this dilemma is interesting. When Neo expresses regret because his fight did not end the Matrix, one of characters shows him her pet sentient robots which are literally called sentients. So, the One did not end the Matrix, instead the One created a unity between man and machine. This isnt transhumanism in the sense that man has merged with machine, but rather, the machines have become, for all intent and purposes, human. They can completely wake up and leave the Matrix if they wish, and now, the free humans are tasked with liberating the machines as well as other humans.
This is interesting, and I suppose it should have been obvious, considering the machines seemed to be practically human anyway by the end of the previous trilogy. But it was a surprising twist anyway, and a clever way of getting around undermining Neos previous accomplishments.
As before, none of these details are explained. How the robots are doing any of this remains a constant nagging question throughout the film, but this time, one could arguably be a little more sympathetic about the plot hole because Wachowski is struggling to reestablish a finished franchise without negating the accomplishments of the previous characters.
I have much more to say about the movie, and we will cover those topics as well as go into more details regarding how the machines work, the programs work, and how the main antagonist operates in the next review.
Here are my thoughts on the original Matrix Trilogy:
Bringing you up to date with the Matrix series: Will The Matrix Resurrections (dropped December 22) break the mold? The culturally influential trilogy (control by evil aliens) enjoys a fascinating beginning but a thud! ending. Can we really escape a world of illusions simply by following our most basic influences? If wisdom cant help, why should instinct be the answer? (Gary Varner)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) just did not load properly. Although the second part of the Matrix trilogy offers interesting ideas and exciting action, the confusing plot obscures the concepts it should explore. Free will is hard to explore when, among AIs, Agent Smith can think freely, the Architect cant grasp the idea, and the Oracle understands but doesnt have it. (Gary Varner)
The Matrix Revolutions (2003) spins out of control. In Part I of this review of the third film in The Matrix trilogy anticipating The Matrix: Resurrections (December 22) we bring you up to date on the story. The plot continues to baffle: How did Neo end up in digital purgatory? How can machines fall in love and produce a child? Answers are awaited.
The Matrix Revolutions churns into a cosmic drama. It turns out to be a conflict between chaos and probability with no apparent moral compass. As fans await The Matrix Resurrection, we begin to sense an outline in The Matrix: Revolutions of the ultimate conflict of human vs. machine.
The Matrix Trilogy: Some Final Thoughts I enjoyed the films and am looking forward to the Matrix Resurrections but there are some things I need to say as a reviewer. The problem with the Matrix trilogy that it tries to say too much, and so the messages conflict when theyre not downright confusing.
See original here:
The Matrix Resurrections: The Studio Is Making Us Do This! - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence
Ask Joan: The benefits of meditation | News | eagletribune.com – Eagle-Tribune
Posted: at 2:02 am
Question: Ive found that Im becoming more anxious lately, and some of my friends have recommended meditation. I dont know a lot about it but have heard its becoming more popular. Is this something worth exploring?
Answer: This season is a time when many people celebrate by writing up a list of resolutions, often relating to healthy living. and one healthy habit more and more people are adding to their lives is meditation.
According to the Mayo Clinic, meditation has been around for thousands of years, in a variety of forms, throughout the world. Meditation today is recognized as a mind-body activity that can reduce stress and promote relaxation.
In general, meditation involves focusing your attention and evading the continuing stream of ideas, urges, and worries that often crowd our minds. It can provide benefits that last long after a specific meditation session concludes, helping people tackle the remainder of their day with fresh calmness and clarity. The Mayo Clinic reports it has been found to aid symptoms of certain medical conditions, including anxiety, asthma, sleep problems, tension headaches, and high blood pressure.
Meditation often involves the following components:
Focused attention: This is focusing on a specific object, image, word/phrase (mantra), or breathing.
Relaxed breathing: This involves slow, deep, even-paced breathing, using the diaphragm to expand the lungs and take in more oxygen.
Maintaining an open attitude: Practice letting ones thoughts enter and leave the mind without judging them.
Yoga is also a form of meditation. It requires balance and concentration, which helps people practicing it focus more on the present, instead of dwelling on the news or a to-do list.
Our own Healthy Living Center of Excellence offers free, evidence-based workshops that teach or incorporate practices of meditation, including tai ji quan and tai chi.
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance is a training regimen designed for older adults or anyone having trouble with their balance. The workshop meets in one-hour sessions, twice per week, for 24 weeks.
Tai Chi focuses on preventing falls and improving balance through a gentle form of a Chinese martial art that includes a series of movements performed like a slow-motion dance in conjunction with deep breathing. The Tai Chi workshop meets for one hour, twice per week, for 12 weeks.
For more information about these and other HLCE workshops, visit our website at https://agespan.org/solutions/health-wellness/
By exploring these and other options, you may find a form of meditation that feels right for you. I wish you all the best for 2022.
Are you struggling to care for an older adult or having difficulty locating resources? Our experienced staff is available to help. Visit us online at http://www.agespan.org for more information. You can also call us at 800-892-0890 or email info@agespan.org. Joan Hatem-Roy is the Chief Executive Officer of AgeSpan, formerly Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley and North Shore.
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Ask Joan: The benefits of meditation | News | eagletribune.com - Eagle-Tribune
8 Mindfulness Apps to Help You Improve Focus and Meditate – iDrop News
Posted: at 2:02 am
Most of us live a very busy life. Whether it's because of work, school, or personal life, it seems like we always have something to do. Even our devices, which help us stay connected to the people we care about the most, often make us even more stressed.
Fortunately, your devices can also help you become more present, focused, and relaxed. You just need the right apps for the job, such as mindfulness apps. These apps can help you improve your quality of life without ever leaving your home.
So, what exactly is mindfulness? It's considered a therapeutic technique that helps you become more self-aware and present. The main goal of being mindful is to help you become more focused and calm while helping you get rid of negative emotions. Meditation is a form of mindfulness that can impact your life in more ways than you can imagine.
If you're new to mindfulness, there's no better place to start than with mindfulness apps. Read on to discover 8 Mindfulness Apps to Help You Improve Focus and Meditate.
If you have an Apple Watch with watchOS 8, you already have a built-in Mindfulness app to help you begin. You'll get reminders to breathe or to help you become more aware of yourself and your loved ones.
If you want to take it one step further, you can subscribe to Apple Fitness+ and do one of the meditation exercises available.
Just keep in mind that the Mindfulness app isn't the best option out there. However, it is free and easy to access on your Watch.
Mindfulness Coachis an extremely cool app, but it might not be for everyone. This app was created by VA's National Center for PTSD to mainly help Veterans and Service members, but you can still use it even if you're neither.
Another cool thing about the Mindfulness Coach is that it's free. It doesn't require any add-on purchases to work. All you need to do is download it and start using it. Plus, the app also states that it doesn't track or share any of your personal information.
Overall, this is a great app to start on your mindfulness journey, whether you're a Service member or not.
If you're more of a visual learner, you might loveLojong: Meditation & Sleep. You've probably never heard that word before, but Lojong is a mind training practice whose goal is to purify a person's motivations and attitudes.
As you can probably guess, the Lojong app tries to help you do just that by providing exercises to practice relaxing and mindfulness. It also helps you relieve the feeling of anxiety and manage stress.
What's cool about this app is that it teaches you about meditation with the help of animated videos. If you love animations, this might be the app for you.
Present - Guided Meditationis a great app for both beginners and experts. It doesn't matter if this is your first time practicing mindfulness or you're already a pro; you'll find something to love about Present.
This app has many different meditations done by experts. These meditation exercises will help you practice mindfulness, relax, and sleep better. It also helps you track your progress and your time spent working on yourself.
Another cool thing Present has something called SOS sessions. These are basically sessions you can use if you have a panic or anxiety attack.
Calmis one of the most popular apps on the App Store, and there's a reason for that. Calm is a feature-packed app that will help you meditate, practice mindfulness, and take your exercises to another level.
There's a little bit of everything for everyone in the app. You'll find breathing and stretching exercises, relaxing music, a Daily Calm program, and a progress tracker. Plus, you can let your kids use Calm if you want to. The app comes with sleep stories to help them relax while going to bed.It also comes with different programs depending on your experience level.
Just like other apps on the list,Abidemight not be for everyone. But if you're looking to mix your Christian faith with mindfulness, then it might be worth a try.
Abide comes with Christian meditations to help you relax. These sessions can go from 2 to 15 minutes. Plus, it comes with Bible stories to help you sleep better. You can also use it to schedule either your meditation or your prayer sessions within the app. And you can save it all the Apple's Health app.
You get the general idea with the app's name, but3 Minute Mindfulnessis more than that.
One of the app's main features is a 7-day mindfulness course that will help you get started in your mindfulness journey. Each lesson is approximately 3 minutes, which is perfect to start building a habit without feeling too overwhelmed at first.
Other than that, you also get guided meditations that'll take you just three minutes. Plus, there's a bunch of breathing exercises that have different benefits.
The best part is that you can create your own reminders to never miss a class and even connect the app with Apple's Health app to track your progress.
If you want to learn meditation and mindfulness from experts,Headspaceis a great place to start.
This app comes with a bunch of features to help you get started and get into the habit of mindfulness and meditation. It even comes with short 3-minute sessions like the previous app, which are perfect for getting started or if you have a busy schedule.
In addition, it comes with mindful exercises, SOS sessions to help you during panic and anxiety attacks, and sleep casts and stories to help you sleep better. It also has something called Move Mode, which helps you get moving so you can release some stress and tension.
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8 Mindfulness Apps to Help You Improve Focus and Meditate - iDrop News
Marisa Tomei on how meditation has helped her cope with anxiety: ‘A real layer of noise seems to have peeled off’ – Yahoo Life
Posted: at 2:02 am
Spider Man: No Way Home star Marisa Tomei says that her meditation practices have been crucial in building her self-esteem and worldview. (Photo: Amy Sussman/Getty Images)
The friendship between Marisa Tomei and her longtime pal Lisa Bonet has lasted decades, since they first met on the hit sitcom A Different World.
In a new sit-down with Interview magazine, the two women open up about how their similar meditation and spiritual practices make them better humans and even better friends.
I have been healthy and feel grateful for that, Tomei said in regards to the pandemic. I actually appreciated very much the slowing down of a lot of the extraneous noise in my life not being on a plane all the time, just getting to have my roots.
The Spider-Man: Far From Home star added that she recently got a house in the country, wheres shes been able to practice meditation to help deal with basic anxiety.
I had meditated for years and years you brought that into my life after Phylicia Rashad taught you, Tomei said to Bonet. During this time its been such a deep pleasure to meditate for longer and longer stretches, and feel my body unwind. A real layer of noise seems to have peeled off.
Honing into that kind of practice, she added, has helped her tune out the extra noise from the news cycle so that her authenticity can shine.
Its definitely been a process for me to find my voice, to speak true words from my heart, Tomei said. I do that, but I have a lot of anxiety, so I appreciate the quiet. I feel like there was always some kind of rush happening in my household when I was a kid. Im used to hopping to it and running. Slowing down is the simplest thing, but its really done profound things for me.
[I am] definitely learning how to be authentically me, Bonet added of her own discoveries. Learning to be new, and following this invitation from the universe to step into this river of uncertainty. Weve eliminated all this extra noise, and now its time to grow our roots deeper into our own values.
Lisa Bonet and Marisa Tomei have been dear friends since they starred together in the hit sitcom A Different World. (Photo: Kevin Mazur/VF18/WireImage)
Bonet further explained that the more still we are, the more clearly the guidance comes through, especially during this time in our culture.
Story continues
The revolution is definitely here and were all feeling the squeeze, said Bonet. If you arent, youre in total denial, and the more you resist, the more you will suffer. Everything is crumbling out there. The personal work is understanding where empire and those archetypes live within us. The revolution is on the inside, and learning to be new in this new world.
All this revolution thats going on is something Ive been talking about for a long time, Tomei explained. I honestly didnt think Id see this much change in my lifetime, this much calling on the powers that be, this much tearing down of the old paradigms. Its really heartwarming, and it brings me to tears. Its not an easy process, but Im really filled with joy that theres so much waking up happening.
Tomei, who just turned 57 earlier this month, added that she made sure to dance on her birthday, adding that sometimes pursuing pure joy as one ages can be the most important thing to hold onto.
Sometimes I feel like, Wheres that spark? I just dont have that anymore, she said. I dont, but thats OK. Its actually a relief not to have that as much.
Indeed, Tomei hasnt kept her meditation practices secret from the world. In fact, shes always been happy to share some of her age-defying secrets with fans.
Moving meditation, like dance meditation, makes me feel at home in my skin; it helps me on a spiritual, mental, and, ultimately, physical level, she told Vogue magazine in 2017.
Age has also brought her more confidence onscreen, especially when it comes to showing skin, as she told InStyle magazine that same year.
"I felt more confident being naked on screen as I got older, and I was glad I didnt do it when I was younger," she explained at the time. "With the things that people say, its easier when you get older to go: Thats their projection, not me. It comes back to the word projection what people want from me and trying to make everyone feel that."
And that's not all that's changed with age, as Tomei says that with more life experience comes wisdom.
"The drive is still there," she told InStyle. "I still have lots of passion for what I do, and I want to keep doing it, and that requires putting some elbow grease into the business aspect of it. But I also find that lately, I feel like I can say: I am who I am. Im more comfortable. I have so many interests, and making a mark is not really at the top of that."
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DARK MEDITATION To Release Polluted Temples – XS ROCK
Posted: at 2:02 am
Seattle heavy metal practitionersDARK MEDITATIONwill release theirPolluted Templesfull-length via Satanik Royalty Records on January 28th, today unveiling the records first single, artwork, and preorders.DARK MEDITATIONmay hail from Seattle, but their sound is steeped in traditions associated with other corners of the globe Englands working-class cities, frosty Scandinavian towns, Southern California meccas of the 80s. Or as the band puts it,DARK MEDITATIONsounds like the bastard amalgamation of Venom and Judas Priest fighting it out on the Sunset Strip while Danzig and King Diamond cheer them on. While such reference points may suggest a nexus of evil kitsch and arena-level theatrics, the bands debut albumPolluted Templescomes from a place of down-and-out urgency and punk ethics, adopting the gloomy anthems and riff worship of heavy metal titans for their sonic exorcisms rather than their rock n roll panache. Its an album that basks in big hooks, righteous guitar work, and an arena-level stomp without compromising any grit, grime, or guts.
Polluted Templeswill be released on LP and digital formats. Find physical preorders atTHIS LOCATIONand digital preordersHERE.
Polluted TemplesTrack Listing:1. Horus Rising (Prelude)2. Babalon.Money.Magick3. Haunt Of Fear4. Strange Caress (Of The Night)5. Masters Coil6. Desolation Days7. The Howling Wild8. Drink Of The Blade9. Nocturnal Forever10.
Polluted TemplesOriginally conceived by vocalist A.D. Vick, guitarist Rane, and guitarist/synth player Ian as a recording project intended to provide personal catharsis,DARK MEDITATIONcame to serve as a crucial artistic outlet for the entire five-piece band a salve during trying times. Along with compatriots JW Mullett (bass), and Will Klintberg (drums), the founding trio poured four years of blood, sweat, and equity intoPolluted Temples, though the inner-band relationships go back even further. The members ofDARK MEDITATIONall cut their teeth and crossed paths in various niches of the underground, churning out visceral and vitriolic bangers in acts like Emeralds (SEA), O.S.S., R.I.P., and Wildildlife. A punk ethos permeated their earlier acts, and while they may have excised some of that primitivism in their current project, the members ofDARK MEDITATIONhave not skimped on the aural punishment and physical intensity.Recorded over two weeks during Seattles record-breaking heatwave of June 2021 by Matt Bayles (Mastodon, The Sword, Soundgarden),Polluted Templesis the culmination of nearly half a decades worth of work. Not only does it represent a triumph over recent adversities, it serves as a negation of ingrained prejudices and social mores. Most of our songs deal with personal consequences of our actions and how it effects the world around us, Vick says of his lyrics. But there is also the looming specter of evangelical Christianity that I was brought up in and trying to break away from the dogmatic concepts that were pushed upon me in childhood.These themes are displayed on songs like Haunt Of Fear, where Vick explores the idea of the devil as an invented boogeyman used to govern by fear and instill hatred in the populace while the band lays down a thunderous foundation of first-wave black metal riffage, wailing pinch harmonics, and dueling guitar solos. On a similar tip, the albums title tracka perfect blend of melodic gloom and pounding force bolstered by synth-colored choruses and heroic guitarsuses the biblical metaphor of the body as a temple to examine how physical pleasure-seeking turns people inward and away from the rest of humanity. This kind of social commentary manifests in the relentless chug of Babalon.Money.Magick, where the increasing disparity between the haves and have-nots is reflected Seattles new construction and tent cities. And it pops up again in the mid-tempo death rock strut of Desolation Days, where manipulative institutions and power-hungry people are brought to task for valuing the dollar over human lives.Ultimately,DARK MEDITATIONs true power lies in their razor-sharp musicianship, addictive songwriting, and fist-pumping instrumentation. Its no small wonder that the bands early demos warranted an official release by Austrias boutique black metal label Doctrina Carnis before theyd even played their first live show.Polluted Templesmarks a substantial progression in both performance and production, and with that evolution comes the requisite support of a strong stateside label. [Bio by Brian Cook] ForDARK MEDITATIONcoverage contactliz@earsplitcompound.com.http://www.facebook.com/Darkmeditationhttp://www.instagram.com/darkmeditation206http://www.satanikroyaltyrecords.comhttp://www.facebook.com/satanikroyaltyrecordshttp://www.twitter.com/recordssatanikhttp://www.instagram.com/satanikroyaltyrecords
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Music and Meditation: How to reduce stress – The Music Universe.
Posted: at 2:02 am
In todays fast-paced world, stress has become one of the most common issues faced by people. It has many causes, some of which are work, studies, difficult relationships and more. Before you learn how to manage stress, you should be able to recognize it. So lets give definition to this term!
Stress is an overwhelming feeling of emotional or physical tension that is not possible to control. In fact, its a normal human reaction to changes or challenges in the environment. Stress occurs when one is unable to cope with specific demands and events. But in some cases, it may become a chronic condition. When stressed, the body produces larger quantities of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine, which leads to the following physical reactions: increased blood pressure, sweating, muscle tension and alertness.
Its impossible to completely avoid stress in our lives. However, you can reduce its frequency and intensity. If the biggest source of your stress is work, then you should do your best to maintain a work-life balance. Try not to take too many responsibilities and delegate your duties when possible. Its very important for your mental health not to stay at work until late at night and stick to your schedule. Overworking inevitably results in stress, so dont exceed the number of hours set by your employer.
Another big source of stress is studies. If you are a student, you may struggle with numerous assignments, regular assessments and hard exams. College life is very demanding, so you need to make much effort to keep up with everything. Luckily, there is a great solution that can make studying easier. You can turn to so-called assignment writing companies and ask them for help. Professional writers working there will complete a paper in any subject for you. Whats more, there are a lot of essay examples on their official websites. You can access them absolutely for free, just quickly choose one essay about stress in our life to see how it works. Why do you need those examples? Well, you can learn a perfect essay structure from them and use it in your own work. Paper samples also provide you with useful terms and phrases for your home assignment.
Its a well-known fact that music as well as meditation have many great benefits for stress management and mental health. Furthermore, listening to music, if done properly, can be a kind of meditation itself. Actually, you can take any activity, including walking or even washing the dishes, and make them a meditation by adding more awareness. This way, any experience can become richer and more satisfying.
Listening meditation can be a very powerful practice. If you consider the experience of so-called dhyanas or jhanas, which are calm, focused and blissful states of meditation, you may realize that you feel the same while listening to your favorite music. So why not treat music as a meditation object?
Music has a profound effect on both our feelings and body. For example, fast music usually makes us feel more alert and helps to concentrate better, while upbeat music makes us feel more positive and optimistic. Music with a slower tempo quiets the mind and relaxes muscles, so we can feel soothed and less stressed.
Research confirms that music is effective for relaxation and stress management. According to some studies, tracks with 60 beats per minute help the brain synchronize with them. As a result, the brain functions on alpha waves, which are frequencies from 8 to 14 hertz per second that promote relaxation. Whats more, music can induce sleep by causing delta brainwaves of 5 hertz. Scientists say that listening to music changes brain functioning nearly to the same extent as medication. But to achieve positive results, one needs to devote at least 45 minutes to this practice.
Surprising enough, Celtic, Native American and Indian music has the most powerful effect. Various stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are extremely effective when it comes to relaxing the mind. Also, different nature sounds, such as rain, thunder and bird singing, may be relaxing. Its especially nice when they are mixed with other genres, like light jazz and classics.
Since we dont count beats while listening to music, how to choose tracks that have a relaxing effect? The answer is completely up to you because you must first like the music being played. So start exploring different types of music and see what works best. Never force yourself to pick relaxation music that irritates you as it will only create additional tension.
See the article here:
Music and Meditation: How to reduce stress - The Music Universe.