Parents need some help with their navigation

Posted: June 3, 2012 at 7:11 pm

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AS TECHNOLOGY blurs the boundaries between the classroom and the home, parents have a vital role to play in their children's online education - but not all of them feel up to the task.

A survey has found that 87 per cent of Australian parents say their children use the internet at least weekly for homework, research or educational games, but 45 per cent have not been able to help their children resolve problems using the internet.

The survey of more than 1000 parents with children aged 5 to 17 was commissioned by NBN Co and its results were released yesterday. It found 74 per cent of parents of primary school students were more confident than their children about using the internet, but that proportion fell to 47 per cent among parents of children at high school.

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Philip Argy, of the NSW Parents' Council state executive, said parents had a vital role to play in helping their children's online learning.

''Many parents do not feel up to that task and part of our work is to help parents to understand the important role internet-connected learning has in their child's education, instead of being sidelined through technology mysticism,'' he said.

Schools and websites were increasingly offering advice for parents wanting to help their children navigate online, Mr Argy said. Ninety-four per cent of parents surveyed for the report agreed that having high speed internet at home was important for their children's education.

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Parents need some help with their navigation

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Written by admin |

June 3rd, 2012 at 7:11 pm

Posted in Online Education

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