Online Education | University of South Carolina

Posted: March 15, 2019 at 4:46 pm

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We offer bachelor's degree completion programs through Palmetto College, and our graduate school offers online graduate degree programs in education, engineering, health information technology and public health. You'll find a variety of individual online courses as well.

Many individual courses are also available online. Some require you to sign into a class at a set time; others are accessible on demand.The Distributed Learning Course Guide provides a detailed list of current courses.*

Palmetto College brings together the resources of the entire University of South Carolina system to combine the quality of a USC degree with the flexibility of online learning. Students who have earned at least 60 hours of college credit and meet degree grade point requirements can pursue a range of bachelor's degrees online.

Access an innovative, 12-month RN to B.S.N. online degree program designed for registered nurses who want to advance professionally. The interdisciplinary programof 100 percent online course work will prepare and empower you for the future of health care.

Our online graduate degree programs are designed to bring you the same quality and rich academic experience that our on-campus students enjoy. This flexible, affordable format allows you topursue advanced studieswhile you continue to devote time and energy to growth in your professional and personal life.

* Students taking online courses may be required to be proctored during online test completion. If students are unable to attend test proctoring sessions in person at the Testing Center, additional fees may apply for online test proctoring if the course requires online testing.

Our online graduate education programs are ranked No. 15 in the nation according to U.S. News & World Report (2015).

$1.2 millionComingback to school can changeyour life. According to a recentstudy by the Darla MooreSchool of Business, onaverage, over a lifetime,individuals with bachelor'sdegrees earn $1.2 millionmore than those whocompleted high school.

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Online Education | University of South Carolina

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Written by admin |

March 15th, 2019 at 4:46 pm

Posted in Online Education

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