Online Education Degrees – Kaplan University

Posted: January 22, 2016 at 1:40 pm

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Advancing Your Goals in Education School of Education Features Championing Education Initiatives Pathway to Certification

Many programs in the School of Education are offered in 6-week terms that allow you to complete your degree at a pace that works well with your schedule. Youll be able to expand your knowledge and apply it directly to your current working environment as you progress through your degree program.

Our collaborative learning environment encourages students and faculty to share and discuss their experiences and best practices so you can connect and integrate them into your current workplace. As an online institution, we also believe that technology helps broaden opportunities and increases your reach and possibilities. Thats why we strongly encourage learners to make use of the newest technology to achieve measurable and improved results in teaching or training.

Given that environmental and personal factors play a role in employability, Kaplan Universityor any university for that mattercan never guarantee youll obtain a job or get a promotion. Some employers may also require additional certification and licensing to work in certain fields. Its best to check first with the licensing agency in your state or community.

All-Doctorate Faculty:Faculty are experts in their field with the highest-level credentialsPhD or EdD. Students in are never taught by graduate students.

Alumni Facebook Communities:All former graduate education students have access to the alumni page on Facebook. Alumni can contact former classmates, share employment successes, and more.

Operation Educate the Educators Member Organization:OurK-12 offerings are designed to train teachers to meet the special needs of military children and their families. We received official recognition as a partner organization via the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) in April, 2012.

We are proud to be among the first institutions committed to Operation Educate the Educators (OEE), a national program that encourages educators to develop school cultures that are supportive of children in military families. The School of Education adheres to the guiding principles of OEE, helping new K-12 educators meet the academic and social-emotional needs of military students and families, such as providing assistance with the challenges of transition and deployment, and establishing systems to identify and respond to their needs.

The Master of Arts in Teaching Classroom Pathways Bundle is a unique enrollment package for students looking to become certified in specific states. As a student participating in this pathway, you'll have the opportunity to become certified in specific states upon successfully completing the degree and passing the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (American Board) examinations. American Board program resources and examination costs are included in the price of tuition for the Classroom Pathways Bundle; one less thing to think about on your path to becoming a certified teacher.

Upon acceptance into the Classroom Pathways Bundle program, students will enter the Master of Arts in Teaching program and have access to the American Board Plus+ Program resources. The Master of Arts in Teaching curriculum explores secondary teaching and learning principles, while the American Board resources are designed to prepare students to sit for the pedagogy and subject-area exams.*

*Available in FL, ID, MS, MO, OK, PA, SC, UT, and NH. Full licensure requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change; students must check with the American Board at for certification and state requirements. Prior to enrolling, students must confirm they are eligible for a state alternative certification program. Students are also encouraged to confirm costs, deadlines, additional fees, required approvals, residency, and continuing requirements with American Board.

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Online Education Degrees - Kaplan University

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Written by admin |

January 22nd, 2016 at 1:40 pm

Posted in Online Education

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