Local students take part in online education

Posted: March 28, 2013 at 6:45 am

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BAKERSFIELD, CA - Each morning, students head to classrooms to learn the day's lessons, but one school is providing children with the same education in a different environment. California Virtual Academies, or CAVA, allows students to learn through online classrooms, in the comfort of their own homes.

Second grade student Dinhora Ogutu is learning the same things as other kids her age, but her classroom is a little different. CAVA provides students with the same K-12 curriculum they'd have in a public school - but they access it online.

Ogutu said, "I like to learn everything at home, like I could learn everything."

"It is really school at home. We are a free and public education. So, we're transferring that public education into a home environment where you still have a credentialed teacher, you have lesson plans, we lay out the curriculum for you, it's not pick or choose," said CAVA teacher Erin Reyes.

Students must complete daily assignments and meet in a virtual classroom multiple times a week.

Reyes said parent involvement in the process is the key to the student's success. Luana Ogutu said she wanted to be able to spend more time with her daughter and know what she was learning in school.

Ogutu said, "When I was growing up I didn't have the support and when I would bring my homework home my parents didn't understand it. I just didn't want my daughter to go through that. I wanted to be part of it, I wanted to be able to explain to her, give her all the answers."

Through CAVA, she has the opportunity to facilitate the learning process at home.

CAVA provides education from kindergarten through high school. The Ogutu family says they plan to continue the program through 12th grade.

Originally posted here:
Local students take part in online education

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Written by admin |

March 28th, 2013 at 6:45 am

Posted in Online Education

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