5 Ways to Stay Positive When Facing Adversity – Thrive Global
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 4:46 pm
But I have foundthat in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positiveimpact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful andprecious. And for that I am grateful.
~ Elizabeth Edwards ~
Have youever had one of those days where it seems that the world is one big pigeon,just waiting to crap on your front steps? Sure, we all have. Then someone comesalong and tells you to keep positive. You feel like strangling them on thespot. While our mind is telling us we should be positive, our feelingsare screaming at us to tell the world where to stick it. Regardless ofhow we feel however, we realize that it will not do us any good to continue tohave our own pity party and we need to move on.
There arethings we can do, that will help us turn our attitude around, brighten our dayand shorten our stay in a negative state the next time it seems the world isout to get us.
Here are 5 things we can do.
Step away and get a reality check
When we arein a negative state, we have a tendency to see problems as greater than theyare, overreact and see trappings in a situation that really dont exist. Thiscauses the position and problem to snowball and get worse. Ask yourselfthis question, Is there anything I can do at this time to keep the problemfrom getting worse? Or, How could thisproblem have been worse than it is? This may help us to see there is somelight at the end of the tunnel. If we feel stuck in negativity we can asksomeone we trust to give us their perspective. As they are not caught upemotionally in the problem as we are, they will be able to see in a clearer andunbiased manner.
Look for a positive and focus on it
When youhave just found out some bad news it will not be easy to focus on somethingpositive. Try to shift your thinking, however, away from the negative toa situation that has gone well, good ones or something that has brought you joyand happiness in the past. If it makes it easier just try to think of somethingneutral. Do whatever it takes to shift your focus. At the time ofreceiving bad news it may feel you are the only one who is having a difficulttime. The life stories of most highly successful people will usuallyinclude at least one chapter on overcoming tragedies and failures. Remindyourself of this next time things have gone off the rails for you.Nietzsche said that What doesnt kill us will make us stronger. Peoplewho have survived adversity and gone on to better their lives believe this andlook back on their difficult times with a sense of pride for having overcomethem.
Look past the situation
Think ofdifficult situations that you have been through in your past.Become aware that this too will pass. Try to imagine what it will be like ayear, five years or ten years from now looking back on this time. It willhelp us focus on doing the difficult work that we need to do to get through acrisis, while at the same time giving us perspective that this is only onething in our ongoing lives. This helps keep us from getting overwhelmed by ourpresent negative situation or events.
Ask for and accept help
Successfulpeople have a strong support network that they can count on to support them intimes of need. If you have such a network, this is the time to reach outand ask for help. Knowing when we need help and asking for it is a signof strength, not of weakness. We feel good when we are able to helpothers, so let others experience that same feeling by being able to help us in timesof need. Support networks dont happen by accident, they are built upover time with effort and consistency. The way to develop a strongsupport network is to be part of such a network by offering and helping othersfreely in times of need. What we put out to others comes back to usmultiplied. If you dont have an immediate support network, or haverecently moved to an area where you dont know anyone, there are organizationsin the community whose purpose it is to offer support in your situation.Reach out to them in difficult times.
Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
Everymorning, before I start my day I have a gratitude book in which I write in atleast ten things which I am grateful for. When Im having a bad day, togo back to that list helps me and I become aware of all the good there are inmy life. Developing an awareness of all the positives and rememberingthem is a powerful tool that helps us overcome adversity and the difficulttimes that are an inevitable part of life. While remembering all thethings we have to be grateful for is a good practice in our everyday lives, itis especially important during difficult times.
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5 Ways to Stay Positive When Facing Adversity - Thrive Global
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